#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share an old article
“Triathlete Goes The Distance Endurance Rider September 26, 1991”
The newspaper article from 1991 is about finishing my first full Ironman Triathlon 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run. My first attempt in 1990 was a DNF Did Not Finish as had to call quits 13 miles into the 26.2 mile run. I was only about 21 years old and 22 years old when I did them.
I had to stop doing triathlons in about 1995 as I could not keep up with the expense but did love to race.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that he is glad he was able to run in the Wolfpit Running Club 40th Annual Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon, Sunday, October 2, 2016. As this would be the last time that two great Wolfpit Running Club members would co-direct this race Rick Favier and John Dugdale. My first Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon dates back all the way to 1989. I did miss a few years in-between 1989-2016. This also would be my first half marathon since I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches. So since I couldn’t race 2013-2014-2015 I was still able to volunteer for the race. My first Marathon dates back to 1986. Marathon de Paris International Marathon de Paris 1986 with the Proselec Delacquis Demenagements Clamart, France Running Club which I think was apart of Etudes et Productions Schlumberger 92140 Clamart France since my father was transferred there with the family and I 1984 through 1986 from Schlumberger-Doll Research SDR Ridgefield, Connecticut. I have a handful of marathons and half marathon, bike races, triathlons, Ironman distance triathlons to Ultra-Marathons under my belt. I do not bike race and or do triathlons as I could not keep up with the ever raising cost of a race bike and or triathlon bike. As everything even the cost to race has gone up. A lot different then when I had used to do it mid 1980’s to about the mid 1990’s
I have volunteered at the New York Road Runners (NYRR) #NYRR #TCSNewYorkCityMarathon #NewYorkCityMarathon TCS New York City Marathon since 2009,2010,2013, 2014, 2015 . 2016 will mark my 6th year volunteering for the New York City Marathon doing Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Communications for the event. 2015 mark the first year working at mile 23 as past years working at mile 24. I have never had a opportunity to run race in The New York City Marathon as of yet.
Volunteering at the #NYRR #TCSNYCMARATHON TCS New York City Marathon November 1st 2015 . The above Professional photo taken by Robert Eilets — at TCS NYC Marathon Mile 23. Thank You
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut #nycmarathon #2016 @nycmarathon 2016 TCS New York City Marathon for my 6th year in doing the important race communications via ham radio amateur radio at mile 23 again.
I have volunteered at the New York Road Runners (NYRR) #NYRR #TCSNewYorkCityMarathon #NewYorkCityMarathon TCS New York City Marathon since 2009,2010,2013, 2014, 2015 . 2016 marks my 6th year volunteering for the New York City Marathon doing Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Communications for the event. 2015 mark the first year working at mile 23 as past years working at mile 24. I have never had a opportunity to run race in The New York City Marathon as of yet.
Being that I’m a former marathon and ultra-marathon and ironman distance triathlete I understand what it is like competing in these events. And sometimes the pain and suffering it takes to be able to finish one of these events. And maybe in 2017 I might be able to run in the New York City Marathon myself. But currently in recovery since a achilles partial tear and my achilles surgery on July 17th 2014, Been doing marathons since 16 years old might have contributed to this tear,
Thomas pictured here working the packet pick-up on Friday 30th September and Saturday 1st October 2016 at The Ridgefield Running Company in Ridgefield, Connecticut
A newspaper article on the Wolfpit Running Club Wolfpitters run in close-knit circle April 7th 1992 Thomas Q Kimball in the center with the Brooks T-Shirt
Thomas Kimball in photo with fellow Wolfpit Running Club member John Dugdale and Thomas’s father Chris Kimball also a earlier days member. My father had meet up with some of the runners of the Wolfpit Running Club
I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches.
The different stages of cast I had on my right achilles starting in 2013 with just a hard cast (red) to and airiest (mid photo) to finally having surgery in 2014 (different type of cast on last photo)
Thomas Kimball at what I think this was the 1990 Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon - Wolfpit Running Club #132
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut 30th Annual Wolfpit Half Marathon Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon - Wolfpit Running Club Postcard with pictures on it
Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon - Wolfpit Running Club 1994
Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon - Wolfpit Running Club 1994
1997 Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon 137 Thomas Kimball 1:35:50
Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon 2007
Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon 2009
15 | 90 | 104 | Tom Kimball | M | 40 | 290 | 1:41:57 |
Ridgefield Pamby Motors Half Marathon, 2006
Some of the old shirts of the Ridgefield Pamby Motors Half Marathon - 1989,1990,1992,1997,1998, 2000 took photos of them but unfortunately I don't have the shirts anymore.
Volunteering for the 38th Annual Ridgefield Pamby Motors Half Marathon, Sunday October 5, 2014, Wolfpit Running Club
Thomas Q Kimball with the SWSC Sheeler Winton Swim Club 1970's
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut was a member of The Sheeler Winton Swim Club in Miami, Florida 1971-1979 As it was truly a great place to swim.
International School Of Paris Class Picture 1984-1985-1986
Thomas running around Stade suffren Paris
International School Of Paris Physical Education Certificate Of Merit International School of Paris 8th Olympic Sports 1984
Certificat de grade yellow kyu 5th International School Of Paris 1985 Rajasooriar E Joseph was the chief instructor martial arts
URKUNDE (German for Certificate) Laterns den 3.2.86 SCHISCHULE-LATERNS-FURX
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut USA Paris Givre 1985 Certificat de Parallelisme Challenge Au Vieux Campeur La Station de ski de la pesse 30 km 6 hours 2 minutes 28
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut USA Paris Givre 1986 Certificat de Parallelisme Challenge Au Vieux Campeur La Station de ski de la pesse 30 km 4 hours 33 minutes 52

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut USA hiking österreich Austria alps
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut Sound Cyclists Bicycle Club Bloomin Metric Century VI May 15th 1983 About age 14 years old when I did this.
Bloomin' Metric 100km 1983 1st 62.14 mile bike tour
My Passion was with cycling and swimming and running and doing triathlons and bike racing. Also hiking and skiing. And maybe one day I’ll be back working in the Bicycle Cycle industry again. I hope one day able to go back to Paris, France but doubful as everyone else in my family has been back once. I had enjoyed living in Paris, France in 1984 1985 1986 but we had to come back to the United States. Having a learning disability didn’t help matters as the school only had a extra help class so made it difficult as the International School of Paris follows the British curriculum International Baccalaureate World School; offer all three IB programs (PYP, MYP and IB Diploma). Plus my father’s contact with Etudes et Productions Schlumberger 92140 Clamart France was up after 2 and half years but I think might have been able to extend.
So after 2 1/2 years in Paris we moved back to Redding, CT even though I’m pretty sure my father might have been able to extend his contact to stay. But I was failing at school. My sister found the International School of Paris to easy and or not challenging and went off to go to the Marymount International School, Paris in Paris, France. So within the family became both challenging academically and athletically. As well as obtaining grants and scholarships.
My Bernard Hinault La Vie Claire Look Terraillon Sports Card Postcard unfortunately has a crack in it do to trying to get out of being stuck to a photo album. I had collected this when I lived in Paris, France 1984-1986 I wish there was away to fix this or get another copy of this Bernard Hinault La Vie Claire Look Terraillon Sports Card
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut
Greg Lemond World Champion Renault-Elf-Gitane Sports Card Postcard
Laurent Fignon Renault-Elf-Gitane Sports Card Postcard
Francesco Moser Mexico City km 51,151 23/1/1984 Diadora Scarpe Campioni In Tutti GLI Sport Sports Card Postcard
Team La Vie Claire-Wonder-Radar 1986 Bernard Hinault Etrangers: Steve Bauer, Andrew Hampsten, Roy Knickman,Greg Lemond
Miroir du Cyclisme Guide Du Tour 84
Miroir du Cyclisme Tour 85 ( Bernard Hinault,Greg Lemond )
Miroir du Cyclisme Tour 86 ( Bernard Hinault,Greg Lemond )
Sprint Special Tour 86 ( Bernard Hinault,Greg Lemond )
Le journal L'Equipe Lundi 28 Juillet 1986
Le Tour Du Nouveau Mode 1986 Tour de France
Le journal L'Equipe Samedi 26, Dimanche 27 Juillet 1986
Un Americain A Paris 1986 Tour de France ( but not the only American racing at the time see below )
Lemond devriat Fait etre demain le premier Américain a Enlever le Tour de France.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut USA ACBB Cyclisme
Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
As mention in the above Notable international cyclists that started with the club include Stephen Roche, Phil Anderson, Robert Millar, Paul Kimmage, Sean Yates, Seamus Elliott,Jacques Boyer, Graham Jones, Jaan Kirsipuu, and Paul Sherwen.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut USA ACBB Cyclisme
Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut standing in front of the front doors of his apartment building at 1 Place de Breteuil, 75007 Paris, France at the 7eme 7e arrondissement de Paris on the third floor During 1984-1985-1986. I miss Paris, France a lot and wish I would have the opportunity to one day return. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to afford ever seeing Paris again.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut USA ACBB Cyclisme
Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
My Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt ACBB Cyclisme Team Members
KIMBALL Thomas ( United States )
LE LAY Patrick
LORAND Stephane
LOPES Antonio
MOREL Christian
Prix des Pompiers 11 Mai 1986 4eme et Juniors Racing-Club De Versailles Versailles Sportif Liste Des Engages Kimball Thomas is listed as number # 9 Junior 1 Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt A.C.B.B.
C.S.M.C. Club Sportif Municipal de Clamart Clamart le 8 Juin 1986
Prix du Comite Des Fetes
Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt I'm listed #46 Kimball Thomas J1
KIMBALL Thomas (Etats-Unis)
USCM Union Sportive Du Canton De Magny En Vexin
Prix Des Associations De Magny En Vexin
Dimanche 1er Juin 1986
A.C.B.B Billancourt
128 Kimball Thomas J1
KIMBALL Thomas (Etats-Unis)
A.C.S.C L' Amical Club Sportif Cormeillais Section Cycliste
Sous Le Patronage de La Municipalite
Le Prix Du Conseil Municipal
A.C.B.B 73 Kimball T J1
KIMBALL Thomas (Etats-Unis)
l'ACBB cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt A.C.B.B
l'ACBB cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt A.C.B.B
Sections Cyclisme M.G. Leroy
47 Boulevard Jean Jaurès, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut USA Athletique Club de Boulogne Billancourt Merlin-Plage Cycles Gitane Infomation
I guess I was not the only American (Etats-Unis) on the racing for ACBB. But I was only a Junior.
A Christopher Ghiorse and Greg S Cravets and I guess Ghiorse and a Reeve where new arrivees to the team under the Directeurs Sportifs Claude Escalon. Where also Americans on this great team
Cyclisme Le Point Sur 85 Meilleur Amateur Francais 1985 PHILIPP Jean-Jacques Vainqueur de la Palme d or Merlin Plage 1985
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut USA l'ACBB cyclisme
Bike racing for Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt A.C.B.B. Cyclisme 1986 Junior 1 Merlin Plage
My Membre Actif 1985-1986 Section Cyclisme 09 ACBB Athletic Club de Boulogne Billencourt ACBB Cyclisme Le Prsident de la Section Leroy Gerard Le President General Perbos Jean-Pierre No 921673
Président : Philippe Leroy Philippe Leroy Cycles La Gazelle the offical bike shop of the ACBB Athletic Club de Boulogne Billencourt ACBB Cyclisme Philippe Leroy Locataire-Gerant
The 1986 Tour de France Prologue statrted in Boulogne Billencourt which the route was in front of Cycles La Gazelle which was great.,
A American racing for Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt A.C.B.B. Cyclisme France
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut USA ACBB Cyclisme
Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut USA
United States Cycling Federation USCF 1986 Amateur Racing License as this was the United States Cycling Federation USCF 1986 International License Philip Voxland was the president of the USCF then. As can be seen my old address 1 Place de Breteuil 75007 Paris, France
United States Cycling Federation USCF and Federation Francaise de Cyclisme FFC Stickers
Where I used to practice with other cyclists when I had lived in Paris. Circuit cycliste Hippodrome de Longchamp. And where I heard about A.C.B.B.
Autographs of the American 7-Eleven Cycling Team 1986 Tour de France
Alcala, Bob Roll, Davis Phinney, Chris Carmichael, Alex Stieda All autographs where done before the prologue Tour de France 1986 at Boulogne-Billancourt where the ACBB cyclisme had there bike store Cycles La Gazelle
1986 Tour de France Winner Greg Lemond Autograph My Autograph of Greg Lemond 1986 Tour de France
1986 Tour de France Vainqueur Greg Lemond Autograph mon autographe de Greg Lemond 1986 Tour de France
My Autograph of Andrew Hampsten ( Andy Hampsten ) 1986 Tour de France
My Autograph of Davis Phinney 1986 Tour de France
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut7-Eleven Cycling Team Collection
The 7-Eleven cycling team list for 1986. Which includes people like Chris Carmichael, Alexi Grewal and Davis Phinney to name a few,
My Autographs of the 7 Eleven Cycling Team 1986 Tour de France., I got to meet the 1986 7 Eleven Cycling Team as I was living in Paris and bike racing as a Junior for the ACBB Athletic Club de Boulogne Billencourt ACBB Cyclisme 1986 as prologue of the Tour de France started in 92 Boulogne
My 1988 7 Eleven Cycling 88 Pro Team Group Photo-Poster and my 7 Eleven 1989 Pro Cycling Team Photo-Poster
My 1988 Letter from the 7-Eleven Cycling Team The South Club, Inc. Waukesha,WI from James L.Ochowicz General Manager
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut had gone to United Bicycle Institute Bicycle Mechanics School I Went here in 1995 for both basic repair and shop operation and advance bike mechanics student ID # 952109.
1995-20 Professional Repair and Shop Operation September 11-September 22, 1995
1995-21 Advanced Mechanics September 25-September 29, 1995
Thomas is the person in the Cannondale Jersey.
My work as a bike mechanic didn’t last long in the shop I was working at when I had come back to Connecticut that I was to slow in building the bikes so that career had ended even with all the money that my family had spent to send me there. But maybe one day might enjoy getting back into the bike cycling industry and maybe work part-time at a bike shop.
Barnett's Manual : Analysis and Procedures for Bicycle Mechanics Second Edition by John Barnet
Sutherland's Handbook For Bicycle Mechanics 6th ed 20th Anniversary. bicycle ... Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics by Howard Sutherland [6th Edition 1995].
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut at The Coors Light Biathlon Series Boston, MA Massachusetts 1990
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut at The Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 1986
This is what the start of the Mairie De Paris Marathon de Paris Marathon de Paris, Paris, France. Depart 1986 Look Liked
Memories of the Marathon de Paris 1986
Souvenirs du Marathon de Paris 1986
Thomas Kimball WA8UNS of Ridgefield,CT USA Pre Marathon de Paris International Marathon de Paris 1986 with the Proselec Delacquis Demenagements Clamart, France Running Club which I think was apart of Etudes et Productions Schlumberger 92140 Clamart France
Marathon de Paris Marathon de Paris, Paris, France. Dimanche 4 Mai 1986
Marathon de Paris Marathon de Paris, Paris, France. Diplome
The Paris International Marathon (French: Marathon International de Paris) Dimanche 4 Mai 1986
Le Marathon International de Paris (français: Marathon International de Paris) Dimanche 4 Mai 1986
Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 1986
Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 1986
Les 20 Kilometres de Paris 1985
20 Kilometres de Paris 1985
13 Octobre 1985
20 Kilometers de Paris A.S.C. Air Perrier Adidas La Hutte Inter Sport La Poste RTL
Ridgefield, CT Ridgefield Y-Athlon August 28th 1988
The Third Annual Ridgefield Family Y-Athlon
Thomas Q Kimball first Triathlon 19 years old
Ridgefield, CT Ridgefield Y-Athlon Août 28th 1988
La troisième famille Ridgefield annuel Y-Athlon
Thomas Q Kimball premier Triathlon 19 ans
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut Bud Light United States Triathlon Series (USTS)
Bud Light United States Triathlon Series
Just found this old treasure fond memories of a great race ! Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island November 5, 1989 Race Poster
Official Race Shirt Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island November 5, 1989
The Bud Light USTS United States Triathlon Series 1989 Baltimore's Triathlon Shirt
U.S Triathlon Series Bud Light Cat Sports Inc. USTS and CAT Sports Sticker
Remembering the Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island 1989.
A few of the pros here that is Scott Molina and
Jan Ripple and Karen Smyers in the background remember this is 1989 and I had just finished high school then class of 1989.
Wearing my NTTC National Triathlon Training Camp CoolMax Singlet
Bud Light US Triathlon Series National Championship 1989
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island November 5, 1989
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Derby Savings Bank 1991 Connecticut Triathlon Series Overall Place 58 out of 1545 In divison M 20-24 Placed 8 out 134 Derby Biathlon, Orange Biathlon, Milford Triathlon, Griskus Triathlon, Chucks Triathlon, Litchfield Biathlon.
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island November 5, 1989
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Derby Savings Bank 1991 Connecticut Triathlon Series Overall Place 58 out of 1545 In divison M 20-24 Placed 8 out 134 Derby Biathlon, Orange Biathlon, Milford Triathlon, Griskus Triathlon, Chucks Triathlon, Litchfield Biathlon.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his experience with the Bud Light U.S Triathlon Series Baltimore Maryland 1989. Bud Light USTS Baltimore Maryland 1989
Thomas is in the Bud Light USTS had and Scott Tinley Swim Suit Classmate Thomas Barnaby Tom Barnaby who lives in Springfield, MO took the pictures. It has been along time since I have seen Tom. He had taken some other Triathlon photos for me as well. A good friend Thanks Tom ! The orange VW Bus in one of the pictures was Tom's Parents we got to use for the trip to Baltimore. Thanks. I miss the VW Bus it was nice. As I write this yes I just found my old Joel Barlow High School Class of 1989 Friend Tom Barnaby and yes living in Springfield, MO. Great talking to you.
I had just finished high school at Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT Connecticut class of 1989
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his experience with the Bud Light U.S Triathlon Series New England 1989. Bud Light USTS New England July 16, 1989 I had just finished high school at Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT Connecticut class of 1989
I was using my first Cannondale Race Bike that my father had bought me in 1988 when Cannondale Bicycle Corporation when it was in Georgetown, CT and got it from Cycle Center here in Ridgefield,Connecticut. Cycle Center is no longer here in town
The Bud Light US Triathlon Series Bid 292 is from the 1990 race
United States Triathlon Series (USTS) New England 1990
Thomas at Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut swim practice 1 mile= 1 time around Lake Kenosia was able to do 4 times photo mid to late 1990's
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his experience with the Chuck's Steak House Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut United States 1988 Age 19
I was a Junior in high school at Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT Connecticut United States class of 1989
I was using my first Cannondale Race Bike that my father had bought me in 1988 when Cannondale Bicycle Corporation when it was in Georgetown, CT and got it from Cycle Center here in Ridgefield,Connecticut. Cycle Center is no longer here in town
1 Mile swim
25 mile bike
6.2 mile run
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his experience with the Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1993 Age 24
1 Mile swim
25 mile bike
6.2 mile run
Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1991
I was product sponsored by PowerBar as seen by my sweatshirt PowerBar Racing Team and I was a product tester/product sponsored with CamelBak Hydration Systems. CamelBak did a product sponsor one year for the Chuck’s East Coast Triathlon
Karen Smyers and comes to compete in the Chuck's East Coast Triathlon in September 1991. I had first meet Karen in 1989 at The Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island United States 1989.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut had finished this in 2:14:31 I had placed 123 I had my first 1st time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon on September 7th 1991
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut United States wanted to share his experience with the Chuck's Steak House Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1989 Age 20
September 17th 1989
I just finished high school at Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT Connecticut class of 1989
I was using my first Cannondale Race Bike that my father had bought me in 1988 when Cannondale Bicycle Corporation when it was in Georgetown, CT and got it from Cycle Center here in Ridgefield,Connecticut. Cycle Center is no longer here in town
1 Mile swim
25 mile bike
6.2 mile run
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Marine Corps Marathon Washington, DC 23 October 1994 Marine Corps Marathon 1994 Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Marine Corps Marathon Washington, DC 29 October 2006 Marine Corps Marathon 2006 Certificate
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut Marine Corps Marathon 1992 1993 1994 2006 patches
Marine Corps Marathon 1994
19th Marine Corps Marathon 1994
Place 4848 Time 4:00:14
Marine Corps Marathon 2006 Team USAA WA8UNS Kimball
Time 4:12:45 Overall 6024
Marine Corps Marathon 2006 Team USAA WA8UNS Thomas Kimball
I hope to be able to do the Marine Corps Marathon again someday as I was suppose to do in 2013 and have done 1992 1993 1994 and 2006 but enjoy it and visiting the Washington, DC Bowie, MD area
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his first Ironman distance triathlon attempt experience with you. Endurance Ironman Triathlon Endurance Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1990 was my first attempt at this distance
2.4 mile swim
112 mile bike
26.2 mile run
In 1990 I had done this but had to drop out 13 miles into the 26.2 mile run., I was 21 years old when I did this event 1990.
Just finishing high school at Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT 1989 a year before.
But I am proud I had a chance to do try and finished and I would in 1991. At the time I was working at Cannondale Bicycle Corporation when it was in Georgetown, CT back in 1990-1993 and Bethel Cycle and Fitness had a Triathlon Team then early 1990's
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut United States wanted to share his first Ironman distance triathlon experience with you. Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1991 was my first time to finish this event., In 1990 I had done this but had to drop out 13 miles into the 26.2 mile run., I was 22 years old when I did this event 1991.
This was my 1st time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon in 13 hours 48 minutes for the 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and the 26.2 mile run at the end., Just two years after finishing high school at Joel Barlow in Redding, CT 1989
CamelBak Hydration systems was my product sponsor for a few years as I would help to test out there products as on my first try of this distance I got very dehydrated which caused me problems. And PowerBar product sponsored me as well. But I am proud I had a chance to do and finish this type of event and distance. At the time I was working at Cannondale Bicycle Corporation when it was in Georgetown, CT back in 1990-1993 and Bethel Cycle and Fitness had a Triathlon Team then early 1990's
1991 Endurance Triathlon Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire Ironman Qualifier
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Ironman distance triathlon experience 1991 Age 22 Number # 046
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Ironman distance triathlon experience 1991 Age 22 Number # 046
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his first full Ironman 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike 26.2 mile run distance triathlon experience with you. Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1991 was my first time to finish this event., I was 22 years old when I did this event 1991. 13 hours 48 minutes
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his first full Ironman 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike 26.2 mile run distance triathlon experience with you. Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1991 was my first time to finish this event., I was 22 years old when I did this event 1991. 13 hours 48 minutes
Esprit Ironman Distance Esprit Triathlon de Montreal 1993
I had finished the 2.4 mile swim
I had finsihed the 112 mile bike
I had started the 26.2 mile run but ran into difficults and had to stop before the end of race.
Maratha's Marathas Vineyard Endurance Ironman Triathlon 1994 my last Ironman Triathlon since now I can't afford a bike anymore., I was 25 years old at the time in 1994.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his second Ironman distance triathlon experience with you.
This was my 2nd time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon for the 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and the 26.2 mile run at the end., This was apart of the Maratha's Vineyard Traithlon Festival September 17th 1994. martha's vineyard endurance triathlon
I was only 25 years old in 1994
CamelBak Hydration systems and PowerBar and Excell was my product sponsor After 1994 I would never compete in anymore Triathlons
April 1998 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultramarathons weather cold and monsoonal rains and snow showers Charl Mattheus had joined us that year 1998.
Autographed Card from Charl Mattheus
Offical Results 1998 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultras 4-26/1998
My 2nd one 50km placed 14th out of 36 Age 28 time 5:04:10 Remember the weather conditions weather cold and monsoonal rains and snow showers
Offical Results 2001 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultras 5:12:54 PLACE 12 TOM KIMBALL
2003 Lake Waramaug Results:
T.Kimball Age 33 Time 5:12:31 for 50km
Thomas Kimball WA8UNS of Ridgefield,CT in the 2008 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultra Marathon ultramarathon my last one attended. 50km 31.1 miles 5:37:19
Jack Bristol's Lake Waramaug Ultras
38th Annual Jersey Shore Half Marathon 2010
Triathlete Goes The Distance Endurance Rider September 26, 1991
Triathlete Loves Challenge August 31st 1989
Kimball finishes second ultramarathon 1998
Kimball competes in Ironman Triathlon 1994
Results from 2001 Dutchess County Classic Half Marathon 1:37:22 84 Thomas Kimball Age 32
Fairfield Half Marathon 587 Thomas Kimball Age 24 West Redding 1:41:00
Fairfield Half Marathon 1997 1998 2001 2008
Stratton Faxon Fairfield Road Races 2008
Fairfield Half Marathon And 5K 2001
Fairfield Road Races - Half Marathon & 5K 1998
42 | 346 | 384 | Thomas Kimball | M | 28 | 1:36:24 |
Fairfield Road Races - Half Marathon 1997
3Rd Annual Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Half-Marathon 2007
Danbury-News-Times 10km Connecticut Classic 1988 675 Kimball Thomas 47:46
Danbury-News-Times 10km Connecticut Classic 1989 446 Kimball Thomas 45:40
Boston Buildup XIII 10km January 6th 1991 Rowayton, CT
Just notice an old friend from Redding, CT listed a Mr. Tom Haughney ( Wolfpit Running Club Ridgefield, CT Members have the * before there name ) My time Tom Kimball 47:02
Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS from Ridgefield, Connecticut United States running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race
Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race 2013
I wanted to share some photos of
“Newtown Police Union Team” running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon or 5K.
Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race
April 7th 2013. This team is made up of police, fire and medical personnel from around the state. Proud to have been a member of this team.
I wanted to share his experience at The Sandy Hook Run for the Families a HMF Events (Hartford Marathon Foundation) Hartford Connecticut Saturday - March 23, 2013.
Many Thanks to all those volunteers that help to make this event possible. It was a emotional start and event. And great to see those people that came togther for this event.
Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28. Recently signed up for the Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race Half Marathon to help support the The Newtown Police Union and to run with The “Newtown Police Union Team” on April 7th 2013. A little soon for me doing a half marathon but should be able to handle it.
Sandy Hook Run for the Families 2013
25 | 259 | 339 | M | 43 | 7915 |
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share volunteering for Sandy Hook 5k race packet pick up Friday April 1st 2016 and also running in the Sandy Hook 5k April 2nd 2016 #loverunsthrough #sandyhook5k This was my first time running the event since I had torn my achilles in 2013. I have been doing this event since 2013 but had to miss out on 2014 and walk it in 2015.Not bad for my first running in a event since I tore my achilles in 2013 and had a achilles operation in 2014. Overall Place 153 Time 26:43 Division Place 30/150WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut wanted to share his experience at the Sandy Hook 5K for 2015People been asking about how my achilles has held up since my first 5km walk yesterday Sandy Hook 5K since my surgery last July. A little sore and the achilles feels tight due to the fact first time doing it and will always have a permanent stitch (s) in my achilles . "But happy to have finished it and have cross the finish line. Even though might have been last I was able to do itVolunteering Friday the 27th March at the Reed Intermediate School,And then taking part in the Sandy Hook 5K 2015 on Saturday 28thThe following picture from Katie. of me about to cross the finish line with newly made friends coming together to finish the journey of this years Sandy Hook 5K as the pain was worth every step as such a great cause. Number # 719
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share :
Questions I have seen on google.
How did September 11th change my life. How has your life changed since 9/11? How did the attacks of 9/11 change your life?
Since The activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. And leaving with New York Guard with Honorable Discharge July 31 2003. In some of the training I have received from people that where there at Ground Zero WTC on 9/11 in which an honor to be taught by them. I’m glad to have made these accomplishments in my training which has been continuous, as it’s always evolving in Emergency Management. Some of my training might follow some of the recommendations from the
“Create dedicated, ongoing training programs for FDNY chiefs so that they are proficient in using ICS principles during large and complex incidents involving terrorism, chemical, biological and radiological materials, and attacks to critical infrastructure.”
Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS with The New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site HHC, Army Division Enlisted in the New York Guard 29 April 2000 ETS April 2003 Promoted Staff Sergeant E-6 15 March 2003 Honorable Discharge July 31 2003 Rank Grade SSG/E6 NYG World Trade Center Incident
A Certificate of Special Recognition The New York Guard Operation World Trade Center at Camp Smith Training Site apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment
Synopsis of NYG ARDIV Duty Assignments, Task Force New York City and Task Force Liberty, 9/11/01 to 1/10/02 as seen in The Guardian Issue # 02-1 June 2002
At the time of The New York Guard activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. At Camp Smith Training Site we were at Threatcon Charlie FPCON CHARLIE apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment we where unarmed while working there at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, New York Guard Awards and Decorations include: New York State Defense of Liberty Medal 15 September 2002, as well as the New York Guard Commander’s Citation 15 August 2002From my old historical file: Military Police Unit HeadquartersNew York Guard Army DivisionCamp SmithNewsletter29 June 00
Under #6 Training A self study book is a available to all MP’s on responding to terrorism.The book FEMA/USFA/NFA-ERT:SS June 1999Emergency Response To Terrorism Self-Study U.S Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs-Bureau of Justice Assistance Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Fire Administration-National Fire Academy
Please see link below:
As seen in Fire Engineering: first responders' first line of defense in terrorism responses by Sam Hansen and Alan Veasey. This article mentions how The federal Emergency Response to Terrorism Job Aid, which is intended to be used with the Department of Transportation (DOT) Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please see link below to read article written by Kenneth O. Burris Jr. as appeared in Fire Engineering 10/01/2000
Please see link below:
From my old historical file: Military Police Unit Headquarters
New York Guard Army Division
Camp Smith
1 April 00
Under #5 Training Up date on Peace Officer Training, will be held at Camp Smith on 29 & 30 April, 6 May, 20 & 21 May.
Thomas with the two New York Guard Peace Officer Training Instructors.New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site Building 504 Peace Officer Training Group Photo. The training was April 29th and 30th and May 6th, 20th and 21st 2000 Thomas is in photo last row on the side of entry to building. Also in photo back row is friend Paul Garre also from Connecticut.Then it was a must to get and have for the class and or course was the Penal Law and Criminal Procedure Law of the State of New York. For the New York Guard for the Peace Officer Training for the Military Police Unit Headquarters New York Guard.
From my old historical file:
NYSG-COS (3025) Members Of The New York Guard
World Trade Center (9*11) Survey
Operation Trade Center and Operation Airport Security Member Survey-State of New York
The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
Night time operations The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
The New York Guard Military Police Station Provost Marshal Building 85 Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
The New York Guard Military Police Vehicle Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
A small group of The New York Guard MP Detachment was sent to due some NYG World Trade Center Incident Duty at the New York Army National Guard and the Westchester County Police Academy in Valhalla, NY