#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed IS-2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share to read more about: IS-2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions IS-2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions Also in the training shows this publication National Incident Management System Third Edition October 2017 National Incident Management System Third Edition October 2017
This article mentions high-risk/low-frequency incident which there is a great video High-Risk and Low-Frequency
by retired California Highway Patrol Captain Gordon Graham.
The EOC depends on maintaining situational awareness. Planning enables agencies’ representatives to focus on vital services to maintain the safety and well-being of the public at risk. The proper time to develop and practice an emergency operation plan (EOP) is before a community suffers a high-risk/low-frequency incident. Document the following essential functions during EOC activation to ensure a fair distribution of resources:
Please click here to see:
High Risk/Low Frequency Events in the Fire Service by Gordon Graham. We had watch this video in our class.
The Difference Between an ICP and an EOC Please see youtube video below.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share NIMS Emergency Operations Center Skillsets User Guide
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share National Incident Management System And Release of the Senior Leaders Toolkit And Release of the Refreshed NIMS Doctrine Page And also National Qualification System (NQS) EOC Skillsets and EOC Skillsets User Guide The EOC Skillsets reflect common functions performed by EOCs. EOC leaders can mix and match skillsets, combining them together to form EOC position task books that reflect the needs of their EOC. The EOC Skillsets User Guide explains what EOC Skillsets are and how to use them to construct EOC Position Task Books (PTB) And Also FEMA Releases the Senior Leaders Toolkit for Incident Response May 7, 2019 FEMA’s National Integration Center today released a Senior Leader Toolkit, a resource that both emergency management and senior leaders can use to discuss roles and responsibilities during incidents. FEMA supports the mission of strengthening the security and resilience of the nation by working to improve the ability of all to manage incidents, events, and emergencies. Senior leaders and policy makers play a critical role in incident management. This roll varies widely across the nation according to local laws and authorities. Stakeholders have asked for assistance developing materials for their senior leaders; however, FEMA understands that local personnel best understand the specific roles and responsibilities within their jurisdiction. For this reason, FEMA is releasing these documents as customizable templates, so that local emergency managers can revise them according to their local authorities and procedures. The templates in the toolkit include an Elected Officials/Senior Executives Quick Reference Guide, a Department Head Quick Reference Guide, and a NIMS Senior Leader Briefing Template.
Senior Leader Toolkit
Elected Officials / Senior Executive Quick Reference Guide
The purpose of this quick reference guide is to help elected officials and other senior executives understand their responsibilities in the initial response to an incident. These key decision makers work cooperatively with emergency management officials according to the responsibilities that the National Incident Management System (NIMS) describes. Additional information on the incident management roles of elected officials/senior executives and Multiagency Coordination Groups (MAC Groups) appears on NIMS pages 40 and 41.
Department Head Quick Reference Guide
The purpose of this quick reference guide is to help department heads understand their responsibilities in the initial response to an incident. These key decision makers work cooperatively with emergency management officials according to the responsibilities that the National Incident Management System (NIMS) describes. Additional information on the incident management roles of department heads and Multiagency Coordination Groups (MAC Groups) appears on NIMS pages 40 and 41.
This reference guide is organized into (a) overarching priorities that apply to every incident, (b) essential responsibilities, (c) action steps, and (d) public messaging examples. Intentionally broad, the guide applies to diverse organizations across the nation. FEMA recommends that emergency managers customize this reference guide according to their Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) by including organizational points of contact (POC) and relevant operational details, such as how often the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will provide situation reports. Emergency managers should review the customized reference guide with their leadership team before an incident occurs.
NIMS Senior Leader PowerPoint Briefing
Executive/Senior Official Briefing
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed The American Red Cross Government Operations Fundamentals Course on March 24th 2018
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed The American Red Cross Government Operations Fundamentals Course on March 24th 2018
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed The American Red Cross Concepts of Operations Management Course on June 1st 2018
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed The American Red Cross Concept of Operations Simulation Course Course on June 1st 2018
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The United States Coast Guard does a excellent job with it’s ICS forms and anything related to ICS that the USCG uses. If you look here at there USCG Content Preparedness Page you see all the forms needed for that IAP and others as well a pdf of the The Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook (IMH-2014)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The National Incident Management System Incident Command System Emergency Responder Field Operations Guide October 2010.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The U.S. Fire Administration Operational Lessons Learned in Disaster Response June 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The “New” Mobile Version of ICS 420-1 (FOG) The 2017 FIRESCOPE Field Operations Guide (FOG) Mobile App and The "New" FIRESCOPE Field Operations Guide ICS 420-1 Incident Command System Publication 2017 Edition
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook (IMH) and The Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook (IMH) Mobile Application Version
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The Operational Planning "P" The Operational Planning Process ICS Planning Cycle Video. As seen in another spot in this blog page of mine. In a sense The TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course you are doing what there doing in this video plus more.
FIRESCOPE Field Operations Guide ICS 420-1 Incident Command System Publication 2017 Edition
We also talk and discussed The History of ICS in which came from Firescope (Firefighting Resources of California Organized for Potential Emergencies) Below are some links from articles I had come across about the above including the U.S Coast Guard ICS adoption and Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 and NIMS (9/11) mentioned in one of the articles. From Firescope to NIMS How NIMS developed out of the earlier FIRESCOPE program and Some Highlights of the Evolution of the Incident Command System As Developed by FIRESCOPE
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command course held on March 7th-11th 2016 at the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. #TEEX #EOTC #MGT-314 #ICS #NIMS #emergencymanagement #emergencymgmt #emergencyresponse #firstresponders #training #disaster
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Certificate
A Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Incident Command Patch with a We Will Never Forget September 11, 2001 Patch.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in this photo #WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut with my supervisor Edward Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department. Ed and I took the TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course together.
Wanted to share some photos I had taken while at The TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command course March 7th-11th 2016. Wish my smartphone camera was a little bit better though.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in the above photo at the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G-289 Public Information Officer Awareness (G-289) in Valhalla, NY February 17th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share a youtube video I had put together from the filming of the TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course (Public Information Officer Briefing ) PIO Briefing March 8th - 11th 2016. The Public Information Officer was played by Lieutenant Michael Presutto with the Fredericksburg Police Deparment in Fredericksburg, Virginia. In which I had played the role of assistant Public Information Officer. The public information officer and assistant public information officer works under the command staff. Granger County is a fictional county that always seems to have some type of incident. Notice at the bottom of the television screen important information is going across the screen such as the Facebook Page and Twitter page had been set up for the incident. A Toll Free phone number to call. Etc.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his FEMA EMI Professional Development Series PDS in Emergency Management Certificate Of Achievement 18 April 2011
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted Also a American Red Cross Volunteer to share his FEMA Continuity of Operations Excellence Series—Level 1 (Professional Continuity Practitioner) certification 8th October 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share NYS DHSES New York State Division of Homeland Security And Emergency Services Certificate of Completion (ICS-300) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his (ICS-300) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents Certificate
Was an experience as we had two great Instructor's Bob Panko and Rich Flanagan both had some great experiences in which they shared with the class. I would like to thank them both for a very good job in being our Instructor's . Bob Panko has his business called Risky Business Incident Management.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his (ICS-400) I-400 ADVANCED ICS: ICS for Command and General Staff and Complex Incidents Certificate
We had used the FIRESCOPE Field Operations Guide ICS 420-1 Incident Command System Publication in our National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents and National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) I-400 ADVANCED ICS: ICS for Command and General Staff and Complex Incidents as recommend and handed out so that the students can use it, the older version of this to the students. (I-300 is now just ICS 300 and I-400 is now just ICS 400 you can read the history) also referenced used when taking all my NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Courses
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command course held on March 7th-11th 2016 at the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas. #TEEX #EOTC #MGT-314 #ICS #NIMS #emergencymanagement #emergencymgmt #emergencyresponse #firstresponders #training #disaster
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Certificate
A Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Incident Command Patch with a We Will Never Forget September 11, 2001 Patch.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in this photo #WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut with my supervisor Edward Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department. Ed and I took the TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course together.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in this photo #WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut with my supervisor Edward Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department. Ed and I took the TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course together.
Wanted to share some photos I had taken while at The TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command course March 7th-11th 2016. Wish my smartphone camera was a little bit better though.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in the above photo at the world-class National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center/Emergency Operations Training Center (NERRTC/EOTC) in College Station, Texas.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G-289 Public Information Officer Awareness (G-289) in Valhalla, NY February 17th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share a youtube video I had put together from the filming of the TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course (Public Information Officer Briefing ) PIO Briefing March 8th - 11th 2016. The Public Information Officer was played by Lieutenant Michael Presutto with the Fredericksburg Police Deparment in Fredericksburg, Virginia. In which I had played the role of assistant Public Information Officer. The public information officer and assistant public information officer works under the command staff. Granger County is a fictional county that always seems to have some type of incident. Notice at the bottom of the television screen important information is going across the screen such as the Facebook Page and Twitter page had been set up for the incident. A Toll Free phone number to call. Etc.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his FEMA EMI Professional Development Series PDS in Emergency Management Certificate Of Achievement 18 April 2011
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted Also a American Red Cross Volunteer to share his FEMA Continuity of Operations Excellence Series—Level 1 (Professional Continuity Practitioner) certification 8th October 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share NYS DHSES New York State Division of Homeland Security And Emergency Services Certificate of Completion (ICS-300) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his (ICS-300) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents Certificate
Was an experience as we had two great Instructor's Bob Panko and Rich Flanagan both had some great experiences in which they shared with the class. I would like to thank them both for a very good job in being our Instructor's . Bob Panko has his business called Risky Business Incident Management.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his (ICS-400) I-400 ADVANCED ICS: ICS for Command and General Staff and Complex Incidents Certificate
We had used the FIRESCOPE Field Operations Guide ICS 420-1 Incident Command System Publication in our National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents and National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) I-400 ADVANCED ICS: ICS for Command and General Staff and Complex Incidents as recommend and handed out so that the students can use it, the older version of this to the students. (I-300 is now just ICS 300 and I-400 is now just ICS 400 you can read the history) also referenced used when taking all my NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Courses
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The Since The activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. And leaving with New York Guard with Honorable Discharge July 31 2003. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard.
In some of the training I have received from people that where there at Ground Zero WTC on 9/11 in which an honor to be taught by them. I’m glad to have made these accomplishments in my training which has been continuous, as it’s always evolving in Emergency Management. Some of my training might follow some of the recommendations from the
“Create dedicated, ongoing training programs for FDNY chiefs so that they are proficient in using ICS principles during large and complex incidents involving terrorism, chemical, biological and radiological materials, and attacks to critical infrastructure.”
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share a photo taken by a fellow New York Guard member at Camp Smith Training Site HHC, Army Division after being Promoted Staff Sergeant E-6 15 March 2003
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his time with The New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site HHC, Army Division Enlisted in the New York Guard 29 April 2000 ETS April 2003 and Promoted Staff Sergeant E-6 15 March 2003 with a Honorable Discharge July 31 2003 Rank Grade SSG/E6 NYG World Trade Center Incident
#nyguard #newyorkguard #campsmith @newyorkguard
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share a Certificate of Special Recognition The New York Guard Operation World Trade Center at Camp Smith Training Site apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share I had just found this below in a storage 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope Joint Task Force 42 Rainbow Hope An Open Letter to JTF 42 Service Members Brigadier General Joseph J Taluto Joint Task Force Commander
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Synopsis of NYG ARDIV Duty Assignments, Task Force New York City and Task Force Liberty, 9/11/01 to 1/10/02 as seen in The Guardian Issue # 02-1 June 2002
At the time of The New York Guard activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. At Camp Smith Training Site we were at Threatcon Charlie FPCON CHARLIE apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment we where unarmed while working there at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, New York Guard Awards and Decorations include: New York State Defense of Liberty Medal 15 September 2002, as well as the New York Guard Commander’s Citation 15 August 2000
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share From my old historical file: Military Police Unit Headquarters New York Guard Army Division Camp Smith Newsletter 29 June 00
Under #6 Training A self study book is a available to all MP’s on responding to terrorism.
The book FEMA/USFA/NFA-ERT:SS June 1999
Emergency Response To Terrorism Self-Study U.S Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs-Bureau of Justice Assistance Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Fire Administration-National Fire Academy
Please see link below:
As seen in Fire Engineering: first responders' first line of defense in terrorism responses by Sam Hansen and Alan Veasey. This article mentions how The federal Emergency Response to Terrorism Job Aid, which is intended to be used with the Department of Transportation (DOT) Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please see link below to read article written by Kenneth O. Burris Jr. as appeared in Fire Engineering 10/01/2000
Please see link below:
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share From my old historical file: Military Police Unit Headquarters
New York Guard Army Division Camp Smith Newsletter 1 April 00
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Under #5 Training Up date on Peace Officer Training, will be held at Camp Smith on 29 & 30 April, 6 May, 20 & 21 May. 1 April 00
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Thomas in photo with the two New York Guard Peace Officer Training Instructors.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site Building 504 Peace Officer Training Group Photo. The training was April 29th and 30th and May 6th, 20th and 21st 2000 Thomas is in photo last row on the side of entry to building. Also in photo back row is friend Paul Garre also from Connecticut.
Then it was a must to get and have for the class and or course was the Penal Law and Criminal Procedure Law of the State of New York. For the New York Guard for the Peace Officer Training for the Military Police Unit Headquarters New York Guard.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share from my old historical file:
NYSG-COS (3025) Members Of The New York Guard
World Trade Center (9*11) Survey Operation Trade Center and Operation Airport Security Member Survey-State of New York
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Guard Military Police Checkpoint Terrorist Alert Threatcon Charlie The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Guard Military Police Checkpoint Terrorist Alert Threatcon Charlie The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share night time operations The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share night time operations The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share night time operations The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in photo with New York State Police trooper Kevin Reppenhagen Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard The New York Guard Military Police Station Provost Marshal Building 85 Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard Military Police Vehicle Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share with a New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site NYG World Trade Center Incident Duty Group Photo.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share with a small group of The New York Guard MP Detachment was sent to do some NYG World Trade Center Incident Duty at the New York Army National Guard and the Westchester County Police Academy in Valhalla, NY
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share The Since The activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. And leaving with New York Guard with Honorable Discharge July 31 2003. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard.
In some of the training I have received from people that where there at Ground Zero WTC on 9/11 in which an honor to be taught by them. I’m glad to have made these accomplishments in my training which has been continuous, as it’s always evolving in Emergency Management. Some of my training might follow some of the recommendations from the
In some of the training I have received from people that where there at Ground Zero WTC on 9/11 in which an honor to be taught by them. I’m glad to have made these accomplishments in my training which has been continuous, as it’s always evolving in Emergency Management. Some of my training might follow some of the recommendations from the
“Create dedicated, ongoing training programs for FDNY chiefs so that they are proficient in using ICS principles during large and complex incidents involving terrorism, chemical, biological and radiological materials, and attacks to critical infrastructure.”
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share a photo taken by a fellow New York Guard member at Camp Smith Training Site HHC, Army Division after being Promoted Staff Sergeant E-6 15 March 2003
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his time with The New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site HHC, Army Division Enlisted in the New York Guard 29 April 2000 ETS April 2003 and Promoted Staff Sergeant E-6 15 March 2003 with a Honorable Discharge July 31 2003 Rank Grade SSG/E6 NYG World Trade Center Incident
#nyguard #newyorkguard #campsmith @newyorkguard
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share I had just found this below in a storage 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope Joint Task Force 42 Rainbow Hope An Open Letter to JTF 42 Service Members Brigadier General Joseph J Taluto Joint Task Force Commander
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share a Certificate of Special Recognition The New York Guard Operation World Trade Center at Camp Smith Training Site apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Synopsis of NYG ARDIV Duty Assignments, Task Force New York City and Task Force Liberty, 9/11/01 to 1/10/02 as seen in The Guardian Issue # 02-1 June 2002
At the time of The New York Guard activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. At Camp Smith Training Site we were at Threatcon Charlie FPCON CHARLIE apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment we where unarmed while working there at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, New York Guard Awards and Decorations include: New York State Defense of Liberty Medal 15 September 2002, as well as the New York Guard Commander’s Citation 15 August 2000
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share From my old historical file: Military Police Unit Headquarters New York Guard Army Division Camp Smith Newsletter 29 June 00
Under #6 Training A self study book is a available to all MP’s on responding to terrorism.
The book FEMA/USFA/NFA-ERT:SS June 1999
Emergency Response To Terrorism Self-Study U.S Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs-Bureau of Justice Assistance Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Fire Administration-National Fire Academy
Please see link below:
As seen in Fire Engineering: first responders' first line of defense in terrorism responses by Sam Hansen and Alan Veasey. This article mentions how The federal Emergency Response to Terrorism Job Aid, which is intended to be used with the Department of Transportation (DOT) Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please click here to see
Please see link below to read article written by Kenneth O. Burris Jr. as appeared in Fire Engineering 10/01/2000
Please see link below:
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share From my old historical file: Military Police Unit Headquarters
New York Guard Army Division Camp Smith Newsletter 1 April 00
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Under #5 Training Up date on Peace Officer Training, will be held at Camp Smith on 29 & 30 April, 6 May, 20 & 21 May. 1 April 00
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Thomas in photo with the two New York Guard Peace Officer Training Instructors.#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site Building 504 Peace Officer Training Group Photo. The training was April 29th and 30th and May 6th, 20th and 21st 2000 Thomas is in photo last row on the side of entry to building. Also in photo back row is friend Paul Garre also from Connecticut.Then it was a must to get and have for the class and or course was the Penal Law and Criminal Procedure Law of the State of New York. For the New York Guard for the Peace Officer Training for the Military Police Unit Headquarters New York Guard.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share from my old historical file:
NYSG-COS (3025) Members Of The New York Guard
World Trade Center (9*11) Survey Operation Trade Center and Operation Airport Security Member Survey-State of New York
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site Pre New York Army National Guard MP Shack at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Guard Military Police Checkpoint Terrorist Alert Threatcon Charlie The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Guard Military Police Checkpoint Terrorist Alert Threatcon Charlie The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share night time operations The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share night time operations The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share night time operations The New York Guard MP Detachment Securing Camp Smith Training Site at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in photo with New York State Police trooper Kevin Reppenhagen Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard The New York Guard Military Police Station Provost Marshal Building 85 Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The New York Guard Military Police Vehicle Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, after 9/11 WTC Incident
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share with a New York Guard State Volunteer Force At Camp Smith Training Site NYG World Trade Center Incident Duty Group Photo.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share with a small group of The New York Guard MP Detachment was sent to do some NYG World Trade Center Incident Duty at the New York Army National Guard and the Westchester County Police Academy in Valhalla, NY
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) Photo 1988 I am a former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) In which I had started in 1988 I had left in 2012. I did have breaks in service.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I had my Civil Air Patrol Squadron Leadership School (SLS) of 18 April 1993 and also first held the rank of Senior Member 2nd Lt. back in April 1993.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Former Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary member Second Lieutenant Thomas Kimball doing some communications at the 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Former Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary member Second Lieutenant Thomas Kimball doing some communications at the 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) National Headquarters Civil Air Patrol Certificate of Completion Master Level Communicator 1st April 2011 Online Course
While in the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary I had the Duty Position Communications Officer then also Assistant Communications Officer as had both the ACUT Advance Communications User Training 05 February 2011 and the BCUT Basic Communications User Training 23 October 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) Photo 1988 I am a former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) In which I had started in 1988 I had left in 2012. I did have breaks in service.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I had my Civil Air Patrol Squadron Leadership School (SLS) of 18 April 1993 and also first held the rank of Senior Member 2nd Lt. back in April 1993.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Former Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary member Second Lieutenant Thomas Kimball doing some communications at the 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Former Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary member Second Lieutenant Thomas Kimball doing some communications at the 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) National Headquarters Civil Air Patrol Certificate of Completion Master Level Communicator 1st April 2011 Online Course
While in the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary I had the Duty Position Communications Officer then also Assistant Communications Officer as had both the ACUT Advance Communications User Training 05 February 2011 and the BCUT Basic Communications User Training 23 October 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share when I was a former 2nd Lt with the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) taking part in The Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk events and then providing crowd control I believe this was 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share when I was a former 2nd with the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) with Boss George Siller at one of The Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk events that The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) would help with.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share when I was a former 2nd Lt with the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) Civil Air Patrol providing crowd control at one of The Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk events Date might be 2010 2011 ?
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share when I was a former 2nd Lt with the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) taking part in The Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk events and then providing crowd control I believe this was 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share when I was a former 2nd with the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) with Boss George Siller at one of The Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk events that The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) would help with.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share when I was a former 2nd Lt with the Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) Civil Air Patrol providing crowd control at one of The Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk events Date might be 2010 2011 ?
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The primary goal of the NIMS ICS All-Hazard Position Specific Training Program is to provide the additional training that may be needed by personnel responsible for managing incidents of greater complexity than those typically encountered during routine operations. This training is designed to provide all-hazards competencies and behaviors for command, general staff and selected unit leader positions within an Incident Management Team (IMT) environment. Competencies in the training are focused around the ability of the student to assume specific position responsibilities, lead assigned personnel, communicate effectively, and to ensure the completion of assigned tasks in order to meet identified objectives for the position.
The need for a standardized approach to position specific training was first recognized in the mid-1980’s. This recognition was underscored by the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, in addition to the natural disasters of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share The primary goal of the NIMS ICS All-Hazard Position Specific Training Program is to provide the additional training that may be needed by personnel responsible for managing incidents of greater complexity than those typically encountered during routine operations. This training is designed to provide all-hazards competencies and behaviors for command, general staff and selected unit leader positions within an Incident Management Team (IMT) environment. Competencies in the training are focused around the ability of the student to assume specific position responsibilities, lead assigned personnel, communicate effectively, and to ensure the completion of assigned tasks in order to meet identified objectives for the position.
The need for a standardized approach to position specific training was first recognized in the mid-1980’s. This recognition was underscored by the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, in addition to the natural disasters of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-950 All-Hazards Incident Commander (IC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Incident Commander
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-965 All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader (RESL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-958 All-Hazards Operations Section Chief (OSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Operations Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-964 All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader (SITL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-962 All-Hazards Planning Section Chief (PSC) NIMS All-Hazards Planning Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-967 All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief (LSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-973 All-Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief (FSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-971 All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (FACL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-954 All-Hazards Safety Officer (SOFR) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Safety Officer
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) July 12th-14th 2016
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-950 All-Hazards Incident Commander (IC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Incident Commander
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-965 All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader (RESL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-958 All-Hazards Operations Section Chief (OSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Operations Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-964 All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader (SITL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-962 All-Hazards Planning Section Chief (PSC) NIMS All-Hazards Planning Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-967 All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief (LSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-973 All-Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief (FSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-971 All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (FACL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer L-954 All-Hazards Safety Officer (SOFR) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Safety Officer
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) July 12th-14th 2016
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share my All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I recently completed the All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course in which held in Danbury, Connecticut March 26th-30th 2018.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share my All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I recently completed the All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course in which held in Danbury, Connecticut March 26th-30th 2018.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed The AWR-111-W, Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Events Web-based course On May 18th 2019.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share had attended The Community Pancake Breakfast – Beagle Freedom Project a nonprofit Animal Rescue organization At St. Stephen's North Hall in Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share had attended The Community Pancake Breakfast – Beagle Freedom Project a nonprofit Animal Rescue organization At St. Stephen's North Hall in Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share had attended The Community Pancake Breakfast – Beagle Freedom Project a nonprofit Animal Rescue organization At St. Stephen's North Hall in Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share had attended The Community Pancake Breakfast – Beagle Freedom Project a nonprofit Animal Rescue organization At St. Stephen's North Hall in Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share working the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut on Friday May 10th 2019.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share working the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut on Friday May 10th 2019.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth and The BLAST Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention Program Booth at The 45th Annual RVNA Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 4th, 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth and The BLAST Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention Program Booth at The 45th Annual RVNA Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 4th, 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth and The BLAST Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention Program Booth at The 45th Annual RVNA Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 4th, 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo making new friends with Koda A Therapy Dog with Newtown Strong Therapy Dogs
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share working the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut on Friday May 10th 2019.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth and The BLAST Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention Program Booth at The 45th Annual RVNA Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 4th, 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth and The BLAST Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention Program Booth at The 45th Annual RVNA Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 4th, 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth and The BLAST Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Prevention Program Booth at The 45th Annual RVNA Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 4th, 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo making new friends with Koda A Therapy Dog with Newtown Strong Therapy Dogs

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share working the American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign Sound the Alarm. Save a Life. Campaign with other American Red Cross volunteers with the partnership of The Danbury Fire Department installing free smoke alarm and giving home fire safety tips to Danbury residents on Saturday April 6th 2019.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share working the American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign Sound the Alarm. Save a Life. Campaign with other American Red Cross volunteers with the partnership of The Danbury Fire Department installing free smoke alarm and giving home fire safety tips to Danbury residents on Saturday April 6th 2019.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share the class photo from the G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Improving CBRN Exercise Design Using FEMA Incident Annexes By Colonel Barrett K Parker As seen in the Army Chemical Review Winter 2017
Created for Use in National, Federal, State,
and Local Homeland Security Preparedness Activities:
Scenario 1: Nuclear Detonation – 10-Kiloton Improvised Nuclear Device
Scenario 2: Biological Attack – Aerosol Anthrax Scenario 3: Biological Disease Outbreak – Pandemic Influenza
Scenario 4: Biological Attack – Plague
Scenario 5: Chemical Attack – Blister Agent
Scenario 6: Chemical Attack – Toxic Industrial Chemicals
Scenario 7: Chemical Attack – Nerve Agent
Scenario 8: Chemical Attack – Chlorine Tank Explosion
Scenario 9: Natural Disaster – Major Earthquake
Scenario 10: Natural Disaster – Major Hurricane
Scenario 11: Radiological Attack – Radiological Dispersal Devices
Scenario 12: Explosives Attack – Bombing Using Improvised Explosive Devices
Scenario 13: Biological Attack – Food Contamination
Scenario 14: Biological Attack – Foreign Animal Disease (Foot and Mouth Disease)
Scenario 15: Cyber Attack
Created for Use in National, Federal, State,
and Local Homeland Security Preparedness Activities:
Scenario 1: Nuclear Detonation – 10-Kiloton Improvised Nuclear Device
Scenario 2: Biological Attack – Aerosol Anthrax Scenario 3: Biological Disease Outbreak – Pandemic Influenza
Scenario 4: Biological Attack – Plague
Scenario 5: Chemical Attack – Blister Agent
Scenario 6: Chemical Attack – Toxic Industrial Chemicals
Scenario 7: Chemical Attack – Nerve Agent
Scenario 8: Chemical Attack – Chlorine Tank Explosion
Scenario 9: Natural Disaster – Major Earthquake
Scenario 10: Natural Disaster – Major Hurricane
Scenario 11: Radiological Attack – Radiological Dispersal Devices
Scenario 12: Explosives Attack – Bombing Using Improvised Explosive Devices
Scenario 13: Biological Attack – Food Contamination
Scenario 14: Biological Attack – Foreign Animal Disease (Foot and Mouth Disease)
Scenario 15: Cyber Attack
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share NUKEMAP is a mapping mash-up that calculates the effects of the detonation of a nuclear bomb
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share What a Nuclear Attack in New York Would Look Like
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that Times Square in New York City is only 70.986 miles as the distance as the Crows Fly and distance land transportation is 88.204 miles.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that Times Square in New York City is only 70.986 miles as the distance as the Crows Fly and distance land transportation is 88.204 miles.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with American Red Cross DR 769-19 Orientation Welcome to Camp Fire Response first slide
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire Thursday November 29th 2018 my first day at American Red Cross working the DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the American Red Cross working the DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters in the former Facebook Ops Center - Chico on 1000 Fortress; Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire with DST Disaster Services Technology Team.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross Deployment to Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer with the DST team here at the American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DR 769-19 Camp Fire while working TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut showing a photo with his American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DR 769-19 Camp Fire DST Disaster Services Technology Team CS Customer Service Area.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo working with our American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DST Disaster Services Technology Equipment accountability and inventory and getting ready for some of the equipment to be sent back.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the Fire Information board Public Information Map Camp Incident CA-BTU-016737 November 23-25 2018 Exported By IMT4 GIS at 11/22/2018 13:04 pointing to the location of Chico, California where our American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DR 769-19 Camp Fire was located. Fire Information board was posted at the American Red Cross Shelter at the Oroville Church of the Nazarene in Oroville, CA.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo with the Fire Information board Public Information Map Camp Incident CA-BTU-016737 November 23-25 2018 Exported By IMT4 GIS at 11/22/2018 13:04 Fire Information board was posted at the American Red Cross Shelter at the Oroville Church of the Nazarene in Oroville, CA.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at the Chico Municipal Airport Chico, California with two of what I believe are two air tankers Number 27 and 25 there at the Chico Municipal Airport.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer with the DST Disaster Services Technology Road Team sharing a photo of some of our DST Disaster Services Technology equipment set up at our American Red Cross shelter at The Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico, California.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer with the DST Disaster Services Technology Road Team sharing a photo of some of our DST Disaster Services Technology equipment set up such as a Ubiquiti UniFi UAP-AC-LR UAP-AC-LR Wireless Access Points and also a Cradlepoint AER-2100 at our American Red Cross shelter at The Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico, California.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19 to work the American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team for two weeks. October 22nd though November 4th 2018. While working American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters I did TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting. Also one of my jobs since I have my All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML) Certification without my PTB completed was to lead a team tasked with doing communications equipment evaluation of the American Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicles before they left Operation at two different American Red Cross Kitchens. Such at Second Harvest of South Georgia in Thomasville, GA and also at the Morningside Baptist Church in Bainbridge, GA I would not have been able to deploy if a local animal hospital didn't offer to provide me with boarding for my dog for the two weeks. And also the support from the local animal shelter in which I volunteer at for my aging dog in which is like comfort therapy dog to me. Sometimes it takes volunteers to watch volunteers pets so they can be able to deploy and help out others. I have my Communications Unit Leader (COML), Communications Technician (COMT) and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM), Certification(s) I also have The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate, L950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander, L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Certifications without my PTB completed.
It takes a army of volunteers from all over the country to come together to do their part with the American Red Cross to help others and with the support of people from all over the country to help complete the mission.
The certifications you see on this blog are some I can help out a many different areas cross-trained besides American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Team IT Information Technology.
I'm a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) so I can help out with the The MOVE (Mobile Outreach VEhicle) truck. As The American Red Cross and The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) have a partnership. And the IEEE-USA and the American Red Cross have partnership as well.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the Welcome to DR 750-19 (Old) Albany High School 801 W. Residence Ave Albany, GA 31701
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo while working TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting and provide end-user assistance with the DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with one of our DST Disaster Services Technology ViaSat SurfBeam 2 Pro Portable with a ViaSat Pro Portable Terminal set up as practice at the The American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut American Red Cross Deployment to Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19. I was deployed September 25th 2018 to October 1st 2018 While working American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team. I did TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting and pointing the equipment with IP addresses. Also helping out the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working. I also traveled with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle to delivery a printer and computer to one of our American Red Cross Shelters while on deployment with the American Red Cross American Red Cross District 6 HQ with DST Disaster Services Technology Team Hurricane Florence in Wilmington, North Carolina.
I'm a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) so I can help out with the The MOVE (Mobile Outreach VEhicle) truck. As The American Red Cross and The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) have a partnership. And the IEEE-USA and the American Red Cross have partnership as well. I have my Communications Unit Leader (COML), Communications Technician (COMT) and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM), Certification(s) I also have The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate, L950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander, L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Certifications without my PTB completed.
It takes a army of volunteers from all over the country to come together to do their part with the American Red Cross to help others and with the support of people from all over the country to help complete the mission.
The certifications you see on this blog are some I can help out a many different areas cross-trained besides American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Team IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team.Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19. I was deployed September 25th 2018 to October 1st 2018 While working American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals and also Using a Ubiquiti US-24 Unifi Switch with a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro (USG-PRO-4) to our DST SERVER which is a Laptop Computer in our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals and also Using a Ubiquiti US-24 Unifi Switch with a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro (USG-PRO-4) to our DST SERVER which is a Laptop Computer in our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo in our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo night time operations on the Headquarters roof doing some DST Disaster Services Technology Team training for the new volunteers training with the ViaSat SurfBeam 2 Pro Portable with two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo at the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo on 7.184.98 LSB HF Testing out the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo on 7.184.98 LSB HF Testing out the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with Jay Diepenbrock and Brian Greene two volunteers with The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with Grayson Randall, and Tim Forrest two volunteers with The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his Two of Shelter Staff Personal in my American Red Cross Deployment to North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 September 11th 2018 through September 25th 2018 Deployed to Rocky Point N.C American Red Cross Shelter at Cape Fear Elementary then to our American Red Cross Shelter at Pender High School then my last American Red Cross Shelter at John T. Hoggard High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. My job included registering people and get them to the available cots in the Shelter as well as issuing Red Cross comfit kits and blankets. As well as unloading relief supplies trucked in MRE’s, cots and bottles of water, and make sure those in my care were looked after and helping folks off a US Coast Guard Helicopter and a US Army medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) Black Hawk helicopter in which brought in clintets to the shelters as road where flooded out. As I enjoy helping out others where I can. I apologies as my smartphone camera feature not the best need to upgrade my smartphone to take better pictures
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer in photo at the American Red Cross Staff Shelter at Saint James Baptist Church of Durham, North Carolina. We had stayed here until we got our deployment assignments to which American Red Cross Shelter that we would be working at.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer in photo with the American Red Cross Shelter Staff for the Shelter at Cape Fear Elementary School in Rocky Point, North Carolina
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer in photo with the American Red Cross Shelter Staff for the 7pm-7am shift in the shelter at Cape Fear Elementary School in Rocky Point, North Carolina
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer sharing photo of a United States Coast Guard Helicopter MH-65 Dolphin flying in clients to the Cape Fear Elementary School in Rocky Point, North Carolina as the roads where all flooded out.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer sharing photo of a United States Coast Guard Helicopter Sikorsky MH-60 Jayhawk flying in clients to the American Red Cross Shelter at Pender High School in Burgaw North Carolina as the roads where all flooded out.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in this nice article in The Ridgefield Press Newspaper Ridgefielder lends a helping hand to Florence victims
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut share Ridgefield Volunteer Joins Team of Florence Relief Responders He will be among the first volunteers heading south with the Red Cross to North Carolina as seen in Patch Media. I had did not know this was out in Social Media as I was traveling down there on this day September 11th 2018 for my first 2 week part of my deployment down there. I just like and enjoy helping others where I can just something that also my parents do as well something you're just brought up doing.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share
I did things like setting up computers, fixing computer issues, IP issues as all and most of the computers to printers where all wireless, you name it I did it just like MacGyver and or James Bond 007. :) Just made it happen with the knowledge I ready had plus also referencing the doc as well.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in the above photo with Thomas and Warren and other DST American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology volunteers at the DROHQ at the first location in Orlando Florida.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share At American Red Cross Lee County Chapter Fort Myers, FL. As reads on my FaceBook Page October 6th 2017: Just got here to do site survey for the new site coming for American Red Cross Disaster Headquarters not sure if where going to set up equipment this evening as will head back to Orlando tonight
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share welcome to the American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Group office at our new DROHQ Headquarters in Fort Myers, Florida at two office suites next to the At American Red Cross Lee County Chapter Fort Myers, Florida. Feeling proud to be able to show what I had did in pictures photos as this was my first time doing any of this.
The above and only training I had for American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. DST-CM-SA. And to my understand there is about 8 or 9 more course classes in the American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Group. So I had a lot of Just-In-Time Training at on a real American Red Cross Deployment. But I ended up doing everything in American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology
I did everything but Communications (Radio) as there was NO (Radio Communications) going on at the time so did Networking (computing), Computer Operations and Customer Service.
I did things like setting up computers, fixing computer issues, IP issues as all and most of the computers to printers where all wireless, you name it I did it just like MacGyver and or James Bond 007. :) Just made it happen with the knowledge I ready had plus also referencing the doc as well.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Chuck ( from Logistics ) in which Tim and I had help Chuck set up all the tables and chairs before DROHQ staff had showed up to the new DROHQ Headquarters in Fort Myers, Florida
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Pam and Warren.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Thomas
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Pam
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. DST-CM-SA. Setting up our DST Disaster Services Technology VSAT system with with Thomas teaching me on the job training doing it and also (missing from picture) Tim on a nice hot Florida roof at our new American Red Cross DROHQ Headquarters located in Fort Myers Florida in which the Lee County Chapter American Red Cross is located. This set-up was done on October 7th 2017
Using two ViaSat SurfBeam 2 Pro Portable with two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals with a Ubiquiti US-24 Unifi Switch with a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro (USG-PRO-4) then we had used two UAP-AC-LR UAP-AC-LR Wireless Access Points
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Tim and I connecting the cable to the the UAP-AC-LR UAP-AC-LR Wireless Access Points .
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he Just got back on October 20th 2017 in which I had started on October 3rd 2017. American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 American Red Cross This being my second National Deployment with the American Red Cross but my first as a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. DST-CM-SA. Setting up our DST Disaster Services Technology VSAT system on a nice hot Florida roof at our new American Red Cross DROHQ Headquarters located in Fort Myers Florida in which the Lee County Chapter American Red Cross was located this was done before the two office suites where days before occupied by the DROHQ Staff. DROHQ was moved from it’s first location in Orlando Florida. I was fortunate to meet up with one of my Joel Barlow High School Redding Connecticut Class of 1989 Alumni while in Florida during this deployment on my day off in Naples Florida and had also traveled to Marco Island Flordia as well.
As I have also will be writting here on my blog is:
DROHQ DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 American Red Cross Hurricane Irma 2017 . This was my 2nd deployment with The American Red Cross Hurricane Irma 2017. This time I was with DROHQ DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 as DST/CM/SA from October 2nd through October 21st 2017. DROHQ was first located in Orlando, Florida and then I was one to two others from DST tasked to set up all communications for the new DROHQ at Fort Myers, Florida. I could not stay to the end of this DROHQ DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 deployment as I had to rest and get ready for a already scheduled DHS FEMA course class at The Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017. So I got one week off in between being deployed with the American Red Cross and taking the Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 Course. Prior to that I had two weeks off before doing this 2nd deployment in which got back from that on September 20th 2017 in which I had started on September 5th 2017. After the The Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017 I only had so much sleep before tasked with the communications for the New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 5th 2017 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio Mile Marker 23 in front of 1184 Fifth Ave. Mount Sinai Hospital, Maybe next year in 2018 I will some how be able to compete in this Marathon. yep maybe it's about time I run in the NYC Marathon for 2018 after 7 years of volunteering for it. Hard part is just getting into it and to see about training for it. Would be nice to do if my legs etc up to it
This my first National Deployment with the American Red Cross since I have two animals a dog and cat in whom need to be taken care of as I had written on my Facebook page: Many Thanks must go to my parents Chris and Frances Kimball in whom had watched my two kids of the four legged type. Without there help I would not have been able to leave Ridgefield, CT and be able to help others with the American Red Cross down there in Florida. As I have no wife and or girlfreind and or close freinds to have around to be able to watch and take care of my two kids of the four legged type.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at Ave Maria University (AMU) At the Tom Golisano Field House where road out the eye of Hurricane Irma 1st Shelter Location We where right in the path, 20 miles from the eye of the hurricane but also a tornado touch down less than a hundred yards away from the shelter with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017. I was doing Sheltering and Feeding.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share on September 8th 2017 A group photo of our American Red Cross Shelter staff volunteers at Ave Maria University (AMU) At the Tom Golisano Field House where road out the eye of Hurricane Irma 1st Shelter Location with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at Immokalee High School in Immokalee, Florida on September 12th 2017 A group photo of our American Red Cross Shelter staff volunteers with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at North Fort Myers Recreation Center 3rd Shelter Location with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017. I was doing Sheltering and Feeding.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in the photo with a great group of people with officers from the Lee County Sheriff's Office Florida as well as the staff from the Lee County Emergency Medical Services EMS
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in the photo with a Duracell employee who came in his Duracell PowerForward Ready-Relief-Restore Truck Number 1 in which came and donated batteries to the North Fort Myers Recreation Center Shelter with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017. Where I was doing Sheltering and Feeding. Duracell based out of Bethel, Connecticut not far from Ridgefield, Connecticut.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering on July 20th 2018 with the volunteer team for the last Sandy Hook 5K pack up pick up at Reed Intermediate School
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo taking part in the last Sandy Hook 5K just after volunteering on July 21st 2018 with the volunteer team for the last Sandy Hook 5K pack up pick up at the grounds of Fairfield Hills in Newtown, CT
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo finishing the last Sandy Hook 5K just after volunteering on July 21st 2018 with the volunteer team for the last Sandy Hook 5K pack up pick up at the grounds of Fairfield Hills in Newtown, CT
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of the American Red Cross Team Running in the Eversource Hartford Marathon Saturday October 13th 2018 in Hartford, Connecticut as away to raise funds for the American Red Cross in the half marathon part of the Eversource Hartford Marathon as away The American Red Cross be able to continue their support and kindness to all those that were affected by Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael. As the Connecticut Region American Red Cross help to sponsor this event.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Running in the half marathon part of the Eversource Hartford Marathon Saturday October 13th 2018 in Hartford, Connecticut as away to raise funds for the American Red Cross in the half marathon part of the Eversource Hartford Marathon as away The American Red Cross be able to continue their support and kindness to all those that were affected by Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael. As the Connecticut Region American Red Cross help to sponsor this event. I just have finished up about a 3 week deployment down to N.C with the American Red Cross September 11th - October 1st DR 711-19 Hurricane Florence NC. And would deploy in response to Hurricane Michael on October 22nd - November 4th for DR 750-19 HUR Michael GA 10-19 HUR. Also just returning from the American Red Cross Deployment to Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire I was deployed November 28th 2018 through December 12th 2018. I did a 1:54:32 13.1 mile Half Marathon Overall 1176 out of 4116 Male 756 out if 1793 Male 45-49 91 out of 231 I hope to return next year to try and do the same of fund raising for The American Red Cross. I have a handful of marathons and half marathon, bike races, triathlons, Ironman distance triathlons a full 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride and a marathon 26.22-mile run, to Ultra-Marathons 50km 31.1 mile run under my belt. I do not bike race and or do triathlons as I could not keep up with the ever raising cost of a race bike and or triathlon bike. As everything even the cost to race has gone up. A lot different then when I had used to do it mid 1980’s to about the mid 1990’s.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering on December 14th 2018 getting ready for the Connecticut food bank mobile pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The Hazardous Materials Operations (HAZMAT Ops) Course HAZMAT OPS PER-322 at The Center for Domestic Preparedness on April 22nd through the 28th 2018. Class number 18R-0316 HAZMAT OPS.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut successfully completed making two entries into the FEMA's Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Chemical Ordnance, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Training Facility (COBRATF) So I was presented the coveted COBRA pin with a star—a King Cobra in a hooded threat display, a recognizable warning posture signifying their successful entry and execution of tasks in a toxic environment. The star on the COBRA pin signifying making the two entries into the facility. The Chemical, Ordnance, Biological, and Radiological Training Facility (COBRATF) formerly known as The CDTF Chemical Defense Training Facility, Fort McClellan, Alabama was formerly apart of The U.S. Army Chemical School at Fort McClellan, AL. How many folks do you know that has work in a real live toxic environment ?
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share my TEEX Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service MGT-452 Physical and Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Certificate completed on April 17th 2018 in which took place in Hawthorne, New York
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share From two American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 National Deployments A Ridgefield Half Marathon October 1st between the two American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 National Deployments. Then The DHS FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017 Then New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 5th 2017 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio Mile Marker 23
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Advanced Radiological Incident Operations Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share some Photos Pictures from the DHS FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 class course that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share trying to do a selfie with the U.S. Department Of Homeland Security Sign.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Glad I was able to compete in the Ridgefield Half Marathon today October 1st 2017 as great race and also a member of the Wolfpit Running Club in which doing this Ridgefield Half Marathon since 1989. My result time for the 2017 race a 1:49:11 and for 2016 was a 1:49:52 as seen below. I had missed about two weeks of training for the Ridgefield Half Marathon today October 1st 2017 as I was deployed with the American Red Cross since this was my first National Deployment American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 in which I had started on September 5th 2017 and came home on September 20th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Just got my Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Infrastructure Protection certificate that was issued to me on July 21st 2017 in which in the mail waiting for me to pick up after got back from deployment in Florida. To earn this certificate you must attended 4 classroom courses. Participants must successfully complete all four DHS-certified courses (AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, MGT414) and submit a request for award of the certificate.This certificate program combines a broad understanding of homeland security infrastructure protection doctrine with an in-depth examination of key concepts and practices in integrated risk management, private-public partnerships, capabilities-based and community-focused planning, and whole community resilience strategies. https://teex.org/pages/program.aspx?catid=459
Please click here to see The Infrastructure Protection Certificate Program
Please click here to see Office of Infrastructure Protection
Please click here to see
There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors in which five of the sectors has interest to me in which can be seen in this blog:
Please click here to see: Private Sector Resources Catalog December 3, 2012
Please click here to see: The DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE)
Detection Target Capabilities List Page 115
Please see Hurricane Katrina: Communications & Infrastructure Impacts
By Dr. Robert Miller
Please click here to see: Hurricane Katrina: Communications & Infrastructure Impacts
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut successfully completes The Respiratory Protection Program Development and Administration (RP) (PER-263) training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on July 16th 2017 -July 20th 2017.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Respiratory Protection Program Development and Administration Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The PER-354 Response to Radiological/Nuclear WMD Incidents PER-345 Radiation Instruments Operations Course PER-347 Personal Protective Equipment – Mission Specific Competencies Course in which was Conducted by the NNSA Nevada National Security Site/Nevada Field Office NSO, CTOS Counter Terrorism Operations Support CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training for FEMA, National Preparedness Directorate. In which took place on June 5th- June 8th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-354 Response to Radiological/Nuclear WMD Incidents Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-345 Radiation Instruments Operations Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-347 Personal Protective Equipment – Mission Specific Competencies Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my supervisor Edward Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and with Ernest B Williams who came to our class and did a great presentation and who also gave a nice personal tour of the National Atomic Testing Museum Las Vegas.What a great guy and full of historical knowledge.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The TEEX MGT-315 Critical Asset Risk Management On June 27th & 28th 2017 in Torrington, CT.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The TEEX MGT-310 Jurisdictional Threat And Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Course held on May 31st 2017- June 1st 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has now completed The MGT-445 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Plan Overview. The class took place May 3rd-May 5th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has now completed The AWR-317 Radiological Emergency Preparedness Core Concepts Course RCCC The class took place May 1st - May 2nd 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The RERO Radiological Emergency Response Operations Class # 17R-0385 Radiological Emergency Response Operations RERO PER-904 training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on April 23rd- April 29th 2017. Some of this training took place at The Noble Training Facility (NTF) was formerly the Noble Army Community Hospital at Ft. McClellan, AL. Some training also took place at the fictional town Northville Training Facility, located at the CDP's COBRA training facility.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The RVNA 43nd Annual Health & Wellness Fair. April 1, 2017 at The East Ridge Middle School. I’m working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth with Director of Health, Ed Briggs
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share NUKEMAP is a mapping mash-up that calculates the effects of the detonation of a nuclear bomb
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share What a Nuclear Attack in New York Would Look Like
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that Times Square in New York City is only 70.986 miles as the distance as the Crows Fly and distance land transportation is 88.204 miles.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that Times Square in New York City is only 70.986 miles as the distance as the Crows Fly and distance land transportation is 88.204 miles.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with American Red Cross DR 769-19 Orientation Welcome to Camp Fire Response first slide
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire Thursday November 29th 2018 my first day at American Red Cross working the DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the American Red Cross working the DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters in the former Facebook Ops Center - Chico on 1000 Fortress; Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire with DST Disaster Services Technology Team.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross Deployment to Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer with the DST team here at the American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DR 769-19 Camp Fire while working TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut showing a photo with his American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DR 769-19 Camp Fire DST Disaster Services Technology Team CS Customer Service Area.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo working with our American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DST Disaster Services Technology Equipment accountability and inventory and getting ready for some of the equipment to be sent back.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the Fire Information board Public Information Map Camp Incident CA-BTU-016737 November 23-25 2018 Exported By IMT4 GIS at 11/22/2018 13:04 pointing to the location of Chico, California where our American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters DR 769-19 Camp Fire was located. Fire Information board was posted at the American Red Cross Shelter at the Oroville Church of the Nazarene in Oroville, CA.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo with the Fire Information board Public Information Map Camp Incident CA-BTU-016737 November 23-25 2018 Exported By IMT4 GIS at 11/22/2018 13:04 Fire Information board was posted at the American Red Cross Shelter at the Oroville Church of the Nazarene in Oroville, CA.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at the Chico Municipal Airport Chico, California with two of what I believe are two air tankers Number 27 and 25 there at the Chico Municipal Airport.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer with the DST Disaster Services Technology Road Team sharing a photo of some of our DST Disaster Services Technology equipment set up at our American Red Cross shelter at The Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico, California.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer with the DST Disaster Services Technology Road Team sharing a photo of some of our DST Disaster Services Technology equipment set up such as a Ubiquiti UniFi UAP-AC-LR UAP-AC-LR Wireless Access Points and also a Cradlepoint AER-2100 at our American Red Cross shelter at The Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico, California.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19 to work the American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team for two weeks. October 22nd though November 4th 2018. While working American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters I did TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting. Also one of my jobs since I have my All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML) Certification without my PTB completed was to lead a team tasked with doing communications equipment evaluation of the American Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicles before they left Operation at two different American Red Cross Kitchens. Such at Second Harvest of South Georgia in Thomasville, GA and also at the Morningside Baptist Church in Bainbridge, GA I would not have been able to deploy if a local animal hospital didn't offer to provide me with boarding for my dog for the two weeks. And also the support from the local animal shelter in which I volunteer at for my aging dog in which is like comfort therapy dog to me. Sometimes it takes volunteers to watch volunteers pets so they can be able to deploy and help out others. I have my Communications Unit Leader (COML), Communications Technician (COMT) and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM), Certification(s) I also have The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate, L950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander, L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Certifications without my PTB completed.
It takes a army of volunteers from all over the country to come together to do their part with the American Red Cross to help others and with the support of people from all over the country to help complete the mission.
The certifications you see on this blog are some I can help out a many different areas cross-trained besides American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Team IT Information Technology.
I'm a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) so I can help out with the The MOVE (Mobile Outreach VEhicle) truck. As The American Red Cross and The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) have a partnership. And the IEEE-USA and the American Red Cross have partnership as well.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the Welcome to DR 750-19 (Old) Albany High School 801 W. Residence Ave Albany, GA 31701
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo while working TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting and provide end-user assistance with the DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with one of our DST Disaster Services Technology ViaSat SurfBeam 2 Pro Portable with a ViaSat Pro Portable Terminal set up as practice at the The American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut American Red Cross Deployment to Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19. I was deployed September 25th 2018 to October 1st 2018 While working American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team. I did TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting and pointing the equipment with IP addresses. Also helping out the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working. I also traveled with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle to delivery a printer and computer to one of our American Red Cross Shelters while on deployment with the American Red Cross American Red Cross District 6 HQ with DST Disaster Services Technology Team Hurricane Florence in Wilmington, North Carolina.
I'm a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) so I can help out with the The MOVE (Mobile Outreach VEhicle) truck. As The American Red Cross and The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) have a partnership. And the IEEE-USA and the American Red Cross have partnership as well. I have my Communications Unit Leader (COML), Communications Technician (COMT) and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM), Certification(s) I also have The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate, L950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander, L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Certifications without my PTB completed.
It takes a army of volunteers from all over the country to come together to do their part with the American Red Cross to help others and with the support of people from all over the country to help complete the mission.
The certifications you see on this blog are some I can help out a many different areas cross-trained besides American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Team IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team.Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19. I was deployed September 25th 2018 to October 1st 2018 While working American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals and also Using a Ubiquiti US-24 Unifi Switch with a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro (USG-PRO-4) to our DST SERVER which is a Laptop Computer in our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals and also Using a Ubiquiti US-24 Unifi Switch with a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro (USG-PRO-4) to our DST SERVER which is a Laptop Computer in our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo in our DST Disaster Services Technology room at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo night time operations on the Headquarters roof doing some DST Disaster Services Technology Team training for the new volunteers training with the ViaSat SurfBeam 2 Pro Portable with two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals at American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo at the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo on 7.184.98 LSB HF Testing out the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo on 7.184.98 LSB HF Testing out the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with the The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with Jay Diepenbrock and Brian Greene two volunteers with The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with Grayson Randall, and Tim Forrest two volunteers with The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle Volunteers at our American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with his Two of Shelter Staff Personal in my American Red Cross Deployment to North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 September 11th 2018 through September 25th 2018 Deployed to Rocky Point N.C American Red Cross Shelter at Cape Fear Elementary then to our American Red Cross Shelter at Pender High School then my last American Red Cross Shelter at John T. Hoggard High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. My job included registering people and get them to the available cots in the Shelter as well as issuing Red Cross comfit kits and blankets. As well as unloading relief supplies trucked in MRE’s, cots and bottles of water, and make sure those in my care were looked after and helping folks off a US Coast Guard Helicopter and a US Army medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) Black Hawk helicopter in which brought in clintets to the shelters as road where flooded out. As I enjoy helping out others where I can. I apologies as my smartphone camera feature not the best need to upgrade my smartphone to take better pictures
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer in photo at the American Red Cross Staff Shelter at Saint James Baptist Church of Durham, North Carolina. We had stayed here until we got our deployment assignments to which American Red Cross Shelter that we would be working at.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer in photo with the American Red Cross Shelter Staff for the Shelter at Cape Fear Elementary School in Rocky Point, North Carolina
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer in photo with the American Red Cross Shelter Staff for the 7pm-7am shift in the shelter at Cape Fear Elementary School in Rocky Point, North Carolina
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer sharing photo of a United States Coast Guard Helicopter MH-65 Dolphin flying in clients to the Cape Fear Elementary School in Rocky Point, North Carolina as the roads where all flooded out.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer sharing photo of a United States Coast Guard Helicopter Sikorsky MH-60 Jayhawk flying in clients to the American Red Cross Shelter at Pender High School in Burgaw North Carolina as the roads where all flooded out.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in this nice article in The Ridgefield Press Newspaper Ridgefielder lends a helping hand to Florence victims
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut share Ridgefield Volunteer Joins Team of Florence Relief Responders He will be among the first volunteers heading south with the Red Cross to North Carolina as seen in Patch Media. I had did not know this was out in Social Media as I was traveling down there on this day September 11th 2018 for my first 2 week part of my deployment down there. I just like and enjoy helping others where I can just something that also my parents do as well something you're just brought up doing.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share
I did things like setting up computers, fixing computer issues, IP issues as all and most of the computers to printers where all wireless, you name it I did it just like MacGyver and or James Bond 007. :) Just made it happen with the knowledge I ready had plus also referencing the doc as well.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in the above photo with Thomas and Warren and other DST American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology volunteers at the DROHQ at the first location in Orlando Florida.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share At American Red Cross Lee County Chapter Fort Myers, FL. As reads on my FaceBook Page October 6th 2017: Just got here to do site survey for the new site coming for American Red Cross Disaster Headquarters not sure if where going to set up equipment this evening as will head back to Orlando tonight
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share welcome to the American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Group office at our new DROHQ Headquarters in Fort Myers, Florida at two office suites next to the At American Red Cross Lee County Chapter Fort Myers, Florida. Feeling proud to be able to show what I had did in pictures photos as this was my first time doing any of this.
The above and only training I had for American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. DST-CM-SA. And to my understand there is about 8 or 9 more course classes in the American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Group. So I had a lot of Just-In-Time Training at on a real American Red Cross Deployment. But I ended up doing everything in American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology
I did everything but Communications (Radio) as there was NO (Radio Communications) going on at the time so did Networking (computing), Computer Operations and Customer Service.
I did things like setting up computers, fixing computer issues, IP issues as all and most of the computers to printers where all wireless, you name it I did it just like MacGyver and or James Bond 007. :) Just made it happen with the knowledge I ready had plus also referencing the doc as well.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Chuck ( from Logistics ) in which Tim and I had help Chuck set up all the tables and chairs before DROHQ staff had showed up to the new DROHQ Headquarters in Fort Myers, Florida
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Pam and Warren.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Thomas
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with Tim and Pam
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. DST-CM-SA. Setting up our DST Disaster Services Technology VSAT system with with Thomas teaching me on the job training doing it and also (missing from picture) Tim on a nice hot Florida roof at our new American Red Cross DROHQ Headquarters located in Fort Myers Florida in which the Lee County Chapter American Red Cross is located. This set-up was done on October 7th 2017
Using two ViaSat SurfBeam 2 Pro Portable with two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals with a Ubiquiti US-24 Unifi Switch with a Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro (USG-PRO-4) then we had used two UAP-AC-LR UAP-AC-LR Wireless Access Points
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Tim and I connecting the cable to the the UAP-AC-LR UAP-AC-LR Wireless Access Points .
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he Just got back on October 20th 2017 in which I had started on October 3rd 2017. American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 American Red Cross This being my second National Deployment with the American Red Cross but my first as a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. DST-CM-SA. Setting up our DST Disaster Services Technology VSAT system on a nice hot Florida roof at our new American Red Cross DROHQ Headquarters located in Fort Myers Florida in which the Lee County Chapter American Red Cross was located this was done before the two office suites where days before occupied by the DROHQ Staff. DROHQ was moved from it’s first location in Orlando Florida. I was fortunate to meet up with one of my Joel Barlow High School Redding Connecticut Class of 1989 Alumni while in Florida during this deployment on my day off in Naples Florida and had also traveled to Marco Island Flordia as well.
As I have also will be writting here on my blog is:
DROHQ DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 American Red Cross Hurricane Irma 2017 . This was my 2nd deployment with The American Red Cross Hurricane Irma 2017. This time I was with DROHQ DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 as DST/CM/SA from October 2nd through October 21st 2017. DROHQ was first located in Orlando, Florida and then I was one to two others from DST tasked to set up all communications for the new DROHQ at Fort Myers, Florida. I could not stay to the end of this DROHQ DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 deployment as I had to rest and get ready for a already scheduled DHS FEMA course class at The Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017. So I got one week off in between being deployed with the American Red Cross and taking the Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 Course. Prior to that I had two weeks off before doing this 2nd deployment in which got back from that on September 20th 2017 in which I had started on September 5th 2017. After the The Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017 I only had so much sleep before tasked with the communications for the New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 5th 2017 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio Mile Marker 23 in front of 1184 Fifth Ave. Mount Sinai Hospital, Maybe next year in 2018 I will some how be able to compete in this Marathon. yep maybe it's about time I run in the NYC Marathon for 2018 after 7 years of volunteering for it. Hard part is just getting into it and to see about training for it. Would be nice to do if my legs etc up to it
This my first National Deployment with the American Red Cross since I have two animals a dog and cat in whom need to be taken care of as I had written on my Facebook page: Many Thanks must go to my parents Chris and Frances Kimball in whom had watched my two kids of the four legged type. Without there help I would not have been able to leave Ridgefield, CT and be able to help others with the American Red Cross down there in Florida. As I have no wife and or girlfreind and or close freinds to have around to be able to watch and take care of my two kids of the four legged type.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at Ave Maria University (AMU) At the Tom Golisano Field House where road out the eye of Hurricane Irma 1st Shelter Location We where right in the path, 20 miles from the eye of the hurricane but also a tornado touch down less than a hundred yards away from the shelter with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017. I was doing Sheltering and Feeding.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share on September 8th 2017 A group photo of our American Red Cross Shelter staff volunteers at Ave Maria University (AMU) At the Tom Golisano Field House where road out the eye of Hurricane Irma 1st Shelter Location with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at Immokalee High School in Immokalee, Florida on September 12th 2017 A group photo of our American Red Cross Shelter staff volunteers with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at North Fort Myers Recreation Center 3rd Shelter Location with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017. I was doing Sheltering and Feeding.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in the photo with a great group of people with officers from the Lee County Sheriff's Office Florida as well as the staff from the Lee County Emergency Medical Services EMS
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in the photo with a Duracell employee who came in his Duracell PowerForward Ready-Relief-Restore Truck Number 1 in which came and donated batteries to the North Fort Myers Recreation Center Shelter with the American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017. Where I was doing Sheltering and Feeding. Duracell based out of Bethel, Connecticut not far from Ridgefield, Connecticut.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering on July 20th 2018 with the volunteer team for the last Sandy Hook 5K pack up pick up at Reed Intermediate School
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo taking part in the last Sandy Hook 5K just after volunteering on July 21st 2018 with the volunteer team for the last Sandy Hook 5K pack up pick up at the grounds of Fairfield Hills in Newtown, CT
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo finishing the last Sandy Hook 5K just after volunteering on July 21st 2018 with the volunteer team for the last Sandy Hook 5K pack up pick up at the grounds of Fairfield Hills in Newtown, CT
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of the American Red Cross Team Running in the Eversource Hartford Marathon Saturday October 13th 2018 in Hartford, Connecticut as away to raise funds for the American Red Cross in the half marathon part of the Eversource Hartford Marathon as away The American Red Cross be able to continue their support and kindness to all those that were affected by Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael. As the Connecticut Region American Red Cross help to sponsor this event.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #ARC #AmericanRedCross #RedCross #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Running in the half marathon part of the Eversource Hartford Marathon Saturday October 13th 2018 in Hartford, Connecticut as away to raise funds for the American Red Cross in the half marathon part of the Eversource Hartford Marathon as away The American Red Cross be able to continue their support and kindness to all those that were affected by Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael. As the Connecticut Region American Red Cross help to sponsor this event. I just have finished up about a 3 week deployment down to N.C with the American Red Cross September 11th - October 1st DR 711-19 Hurricane Florence NC. And would deploy in response to Hurricane Michael on October 22nd - November 4th for DR 750-19 HUR Michael GA 10-19 HUR. Also just returning from the American Red Cross Deployment to Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire I was deployed November 28th 2018 through December 12th 2018. I did a 1:54:32 13.1 mile Half Marathon Overall 1176 out of 4116 Male 756 out if 1793 Male 45-49 91 out of 231 I hope to return next year to try and do the same of fund raising for The American Red Cross. I have a handful of marathons and half marathon, bike races, triathlons, Ironman distance triathlons a full 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride and a marathon 26.22-mile run, to Ultra-Marathons 50km 31.1 mile run under my belt. I do not bike race and or do triathlons as I could not keep up with the ever raising cost of a race bike and or triathlon bike. As everything even the cost to race has gone up. A lot different then when I had used to do it mid 1980’s to about the mid 1990’s.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering on December 14th 2018 getting ready for the Connecticut food bank mobile pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The Hazardous Materials Operations (HAZMAT Ops) Course HAZMAT OPS PER-322 at The Center for Domestic Preparedness on April 22nd through the 28th 2018. Class number 18R-0316 HAZMAT OPS.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut successfully completed making two entries into the FEMA's Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Chemical Ordnance, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Training Facility (COBRATF) So I was presented the coveted COBRA pin with a star—a King Cobra in a hooded threat display, a recognizable warning posture signifying their successful entry and execution of tasks in a toxic environment. The star on the COBRA pin signifying making the two entries into the facility. The Chemical, Ordnance, Biological, and Radiological Training Facility (COBRATF) formerly known as The CDTF Chemical Defense Training Facility, Fort McClellan, Alabama was formerly apart of The U.S. Army Chemical School at Fort McClellan, AL. How many folks do you know that has work in a real live toxic environment ?
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share my TEEX Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service MGT-452 Physical and Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Certificate completed on April 17th 2018 in which took place in Hawthorne, New York
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share From two American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 National Deployments A Ridgefield Half Marathon October 1st between the two American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 National Deployments. Then The DHS FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017 Then New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 5th 2017 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio Mile Marker 23
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Advanced Radiological Incident Operations Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share some Photos Pictures from the DHS FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness for ARIO Advanced Radiological Incident Operations. ARIO PER- 905 class course that was held on October 29th through November 4th. 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share trying to do a selfie with the U.S. Department Of Homeland Security Sign.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Glad I was able to compete in the Ridgefield Half Marathon today October 1st 2017 as great race and also a member of the Wolfpit Running Club in which doing this Ridgefield Half Marathon since 1989. My result time for the 2017 race a 1:49:11 and for 2016 was a 1:49:52 as seen below. I had missed about two weeks of training for the Ridgefield Half Marathon today October 1st 2017 as I was deployed with the American Red Cross since this was my first National Deployment American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 in which I had started on September 5th 2017 and came home on September 20th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Just got my Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Infrastructure Protection certificate that was issued to me on July 21st 2017 in which in the mail waiting for me to pick up after got back from deployment in Florida. To earn this certificate you must attended 4 classroom courses. Participants must successfully complete all four DHS-certified courses (AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, MGT414) and submit a request for award of the certificate.This certificate program combines a broad understanding of homeland security infrastructure protection doctrine with an in-depth examination of key concepts and practices in integrated risk management, private-public partnerships, capabilities-based and community-focused planning, and whole community resilience strategies. https://teex.org/pages/program.aspx?catid=459
Please click here to see The Infrastructure Protection Certificate Program
Please click here to see Office of Infrastructure Protection
Please click here to see
There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors in which five of the sectors has interest to me in which can be seen in this blog:
Please click here to see: Private Sector Resources Catalog December 3, 2012
Please click here to see: The DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE)
Detection Target Capabilities List Page 115
Please see Hurricane Katrina: Communications & Infrastructure Impacts
By Dr. Robert Miller
Please click here to see: Hurricane Katrina: Communications & Infrastructure Impacts
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Respiratory Protection Program Development and Administration Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut successfully completes The Respiratory Protection Program Development and Administration (RP) (PER-263) training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on July 16th 2017 -July 20th 2017.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Respiratory Protection Program Development and Administration Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The PER-354 Response to Radiological/Nuclear WMD Incidents PER-345 Radiation Instruments Operations Course PER-347 Personal Protective Equipment – Mission Specific Competencies Course in which was Conducted by the NNSA Nevada National Security Site/Nevada Field Office NSO, CTOS Counter Terrorism Operations Support CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training for FEMA, National Preparedness Directorate. In which took place on June 5th- June 8th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-354 Response to Radiological/Nuclear WMD Incidents Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-345 Radiation Instruments Operations Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-347 Personal Protective Equipment – Mission Specific Competencies Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my supervisor Edward Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and with Ernest B Williams who came to our class and did a great presentation and who also gave a nice personal tour of the National Atomic Testing Museum Las Vegas.What a great guy and full of historical knowledge.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The TEEX MGT-315 Critical Asset Risk Management On June 27th & 28th 2017 in Torrington, CT.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The TEEX MGT-310 Jurisdictional Threat And Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Course held on May 31st 2017- June 1st 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has now completed The MGT-445 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Plan Overview. The class took place May 3rd-May 5th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has now completed The AWR-317 Radiological Emergency Preparedness Core Concepts Course RCCC The class took place May 1st - May 2nd 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The RVNA 43nd Annual Health & Wellness Fair. April 1, 2017 at The East Ridge Middle School. I’m working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth with Director of Health, Ed Briggs
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The RERO Radiological Emergency Response Operations Class # 17R-0385 Radiological Emergency Response Operations RERO PER-904 training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on April 23rd- April 29th 2017. Some of this training took place at The Noble Training Facility (NTF) was formerly the Noble Army Community Hospital at Ft. McClellan, AL. Some training also took place at the fictional town Northville Training Facility, located at the CDP's COBRA training facility.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The RVNA 43nd Annual Health & Wellness Fair. April 1, 2017 at The East Ridge Middle School. I’m working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth with Director of Health, Ed Briggs

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that my supervisor Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and I had attended The The State of Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program (CT-RPVP) Hands-On Training March 9, 2017 that was held at the Dominion emergency operations facility (EOF) also called Millstone's emergency response center at 18 Stott Avenue, Norwich, CT near the Dominion Millstone Nuclear Power Station Millstone Power Station.Where both members of The State of Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program (CT-RPVP). The Role of Host Communities in Responding to Evacuations from the Millstone Emergency Planning Zone
In attendance was
Francesca Provenzano, CT DPH
Jeffrey Semancik, CT DEEP
Sylvia Reeves, CT DEMHS
Daniel Casey, Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that my supervisor Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and I had attended The The State of Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program (CT-RPVP) Hands-On Training March 9, 2017 that was held at the Dominion emergency operations facility (EOF) also called Millstone's emergency response center at 18 Stott Avenue, Norwich, CT near the Dominion Millstone Nuclear Power Station Millstone Power Station.Where both members of The State of Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program (CT-RPVP). The Role of Host Communities in Responding to Evacuations from the Millstone Emergency Planning Zone
In attendance was
Francesca Provenzano, CT DPH
Jeffrey Semancik, CT DEEP
Sylvia Reeves, CT DEMHS
Daniel Casey, Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Town of Ridgefield pop up food pantry at Saint Stephens Episcopal Church November 6th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share at Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT on August 12th 2016 this would be my second time meeting him the first time is when Congressman Jim Himes had visited the Ridgefield, Connecticut Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during Hurricane Irene August 2011.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share at Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT on August 12th 2016 this would be my second time meeting him the first time is when Congressman Jim Himes had visited the Ridgefield, Connecticut Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during Hurricane Irene August 2011.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share pictured here working the packet pick-up for the Wolfpit Running Club 40th Annual Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon, on Friday 30th September and Saturday 1st October 2016 at The Ridgefield Running Company in Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo of finishing the Wolfpit Running Club 40th Annual Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon, Sunday, October 2, 2016. This also would be my first half marathon since I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches. So since I couldn’t race 2013-2014-2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo of finishing the Wolfpit Running Club 40th Annual Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon, Sunday, October 2, 2016. This also would be my first half marathon since I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches. So since I couldn’t race 2013-2014-2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #ConnecticutThomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook 5k April 2nd 2016 #loverunsthrough #sandyhook5k This was my first time running the event since I had torn my achilles in 2013. I have been doing this event since 2013 but had to miss out on 2014 and walk it in 2015.
Not bad for my first running in a event since I tore my achilles in 2013 and had a achilles operation in 2014. Overall Place 153 Time 26:43 Division Place 30/150
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Town of Ridgefield pop up food pantry at Saint Stephens Episcopal Church November 6th 2017
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share at Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT on August 12th 2016 this would be my second time meeting him the first time is when Congressman Jim Himes had visited the Ridgefield, Connecticut Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during Hurricane Irene August 2011.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share at Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT on August 12th 2016 this would be my second time meeting him the first time is when Congressman Jim Himes had visited the Ridgefield, Connecticut Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during Hurricane Irene August 2011.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share pictured here working the packet pick-up for the Wolfpit Running Club 40th Annual Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon, on Friday 30th September and Saturday 1st October 2016 at The Ridgefield Running Company in Ridgefield, Connecticut

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo of finishing the Wolfpit Running Club 40th Annual Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon, Sunday, October 2, 2016. This also would be my first half marathon since I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches. So since I couldn’t race 2013-2014-2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo of finishing the Wolfpit Running Club 40th Annual Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon, Sunday, October 2, 2016. This also would be my first half marathon since I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches. So since I couldn’t race 2013-2014-2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #ConnecticutThomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook 5k April 2nd 2016 #loverunsthrough #sandyhook5k This was my first time running the event since I had torn my achilles in 2013. I have been doing this event since 2013 but had to miss out on 2014 and walk it in 2015.
Not bad for my first running in a event since I tore my achilles in 2013 and had a achilles operation in 2014. Overall Place 153 Time 26:43 Division Place 30/150
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share volunteering for Sandy Hook 5k race packet pick up Friday April 1st 2016 and also running in the Sandy Hook 5k April 2nd 2016 #loverunsthrough #sandyhook5k This was my first time running the event since I had torn my achilles in 2013. I have been doing this event since 2013 but had to miss out on 2014 and walk it in 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The State of Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program (CT-RPVP) Concepts for Volunteers of the Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program On September 4th 2016
Please click here to see more information about the:
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share volunteering for Sandy Hook 5k race packet pick up Friday April 1st 2016 and also running in the Sandy Hook 5k April 2nd 2016 #loverunsthrough #sandyhook5k This was my first time running the event since I had torn my achilles in 2013. I have been doing this event since 2013 but had to miss out on 2014 and walk it in 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The State of Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program (CT-RPVP) Concepts for Volunteers of the Connecticut Radiation Professional Volunteer Program On September 4th 2016
Please click here to see more information about the:
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Center for Domestic Preparedness RDIR AWR-318 REP Disaster Initiated Review Certificate August 2016
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully completed The Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response Operations (EHTER Ops) EHTER OPS PER-309 training in conjunction with the CDC Center For Disease Control at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on August 1st through August 6th 2016 . This training took place at The Noble Training Facility (NTF) was formerly the Noble Army Community Hospital and other locations at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) July 12th-14th 2016
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully completed The Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents and Integrated Capstone Event (HCL+ICE) training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on April 10th-April 16th 2016 . Class 16-58 MCL/58 ICE ( HCL ) This training took place at The Noble Training Facility (NTF) was formerly the Noble Army Community Hospital at Ft. McClellan, AL This specific class was mainly taken by staff from local hospitals of the Cleveland, Ohio area such as the Cleveland Clinic in preparation for Republican National Convention RNC taken place in Cleveland in July of 2016. It was a honor to be able attended this class such professionals from that area @CDPfema #CDP #CDPTraining #CDPFEMA
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents Certificate
Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents and Integrated Capstone Event (HCL+ICE) at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on April 10th-April 16th 2016 . Class 16-58 MCL/58 ICE ( HCL )
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Integrated Capstone Event (HCL) Certificate
Soon after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, letters laced with anthrax began appearing in the U.S. mail. the FBI and its partners—code-named “Amerithrax” The Technical Emergency Response Training for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive (CBRNE) Incidents (TERT) course at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness at The Chemical Ordnance, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Training Facility (COBRATF) has a mock post office in which you get to testing for live anthrax.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his PER-260 TERT Technical Emergency Response Training for CBRNE Incidents Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning, and Response Actions for All Hazards Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he and his supervisor Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department had attended The 2016 CT Mass Fatality Management (MFM) Training Conference at Camp Hartell in Windsor Locks that was put on/sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Thursday 10/27 - Family Assistance Center (FAC).
(Both Ed Briggs and I are American Red Cross Volunteers as well in Connecticut T5 Disaster Volunteers and both of us have done the G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Connecticut Department of Public Health Certificate of Attendance 2016 Mass Fatality Management Response System Training

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training April 19th 2016. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York Picture caption back from the field, Wearing a General Atomics DOSE-GARD® Micro-Electronic Personal Dosimeter and other important items:)
New York State Office of Emergency Management #NYSOEM was there for the drill practice on April 19th. In June 28th 2016 FEMA #FEMA came and did a evaluation us. We do this in conjunction with Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) #IndianPoint
I had taken part in this June 28th 2016 FEMA Plume & 50 Mile Ingestion Pathway Exercise with Putnam County, New York. We do this for New York State Office of Emergency Management in conjunction with Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) as a member of the Amateur Radio - Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) K2PUT/PEARL group out of The Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services in Carmel, New York. And recently found out the preliminary FEMA findings are that there were no issues with any activities demonstrated in Putnam.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training April 19th 2016. In basic PPE, Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York
New York State Office of Emergency Management #NYSOEM was there for the drill practice on April 19th. In June 28th 2016 FEMA #FEMA came and did a evaluation us. We do this in conjunction with Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) #IndianPoint
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyct #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and I had attended The Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) In the State Of Connecticut 17 May 2016 at the Norwalk Emergency Operations Center at the Norwalk Fire Department in Norwalk,Connecticut.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The RVNA 42nd Annual Health & Wellness Fair. April 9, 2016 at The East Ridge Middle School. I’m working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth with Director of Health, Ed Briggs
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share attended Radiological Training For Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs) Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services. I had taken part in this training on March 23rd 2016. Excellent Training as they feed us dinner with Pizza. I again did this with Amateur Radio - Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) K2PUT/PEARL group out of The Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services in Carmel, New York
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Center for Domestic Preparedness RDIR AWR-318 REP Disaster Initiated Review Certificate August 2016
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully completed The Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response Operations (EHTER Ops) EHTER OPS PER-309 training in conjunction with the CDC Center For Disease Control at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on August 1st through August 6th 2016 . This training took place at The Noble Training Facility (NTF) was formerly the Noble Army Community Hospital and other locations at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he has successfully completed The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) July 12th-14th 2016
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully completed The Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents and Integrated Capstone Event (HCL+ICE) training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on April 10th-April 16th 2016 . Class 16-58 MCL/58 ICE ( HCL ) This training took place at The Noble Training Facility (NTF) was formerly the Noble Army Community Hospital at Ft. McClellan, AL This specific class was mainly taken by staff from local hospitals of the Cleveland, Ohio area such as the Cleveland Clinic in preparation for Republican National Convention RNC taken place in Cleveland in July of 2016. It was a honor to be able attended this class such professionals from that area @CDPfema #CDP #CDPTraining #CDPFEMA
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents Certificate
Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents and Integrated Capstone Event (HCL+ICE) at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on April 10th-April 16th 2016 . Class 16-58 MCL/58 ICE ( HCL )
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Integrated Capstone Event (HCL) Certificate
Soon after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, letters laced with anthrax began appearing in the U.S. mail. the FBI and its partners—code-named “Amerithrax” The Technical Emergency Response Training for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive (CBRNE) Incidents (TERT) course at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness at The Chemical Ordnance, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Training Facility (COBRATF) has a mock post office in which you get to testing for live anthrax.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his PER-260 TERT Technical Emergency Response Training for CBRNE Incidents Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning, and Response Actions for All Hazards Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Connecticut Department of Public Health Certificate of Attendance 2016 Mass Fatality Management Response System Training

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training April 19th 2016. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York Picture caption back from the field, Wearing a General Atomics DOSE-GARD® Micro-Electronic Personal Dosimeter and other important items:)

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he and his supervisor Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department had attended The 2016 CT Mass Fatality Management (MFM) Training Conference at Camp Hartell in Windsor Locks that was put on/sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Thursday 10/27 - Family Assistance Center (FAC).
(Both Ed Briggs and I are American Red Cross Volunteers as well in Connecticut T5 Disaster Volunteers and both of us have done the G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Connecticut Department of Public Health Certificate of Attendance 2016 Mass Fatality Management Response System Training

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training April 19th 2016. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York Picture caption back from the field, Wearing a General Atomics DOSE-GARD® Micro-Electronic Personal Dosimeter and other important items:)
New York State Office of Emergency Management #NYSOEM was there for the drill practice on April 19th. In June 28th 2016 FEMA #FEMA came and did a evaluation us. We do this in conjunction with Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) #IndianPoint
I had taken part in this June 28th 2016 FEMA Plume & 50 Mile Ingestion Pathway Exercise with Putnam County, New York. We do this for New York State Office of Emergency Management in conjunction with Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) as a member of the Amateur Radio - Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) K2PUT/PEARL group out of The Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services in Carmel, New York. And recently found out the preliminary FEMA findings are that there were no issues with any activities demonstrated in Putnam.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training April 19th 2016. In basic PPE, Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York
New York State Office of Emergency Management #NYSOEM was there for the drill practice on April 19th. In June 28th 2016 FEMA #FEMA came and did a evaluation us. We do this in conjunction with Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) #IndianPoint
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyct #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and I had attended The Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) In the State Of Connecticut 17 May 2016 at the Norwalk Emergency Operations Center at the Norwalk Fire Department in Norwalk,Connecticut.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The RVNA 42nd Annual Health & Wellness Fair. April 9, 2016 at The East Ridge Middle School. I’m working the Ridgefield Health Department Booth with Director of Health, Ed Briggs
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share attended Radiological Training For Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs) Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services. I had taken part in this training on March 23rd 2016. Excellent Training as they feed us dinner with Pizza. I again did this with Amateur Radio - Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) K2PUT/PEARL group out of The Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services in Carmel, New York

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning, and Response Actions for All Hazards Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 1st 2015 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning, and Response Actions for All Hazards Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 1st 2015 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his New Mexico Tech (NMT) Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents (MPRBI) Certificate taught by New Mexico Tech (NMT) and the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) and funded by The U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his New Mexico Tech (NMT) Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents (MPRBI) Certificate taught by New Mexico Tech (NMT) and the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) and funded by The U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-233 Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents (MPRBI) Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Traveling back to CSTS Camp Smith Training Site Camp Smith military installation in Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY. March 9th 2015 and 10th 2015. For the (PER-233 / MGT-348) Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents class. The instructors came from Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service - TEEX / New Mexico Tech/EMRTC. A great class/course to learn. My first time back since my last day with the New York Guard in 2003.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Traveling back to CSTS Camp Smith Training Site Camp Smith military installation in Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY. March 9th 2015 and 10th 2015. For the (PER-233 / MGT-348) Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents class. The instructors came from Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service - TEEX / New Mexico Tech/EMRTC. A great class/course to learn. My first time back since my last day with the New York Guard in 2003.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his PER-233 Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents (MPRBI) Certificate#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Traveling back to CSTS Camp Smith Training Site Camp Smith military installation in Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY. March 9th 2015 and 10th 2015. For the (PER-233 / MGT-348) Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents class. The instructors came from Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service - TEEX / New Mexico Tech/EMRTC. A great class/course to learn. My first time back since my last day with the New York Guard in 2003.#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Traveling back to CSTS Camp Smith Training Site Camp Smith military installation in Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY. March 9th 2015 and 10th 2015. For the (PER-233 / MGT-348) Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents class. The instructors came from Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service - TEEX / New Mexico Tech/EMRTC. A great class/course to learn. My first time back since my last day with the New York Guard in 2003.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Traveling back to CSTS Camp Smith Training Site Camp Smith military installation in Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY. March 9th 2015 and 10th 2015. For the (PER-233 / MGT-348) Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents class. The instructors came from Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service - TEEX / New Mexico Tech/EMRTC. A great class/course to learn. My first time back since my last day with the New York Guard in 2003.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G-289 Public Information Officer Awareness (G-289) in Valhalla, NY February 17th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and I had attended The MOVERS Mobile Vehicle-based Emergency Radiation Monitoring System (MOVERS) Field Monitoring Training. This took place at The Department of Emergency Services (DES) training center, Westchester County Emergency Services Training Center Valhalla, NY on Friday November 13th 2015. We learned about the Canberra MOVERS Mobile Vehicle-based Emergency Radiation Monitoring System (MOVERS) Van and it’s equipment and also The RadResponder application.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Department of Health MOVERS Mobile Vehicle-based Emergency Radiation Monitoring System (MOVERS) Field Monitoring Training with David O'Hehir Associate Radiological Health Specialist NYSDOH Bureau of Environmental Radiation Protection Westchester County Emergency Services Building November 13th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he had attended The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Strategic National Stockpile (DSNS) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness Course 16-01 SNS Nov 30th-Dec 5th 2015 at CDP @CDPfema #CDP #CDPTraining #CDPFEMA
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in photo two of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instructors Steve Holland and Robert A Garcia U.S. Public Health Service
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in photo with Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department attending the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Strategic National Stockpile (DSNS) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness Course 16-01 SNS Nov 30th-Dec 5th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his WebEOC Training at the The Emergency Management Office and Emergency Operation Center (EOC) located at the Torrington Fire Department, in Torrington Connecticut on January 31st 2015 was put on by Robert S. Scata from The Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security A Division of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Traveling back to CSTS Camp Smith Training Site Camp Smith military installation in Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY. March 9th 2015 and 10th 2015. For the (PER-233 / MGT-348) Medical Preparedness and Response to Bombing Incidents class. The instructors came from Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service - TEEX / New Mexico Tech/EMRTC. A great class/course to learn. My first time back since my last day with the New York Guard in 2003.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G-289 Public Information Officer Awareness (G-289) in Valhalla, NY February 17th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department and I had attended The MOVERS Mobile Vehicle-based Emergency Radiation Monitoring System (MOVERS) Field Monitoring Training. This took place at The Department of Emergency Services (DES) training center, Westchester County Emergency Services Training Center Valhalla, NY on Friday November 13th 2015. We learned about the Canberra MOVERS Mobile Vehicle-based Emergency Radiation Monitoring System (MOVERS) Van and it’s equipment and also The RadResponder application.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share New York Department of Health MOVERS Mobile Vehicle-based Emergency Radiation Monitoring System (MOVERS) Field Monitoring Training with David O'Hehir Associate Radiological Health Specialist NYSDOH Bureau of Environmental Radiation Protection Westchester County Emergency Services Building November 13th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness Course Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he had attended The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Strategic National Stockpile (DSNS) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness Course 16-01 SNS Nov 30th-Dec 5th 2015 at CDP @CDPfema #CDP #CDPTraining #CDPFEMA
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he had attended The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Strategic National Stockpile (DSNS) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness Course 16-01 SNS Nov 30th-Dec 5th 2015 at CDP @CDPfema #CDP #CDPTraining #CDPFEMA
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in photo two of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instructors Steve Holland and Robert A Garcia U.S. Public Health Service
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in photo with Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department attending the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Strategic National Stockpile (DSNS) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness Course 16-01 SNS Nov 30th-Dec 5th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his WebEOC Training at the The Emergency Management Office and Emergency Operation Center (EOC) located at the Torrington Fire Department, in Torrington Connecticut on January 31st 2015 was put on by Robert S. Scata from The Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security A Division of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his MGT-439 Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness Certificate In which took place at the East Hartford Public Safety - Fire training room on August 20th and 21st 2015. I had taken this course with Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his MGT-439 Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness Certificate In which took place at the East Hartford Public Safety - Fire training room on August 20th and 21st 2015. I had taken this course with Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his MGT-439 Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness Certificate In which took place at the East Hartford Public Safety - Fire training room on August 20th and 21st 2015. I had taken this course with Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has completed MGT- 414 Advanced Critical Infrastructure Protection CIKR/ACIP Course August 26th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness Certificate AWR-213 Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CIKR) Awareness Course was conducted the on August 25th 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Mass Prophylaxis Awareness for Public Health Emergencies Certificate November 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his completed AWR-160-W WMD Terrorism Awareness For Emergency First Responders 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness Course AWR-140-W Online Certificate of Completion November 2015 Conducted by the NNSA/NSO, CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training for FEMA, National Preparedness Directorate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Introduction to Improvised Nuclear Device Effects and Response Strategies (PER-307-W) Certificate of Completion November 2015 Conducted by the NNSA/NSO, CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training for FEMA, National Preparedness Directorate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his MGT-439 Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness Certificate In which took place at the East Hartford Public Safety - Fire training room on August 20th and 21st 2015. I had taken this course with Ed Briggs Director of Health at Ridgefield Health Department.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has completed MGT- 414 Advanced Critical Infrastructure Protection CIKR/ACIP Course August 26th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness Certificate AWR-213 Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CIKR) Awareness Course was conducted the on August 25th 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness Certificate AWR-213 Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CIKR) Awareness Course was conducted the on August 25th 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer want to share his Mass Prophylaxis Awareness for Public Health Emergencies Certificate November 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his completed AWR-160-W WMD Terrorism Awareness For Emergency First Responders 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Introduction to Improvised Nuclear Device Effects and Response Strategies (PER-307-W) Certificate of Completion November 2015 Conducted by the NNSA/NSO, CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training for FEMA, National Preparedness Directorate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his completed AWR-160-W WMD Terrorism Awareness For Emergency First Responders 2015.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness Course AWR-140-W Online Certificate of Completion November 2015 Conducted by the NNSA/NSO, CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training for FEMA, National Preparedness Directorate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his experience at the G386 - Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course. This Course had taking place at the Rockland County Fire and Emergency Services on May 12th-14th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Certificate May 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G-289 Public Information Officer Awareness (G-289) in Valhalla, NY February 17th 2015

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share that he has finished The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Natural Disaster Awareness for Community Leaders (AWR-310) on January 22nd 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his experience at the G386 - Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course. This Course had taking place at the Rockland County Fire and Emergency Services on May 12th-14th 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Certificate May 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G-289 Public Information Officer Awareness (G-289) in Valhalla, NY February 17th 2015

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share that he has finished The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Natural Disaster Awareness for Community Leaders (AWR-310) on January 22nd 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share that he has finished The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Tornado Awareness (AWR-326) on January 21st 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training August 20th 2014. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York Wearing a General Atomics DOSE-GARD® Micro-Electronic Personal Dosimeter and other important items :)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at the Jamboree-on-the-Air - Boy Scouts of America The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, taking place at the John Sherman Hoyt Scout Reservation in West Redding, Connecticut with the CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association where on hand with three stations. I believe that this was the first time doing this. And or Hoyt Scout Camp in West Redding, Connecticut. Taking place Saturday October 18th 2014 for the 2014 Scatacook Fall Camporee Hoyt.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his TRG-AUXCOMM: Auxiliary Emergency Communications Course Certificate. This event took place at the Connecticut Fire Academy on May 3rd and May 4th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches. So I would have to teach myself to be able to run again as well to teach myself how to swim again after being out for about 2 years.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Putnam County Office Of the Sheriff Certificate of Completion the Fire Police Seminar 30th April 2014.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share I was a former member of Fire-Police at Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department RVFD Fire-Police March 2012 – July 2014 (2 years 5 months). Also at the time a member of The Putnam-Northern Westchester Fire Police Association I did a medical resignation due to my achilles partial tear in July 2014 as per regulations. As I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share my start of my journey then to be with the member of Fire-Police at Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department RVFD Fire-Police March 2012 – July 2014 (2 years 5 months). In photo in 2011 as a probationary as I had six months needed to learn and pass the test in the The Firefighter's Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share that he has finished The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Tornado Awareness (AWR-326) on January 21st 2015
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training August 20th 2014. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York Wearing a General Atomics DOSE-GARD® Micro-Electronic Personal Dosimeter and other important items :)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at the Jamboree-on-the-Air - Boy Scouts of America The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, taking place at the John Sherman Hoyt Scout Reservation in West Redding, Connecticut with the CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association where on hand with three stations. I believe that this was the first time doing this. And or Hoyt Scout Camp in West Redding, Connecticut. Taking place Saturday October 18th 2014 for the 2014 Scatacook Fall Camporee Hoyt.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taking part in the The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. Train the Trainer Training that took place here at Ridgefield, Connecticut this morning. Great day for this on April 12th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his TRG-AUXCOMM: Auxiliary Emergency Communications Course Certificate. This event took place at the Connecticut Fire Academy on May 3rd and May 4th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches. So I would have to teach myself to be able to run again as well to teach myself how to swim again after being out for about 2 years.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his Putnam County Office Of the Sheriff Certificate of Completion the Fire Police Seminar 30th April 2014.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share I was a former member of Fire-Police at Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department RVFD Fire-Police March 2012 – July 2014 (2 years 5 months). Also at the time a member of The Putnam-Northern Westchester Fire Police Association I did a medical resignation due to my achilles partial tear in July 2014 as per regulations. As I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. Finally after seeing a different doctor I had surgery on my right achilles July 2014. Since my surgery in which there is one or two permanent stitches.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share my start of my journey then to be with the member of Fire-Police at Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department RVFD Fire-Police March 2012 – July 2014 (2 years 5 months). In photo in 2011 as a probationary as I had six months needed to learn and pass the test in the The Firefighter's Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race I wanted to share some photos of
“Newtown Police Union Team” running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon or 5K Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race. This team is made up of police, fire and medical personnel from around the state. Proud to have been a member of this team.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook Run For The Families in Hartford Connecticut Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook Run For The Families in Hartford Connecticut Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook Run For The Families in Hartford Connecticut Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Social Media for Natural Disaster Response and Recovery Certificate. Please click here to see:
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race I wanted to share some photos of
“Newtown Police Union Team” running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon or 5K Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race. This team is made up of police, fire and medical personnel from around the state. Proud to have been a member of this team.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook Run For The Families in Hartford Connecticut Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook Run For The Families in Hartford Connecticut Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28.
25 259 339 7915 23:28
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share running in the Sandy Hook Run For The Families in Hartford Connecticut Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share his National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Social Media for Natural Disaster Response and Recovery Certificate. Please click here to see:
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share with others being briefed at the Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York before going out as Radiological Field Teams. As part of Monitoring Practice Training August 21st 2013.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he had taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training August 21st 2013. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York Picture caption back from the field, Wearing a General Atomics DOSE-GARD® Micro-Electronic Personal Dosimeter and other important iteams :)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at the 8th Annual Children's Expo & Public Safety Day May 4, 2013. At the Putnam County Emergency Services Training and Operators Center And we had many volunteers from are PEARL group that came out to talk speak and show what Amateur Radio Ham Radio is all about. Some photos-pictures from that day.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G271 – Hazardous Weather and Flooding Preparedness G-271 Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness in Valhalla, NY November 2013
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo wanted to share volunteering as we first started here in Ridgefield, CT Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry in Ridgefield, Connecticut was at Halpin Lane 2012
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share with others being briefed at the Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York before going out as Radiological Field Teams. As part of Monitoring Practice Training August 21st 2013.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share he had taken part in Radiological Field Team Monitoring Practice Training August 21st 2013. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Field Team, Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services, Carmel, New York Picture caption back from the field, Wearing a General Atomics DOSE-GARD® Micro-Electronic Personal Dosimeter and other important iteams :)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at the 8th Annual Children's Expo & Public Safety Day May 4, 2013. At the Putnam County Emergency Services Training and Operators Center And we had many volunteers from are PEARL group that came out to talk speak and show what Amateur Radio Ham Radio is all about. Some photos-pictures from that day.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share G271 – Hazardous Weather and Flooding Preparedness G-271 Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness in Valhalla, NY November 2013
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo wanted to share volunteering as we first started here in Ridgefield, CT Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry in Ridgefield, Connecticut was at Halpin Lane 2012
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share with Region 5 ESF-2 Communications Crew January 26th 2013 at the Ridgefield,Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at KR1COM Ridgefield,CT for Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Test August 3 2013 Sponsored by the Connecticut Region 5 Regional Emergency Planning Team (REPT), ESF #2, ESF #5 and the Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) at EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM AmAmateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at KR1COM Ridgefield,CT for Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Test August 3 2013 Sponsored by the Connecticut Region 5 Regional Emergency Planning Team (REPT), ESF #2, ESF #5 and the Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) at EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) Amateur Radio Emergency Service ( SET ) Simulated Emergency Test Nov 9th 2013 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST at EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I had the had the opportunity to volunteer for The Town of Ridgefield, Connecticut KR1COM EOC Emergency Operations Center Radio Room during the State of Connecticut Statewide Hurricane Exercise — Governor Malloy's EPPI ( Emergency Preparedness and Planning Initiative ) Statewide Hurricane Exercise July Statewide Hurricane Exercise July 2012
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Hurricane Sandy 2012 "Superstorm Sandy” At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Hurricane Sandy 2012 "Superstorm Sandy” At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The 2011 Halloween nor'easter, "Snowtober" and "Storm Alfred" Nor'easter Alfred Winter Snow Storm Alfred October 2011. At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The 2011 Halloween nor'easter, "Snowtober" and "Storm Alfred" Nor'easter Alfred Winter Snow Storm Alfred October 2011. At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at the controls of Ridgefield EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Station Amateur Radio Emergency Service Tropical Storm Irene Hurricane Irene Town Of Ridgefield, CT Wednesday August 31st 2011
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 3rd 2013 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with a New York State Office of Emergency Management (OEM) truck while taken part in a FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency who do the Evaluation on us every two years. Please see ARRL QST November 2010 under Public Service Emergency Communications Titled " Amateurs Supply Critical Support to Nuclear Exercise page 81"
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Danbury Hospital of the Western Connecticut Health Network Emergency Communications Amateur Radio-Ham Radio Equipment at Danbury Hospital in Danbury, CT on September 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share with Region 5 ESF-2 Communications Crew January 26th 2013 at the Ridgefield,Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at KR1COM Ridgefield,CT for Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Test August 3 2013 Sponsored by the Connecticut Region 5 Regional Emergency Planning Team (REPT), ESF #2, ESF #5 and the Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) at EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM AmAmateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at KR1COM Ridgefield,CT for Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Test August 3 2013 Sponsored by the Connecticut Region 5 Regional Emergency Planning Team (REPT), ESF #2, ESF #5 and the Connecticut Region 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) at EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) Amateur Radio Emergency Service ( SET ) Simulated Emergency Test Nov 9th 2013 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST at EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Room
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I had the had the opportunity to volunteer for The Town of Ridgefield, Connecticut KR1COM EOC Emergency Operations Center Radio Room during the State of Connecticut Statewide Hurricane Exercise — Governor Malloy's EPPI ( Emergency Preparedness and Planning Initiative ) Statewide Hurricane Exercise July Statewide Hurricane Exercise July 2012
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I had the had the opportunity to volunteer for The Town of Ridgefield, Connecticut KR1COM EOC Emergency Operations Center Radio Room during the State of Connecticut Statewide Hurricane Exercise — Governor Malloy's EPPI ( Emergency Preparedness and Planning Initiative ) Statewide Hurricane Exercise July Statewide Hurricane Exercise July 2012
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Hurricane Sandy 2012 "Superstorm Sandy” At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Hurricane Sandy 2012 "Superstorm Sandy” At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The 2011 Halloween nor'easter, "Snowtober" and "Storm Alfred" Nor'easter Alfred Winter Snow Storm Alfred October 2011. At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The 2011 Halloween nor'easter, "Snowtober" and "Storm Alfred" Nor'easter Alfred Winter Snow Storm Alfred October 2011. At Ham Radio Station KR1COM at the Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut EOC Emergency Operations Center
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at the controls of Ridgefield EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Station Amateur Radio Emergency Service Tropical Storm Irene Hurricane Irene Town Of Ridgefield, CT Wednesday August 31st 2011
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 3rd 2013 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with a New York State Office of Emergency Management (OEM) truck while taken part in a FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency who do the Evaluation on us every two years. Please see ARRL QST November 2010 under Public Service Emergency Communications Titled " Amateurs Supply Critical Support to Nuclear Exercise page 81"
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Danbury Hospital of the Western Connecticut Health Network Emergency Communications Amateur Radio-Ham Radio Equipment at Danbury Hospital in Danbury, CT on September 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share A letter to me from the former Deputy Commissioner of the Putnam County Bureau Of Emergency Services thanking me in my participation in the 2009 State monitored Indian Point Radiological Emergency Response Prepared Exercise held on November 18th 2009
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share A letter to me from the former Deputy Commissioner of the Putnam County Bureau Of Emergency Services thanking me in my participation in the 2009 State monitored Indian Point Radiological Emergency Response Prepared Exercise held on November 18th 2009
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Radiological Emergency Response Planing Monitoring and Decontamination Putnam County Bureau Of Emergency Services
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with the State of Connecticut Mass Decontamination Trailer number 13 when had visited Ridgefield, Connecticut about 2009 in which has the ICALL/ITAC-International Calling/ International Tactical radio’s
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with the State of Connecticut Mass Decontamination Trailer number 13 when had visited Ridgefield, Connecticut about 2009 in which has the ICALL/ITAC-International Calling/ International Tactical radio’s
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share Radiological Emergency Response Planing Monitoring and Decontamination Putnam County Bureau Of Emergency Services
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with the State of Connecticut Mass Decontamination Trailer number 13 when had visited Ridgefield, Connecticut about 2009 in which has the ICALL/ITAC-International Calling/ International Tactical radio’s
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with the State of Connecticut Mass Decontamination Trailer number 13 when had visited Ridgefield, Connecticut about 2009 in which has the ICALL/ITAC-International Calling/ International Tactical radio’s
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with the State of Connecticut Mass Decontamination Trailer number 13 when had visited Ridgefield, Connecticut about 2009 in which has the ICALL/ITAC-International Calling/ International Tactical radio’s
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share looking at the STOC (State Tactical On-Scene) boxes "Spring Training" A Grand Slam in Connecticut QST; Jul 2009, Vol. 93 Issue 7, p70 ( Mr. Wilson Photo Credit ) WA8UNS listening to a briefing on the State Tactical Scene Communication Box STOC Interoperability Solution Model 341 Communications Gear made by Marcus Communications for the State of Connecticut Office of Emergency Management Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball
#ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken The Connecticut Emergency Communications Spring Training March 28th 2009 Southbury, CT Connecticut Amateur Radio Service ARES Connecticut CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taken part in The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic H1N1 vaccination clinic at Scotts Ridge Middle School Date January 9th 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he working the Town Of Ridgefield EOC Emegrency Operations Center as a call center for vaccine appointments for The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic November 21st 2009 at Ridgefield High School ( See Ridgefield Press October 29th 2009 ) We have opened up the EOC as a call center for vaccine appointments
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in Pandemic Flu Triage Center Exercise Community Planning Partners For M.E.M.A.(Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CONSORTIUM Drill Type: Functional Demonstration Exercise Topic: Medical/Infectious Disease Outbreak – Pandemic Influenza Drill Dates: April 2, 2008 to April 6, 2008 Primary Drill Location: Bethel Health Care Center, 13 Parklawn Drive, Bethel, CT 06801 Background Scenario: The Bethel Health Department in collaboration with the regional emergency support function (RESF) #8 partners is at day 11 of a response to an outbreak of a novel strain of Type A influenza in the region identified as H5N1. The Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA (Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he had taken part in the New York State Police Troop T (Thruway) 2008 2009 and 2010 Pumpkin Patrol These patrols are made possible by members amateur HAM radio operators as I had done this as a member of PEARL Putnam Emergency and Amateur Repeater League.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Thomas Kimball WA8UNS of Ridgefield,CT in the 2008 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultra Marathon ultramarathon my last one attended since first starting to do these back 1997. 50km 31.1 miles my time in 2008 was 5:37:19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to shareThe ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007 This is my old FCC Call Sign KB1MJF Before I had switched to WA8UNS.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share remembering the KR1COM Town of Ridgefield, CT Antenna Party 2007 Placing new antennas on the EOC Emergency Operations Center Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share looking at the STOC (State Tactical On-Scene) boxes "Spring Training" A Grand Slam in Connecticut QST; Jul 2009, Vol. 93 Issue 7, p70 ( Mr. Wilson Photo Credit ) WA8UNS listening to a briefing on the State Tactical Scene Communication Box STOC Interoperability Solution Model 341 Communications Gear made by Marcus Communications for the State of Connecticut Office of Emergency Management Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball
#ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken The Connecticut Emergency Communications Spring Training March 28th 2009 Southbury, CT Connecticut Amateur Radio Service ARES Connecticut CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taken part in The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic H1N1 vaccination clinic at Scotts Ridge Middle School Date January 9th 2010
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he had taken part in the New York State Police Troop T (Thruway) 2008 2009 and 2010 Pumpkin Patrol These patrols are made possible by members amateur HAM radio operators as I had done this as a member of PEARL Putnam Emergency and Amateur Repeater League.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he working the Town Of Ridgefield EOC Emegrency Operations Center as a call center for vaccine appointments for The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic November 21st 2009 at Ridgefield High School ( See Ridgefield Press October 29th 2009 ) We have opened up the EOC as a call center for vaccine appointments
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in Pandemic Flu Triage Center Exercise Community Planning Partners For M.E.M.A.(Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CONSORTIUM Drill Type: Functional Demonstration Exercise Topic: Medical/Infectious Disease Outbreak – Pandemic Influenza Drill Dates: April 2, 2008 to April 6, 2008 Primary Drill Location: Bethel Health Care Center, 13 Parklawn Drive, Bethel, CT 06801 Background Scenario: The Bethel Health Department in collaboration with the regional emergency support function (RESF) #8 partners is at day 11 of a response to an outbreak of a novel strain of Type A influenza in the region identified as H5N1. The Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA (Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA ( Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has taken part in the Bethel Drill Will Test Area Emergency Flu Response Connecticut April 2nd - April 6th 2008 State Department of Public Health's Ottilie Lundgren Memorial Mobile Field Hospital Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Preparedness Consortium Community Planning Partners for MEMA (Managed Emergency Mass Allocation) Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut ARES
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he had taken part in the New York State Police Troop T (Thruway) 2008 2009 and 2010 Pumpkin Patrol These patrols are made possible by members amateur HAM radio operators as I had done this as a member of PEARL Putnam Emergency and Amateur Repeater League.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Thomas Kimball WA8UNS of Ridgefield,CT in the 2008 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultra Marathon ultramarathon my last one attended since first starting to do these back 1997. 50km 31.1 miles my time in 2008 was 5:37:19
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to shareThe ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007 This is my old FCC Call Sign KB1MJF Before I had switched to WA8UNS.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share remembering the KR1COM Town of Ridgefield, CT Antenna Party 2007 Placing new antennas on the EOC Emergency Operations Center Ridgefield, Connecticut

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share remembering the KR1COM Town of Ridgefield, CT Antenna Party 2007 Placing new antennas on the EOC Emergency Operations Center Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share remembering the KR1COM Town of Ridgefield, CT Antenna Party 2007 Placing new antennas on the EOC Emergency Operations Center Ridgefield, Connecticut
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Member of ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service KX1EOC Danbury, Connecticut holding the CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) Amateur Radio Emergency Service ( SET ) Simulated Emergency Test 4 October 2008 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share my WA8UNS Connecticut ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service 2007 Identification. CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo running in the Marine Corps Marathon on October 29th 2006
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo finished the Marine Corps Marathon on October 29th 2006
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo taking part in the Wolfpit Running Club Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon 2004
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Official Results 2001 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultras 5:12:54 PLACE 12 TOM KIMBALL
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in the year 2000 Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Member of ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service KX1EOC Danbury, Connecticut holding the CT REGION 5 Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group (ARES REGION 5) Amateur Radio Emergency Service ( SET ) Simulated Emergency Test 4 October 2008 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share my WA8UNS Connecticut ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service 2007 Identification. CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo running in the Marine Corps Marathon on October 29th 2006
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo finished the Marine Corps Marathon on October 29th 2006
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo taking part in the Wolfpit Running Club Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon 2004
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo taking part in the Wolfpit Running Club Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon 2004
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Official Results 2001 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultras 5:12:54 PLACE 12 TOM KIMBALL
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in the year 2000 Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in the April 1998 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultramarathons weather cold and monsoonal rains and snow showers Charl Mattheus had joined us that year 1998. Autographed Card from Charl Mattheus
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Official Results 1998 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultras 4-26/1998 My 2nd one 50km placed 14th out of 36 Age 28 time 5:04:10 Remember the weather conditions weather cold and monsoonal rains and snow showers
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taken part in the April 1998 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultramarathons weather cold and monsoonal rains and snow showers Charl Mattheus had joined us that year 1998. Autographed Card from Charl Mattheus
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Official Results 1998 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultras 4-26/1998 My 2nd one 50km placed 14th out of 36 Age 28 time 5:04:10 Remember the weather conditions weather cold and monsoonal rains and snow showers
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut doing my first Ultra-Marathon April 1997. Up in Lake Waramaug in New Preston, Connecticut for the 50- kilometer ( 32.5 miles) in 5 hours 38 minutes and 27 seconds and placing 28th of 35th runners in the 50km.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. As I was training for my 5th Marine Corps Marathon as I have already done Marine Corps Marathon 1992 Marine Corps Marathon 1993 Marine Corps Marathon 1994 and Marine Corps Marathon 2006
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo in A newspaper article on the Wolfpit Running Club Wolfpitters run in close-knit circle April 7th 1992 Thomas Q Kimball in the center with the Brooks T-Shirt also in photo is fellow Wolfpit Running Club member John Dugdale and Kathy Barry who I still see working out all the time.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of his Wolfpit Running Club 1989 Ridgefield Half Marathon Shirt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at The Maratha's Marathas Vineyard Endurance Ironman Triathlon 1994. This was my 2nd time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon for the 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and the 26.2 mile run at the end., This was apart of the Maratha's Vineyard Triathlon Festival September 17th 1994. This was my last Ironman Triathlon since now I can't afford a bike anymore., I was 25 years old at the time in 1994.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at my first Ironman distance triathlon Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1991 was my first time to finish this event., In 1990 I had done this but had to drop out 13 miles into the 26.2 mile run., I was 22 years old when I did this event 1991. This was my 1st time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon in 13 hours 48 minutes for the 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and the 26.2 mile run at the end., Just two years after finishing high school at Joel Barlow in Redding, CT 1989
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1992
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1992
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Derby Savings Bank 1991 Connecticut Triathlon Series Overall Place 58 out of 1545 In division M 20-24 Placed 8 out 134 Derby Biathlon, Orange Biathlon, Milford Triathlon, Griskus Triathlon, Chucks Triathlon, Litchfield Biathlon.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at The Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series Hilton Head National Championships November 5th 1989
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series Hilton Head National Championships November 5th 1989 Poster.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut doing my first Ultra-Marathon April 1997. Up in Lake Waramaug in New Preston, Connecticut for the 50- kilometer ( 32.5 miles) in 5 hours 38 minutes and 27 seconds and placing 28th of 35th runners in the 50km.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathon. As I was training for my 5th Marine Corps Marathon as I have already done Marine Corps Marathon 1992 Marine Corps Marathon 1993 Marine Corps Marathon 1994 and Marine Corps Marathon 2006
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo in A newspaper article on the Wolfpit Running Club Wolfpitters run in close-knit circle April 7th 1992 Thomas Q Kimball in the center with the Brooks T-Shirt also in photo is fellow Wolfpit Running Club member John Dugdale and Kathy Barry who I still see working out all the time.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo of his Wolfpit Running Club 1989 Ridgefield Half Marathon Shirt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at The Maratha's Marathas Vineyard Endurance Ironman Triathlon 1994. This was my 2nd time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon for the 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and the 26.2 mile run at the end., This was apart of the Maratha's Vineyard Triathlon Festival September 17th 1994. This was my last Ironman Triathlon since now I can't afford a bike anymore., I was 25 years old at the time in 1994.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at my first Ironman distance triathlon Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1991 was my first time to finish this event., In 1990 I had done this but had to drop out 13 miles into the 26.2 mile run., I was 22 years old when I did this event 1991. This was my 1st time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon in 13 hours 48 minutes for the 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and the 26.2 mile run at the end., Just two years after finishing high school at Joel Barlow in Redding, CT 1989
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1992
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at my first Ironman distance triathlon Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1991 was my first time to finish this event., In 1990 I had done this but had to drop out 13 miles into the 26.2 mile run., I was 22 years old when I did this event 1991. This was my 1st time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon in 13 hours 48 minutes for the 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike and the 26.2 mile run at the end., Just two years after finishing high school at Joel Barlow in Redding, CT 1989
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1992
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1992
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Derby Savings Bank 1991 Connecticut Triathlon Series Overall Place 58 out of 1545 In division M 20-24 Placed 8 out 134 Derby Biathlon, Orange Biathlon, Milford Triathlon, Griskus Triathlon, Chucks Triathlon, Litchfield Biathlon.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at The Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series Hilton Head National Championships November 5th 1989
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series Hilton Head National Championships November 5th 1989 Poster.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at The Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series Hilton Head National Championships November 5th 1989
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share The Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series Hilton Head National Championships November 5th 1989 Poster.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I was also a member Transatlantic Council Troop 112 Boy Scouts of America out of the American Embassy In Paris, France from 1985-1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I was also a member Transatlantic Council Troop 112 Boy Scouts of America out of the American Embassy In Paris, France from 1985-1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his old info Sheet Wednesday October 23rd 1985 that I was also a member Transatlantic Council Troop 112 Boy Scouts of America out of the American Embassy In Paris, France from 1985-1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo racing for ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo racing for ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my License Étrangère enregistree Comite ILE DE FRANCE Society 6 A.C.B.B. Genre de Licence Junior 1 Inscription 1 Merlin Plage racing for ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my Section Cyclisme ACBB Membre Actif 1985-1986 Le President de la Section Leroy Gerard Président du club, Gérard Leroy Le President General Perbos Jean-Pierre
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my USCF United States Cycling Federation 1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo taking part in the Paris Versailles Dimanche 27 Octobre 1985 10 eme Paris Versailles
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo just finished his first marathon at age 16 years old at the Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo medal of Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 4 Mai 1986 at age 16 years old
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I was a student at the International School of Paris ISP High School from 1984 1985 1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his International School of Paris ISP High School Jacket from 1984 1985 1986 About International School of Paris via Wikipedia
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Certificate International School of Paris Physical Education Certificate of Merit 8th Olympic Sports 1984 13 to 14 years old 200 meter first place June 16th 1984
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his old info Sheet Wednesday October 23rd 1985 that I was also a member Transatlantic Council Troop 112 Boy Scouts of America out of the American Embassy In Paris, France from 1985-1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo racing for ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo racing for ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my License Étrangère enregistree Comite ILE DE FRANCE Society 6 A.C.B.B. Genre de Licence Junior 1 Inscription 1 Merlin Plage racing for ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my Section Cyclisme ACBB Membre Actif 1985-1986 Le President de la Section Leroy Gerard Président du club, Gérard Leroy Le President General Perbos Jean-Pierre
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with my USCF United States Cycling Federation 1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo taking part in the Paris Versailles Dimanche 27 Octobre 1985 10 eme Paris Versailles
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo just finished his first marathon at age 16 years old at the Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut sharing photo medal of Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 4 Mai 1986 at age 16 years old
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I was a student at the International School of Paris ISP High School from 1984 1985 1986
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his International School of Paris ISP High School Jacket from 1984 1985 1986 About International School of Paris via Wikipedia
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Certificate International School of Paris Physical Education Certificate of Merit 8th Olympic Sports 1984 13 to 14 years old 200 meter first place June 16th 1984
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his Certificate International School of Paris Physical Education Certificate of Merit 8th Olympic Sports 1984 13 to 14 years old 200 meter first place June 16th 1984
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) I had started in 1988 as a Junior in High school and left in 2012. I had my Squadron Leadership School (SLS) of 18 April 1993 and also first held the rank of Senior Member 2nd Lt. back in April 1993 and had completed Civil Air Patrol Officer Basic Course 8th January 2010 I had a couple years breaks in Service.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) I had started in 1988 as a Junior in High school and left in 2012. I had my Squadron Leadership School (SLS) of 18 April 1993 and also first held the rank of Senior Member 2nd Lt. back in April 1993 and had completed Civil Air Patrol Officer Basic Course 8th January 2010 I had a couple years breaks in Service.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) I had started in 1988 as a Junior in High school and left in 2012. I had my Squadron Leadership School (SLS) of 18 April 1993 and also first held the rank of Senior Member 2nd Lt. back in April 1993 and had completed Civil Air Patrol Officer Basic Course 8th January 2010 I had a couple years breaks in Service.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share former member of Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary, The Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol 399th Composite Squadron (NER-CT-042) I had started in 1988 as a Junior in High school and left in 2012. I had my Squadron Leadership School (SLS) of 18 April 1993 and also first held the rank of Senior Member 2nd Lt. back in April 1993 and had completed Civil Air Patrol Officer Basic Course 8th January 2010 I had a couple years breaks in Service.