Thursday, October 28, 2021
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut Providing both Electricity Power and also internet wifi to our American Red Cross caseworkers here for there laptops. The Ford F-10 XLT Emergency Power Truck I was driving for my American Red Cross Deployment Hurricane Ida September and October 2021 Photos at Marrero Louisiana
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut Currently on Deployment to Louisiana with the American Red Cross Hurricane Ida 2021 Sharing Hurricane Damage Destruction I have personally seen my deployment had started September 1st 2021 to September 22nd 2021 then I went back on October 13th 2021 and finished my deployment November 5th 2021
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield Connecticut Heading back to Baton Rouge Louisiana on Wednesday 13th 2021 Hurricane Ida I was just there September 1st through September 22nd 2021 and was there just last year September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield Connecticut Heading back to Baton Rouge Louisiana on Wednesday 13th 2021 Hurricane Ida I was just there September 1st through September 22nd 2021 and was there just last year September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020 photo at American Red Cross 4655 Sherwood Common Blvd Baton Rouge Louisiana 70816
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield Connecticut Heading back to Baton Rouge Louisiana on Wednesday 13th 2021 Hurricane Ida I was just there September 1st through September 22nd 2021 and was there just last year September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020 photo at American Red Cross 4655 Sherwood Common Blvd Baton Rouge Louisiana 70816
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut had deployed for Hurricane Ida to Baton Rouge Louisiana to help out. American Red Cross DST/CS/SV Disaster Services Technology Customer Service Supervisor. I was just there last year on deployment helping out for almost 3 months as of September 1st 2021 and returned home on the September 22nd 2021 with the American Red Cross DRO Assignment 255-2022 HUR Ida LA 8/21 HUR
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connectic While on my American Red Cross Deployment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana assisting with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I was on this deployment from September 12th 2020 to November 28th 2020 for American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) since a young boy competes in The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, Connecticut Saturday, July 31, 2021. Taken 2nd place in the Age Group/Division Male 50-54 and placing 38th overall with a time of 22:11:08. This race is for a great cause and I will do what I can to help support people with disabilities as it's personal to be because of my own disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K continues to support Ability Beyond, an organization dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to live, work and thrive as members of their community. The non-profit currently runs two residential programs in Ridgefield; Sunrise Cottage and Ritch Drive.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) since a young boy competes in The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, Connecticut Saturday, July 31, 2021. Taken 2nd place in the Age Group/Division Male 50-54 and placing 38th overall with a time of 22:11:08. This race is for a great cause and I will do what I can to help support people with disabilities as it's personal to be because of my own disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K continues to support Ability Beyond, an organization dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to live, work and thrive as members of their community. The non-profit currently runs two residential programs in Ridgefield; Sunrise Cottage and Ritch Drive.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) since a young boy competes in The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, Connecticut Saturday, July 31, 2021. Taken 2nd place in the Age Group/Division Male 50-54 and placing 38th overall with a time of 22:11:08. This race is for a great cause and I will do what I can to help support people with disabilities as it's personal to be because of my own disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K continues to support Ability Beyond, an organization dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to live, work and thrive as members of their community. The non-profit currently runs two residential programs in Ridgefield; Sunrise Cottage and Ritch Drive.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) since a young boy competes in The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, Connecticut Saturday, July 31, 2021. Taken 2nd place in the Age Group/Division Male 50-54 and placing 38th overall with a time of 22:11:08. This race is for a great cause and I will do what I can to help support people with disabilities as it's personal to be because of my own disabilities (learning -invisible disabilities-depression) The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K continues to support Ability Beyond, an organization dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to live, work and thrive as members of their community. The non-profit currently runs two residential programs in Ridgefield; Sunrise Cottage and Ritch Drive.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut while on my American Red Cross Deployment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana assisting with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I was on this deployment from September 12th 2020 to November 28th 2020 for American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut took part in the Nationwide Red Cross Emergency Communications Drill, Joint Exercise with ARES, November 14, 2020 at the Chapter Office Communications - Amateur Radio Room call sign KE5QJQ. While on my American Red Cross Deployment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana assisting with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I was on this deployment from September 12th 2020 to November 28th 2020 for American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield, Connecticut at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was there picking up Louisiana Wireless Information Network (LWIN) radios at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office so that we could have back-up communications. In Preparation for Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta. I had arrived on September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020. American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share this picture in which he is in American Red Cross DST Disaster Service Technology team with Grayson of the IEEE-USA MOVE Team currently here in Baton Rouge Louisiana IEEE has a partnership with the American Red Cross. Photo was taken while on my deployment to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in which arrived on September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020. American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT January 15th 2021. This was our first time holding the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT for a long time since COVID-19. It’s nice to have this back in town to help provided food for those that need it.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT January 15th 2021. This was our first time holding the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT for a long time since COVID-19. It’s nice to have this back in town to help provided food for those that need it.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share my WA8UNS Connecticut ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service 2007 Identification. A member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007 This is my old FCC Call Sign KB1MJF from 2005 before I had switched to WA8UNS. A member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Participating In The 2007 Amateur Radio Emergency Service ARRL Simulated Emergency Test October 2007 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST at KX1EOC Station in Danbury, Connecticut. WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Participating In The 2007 Amateur Radio Emergency Service ARRL Simulated Emergency Test October 2007 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST at KX1EOC Station in Danbury, Connecticut. WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taken part in “Spring Training” - A Grand Slam for Emergency Communications Operators in Connecticut - The Connecticut Emergency Communications Spring Training March 28th 2009 Southbury, CT Connecticut "Spring Training" A Grand Slam in Connecticut QST; Jul 2009, Vol. 93 Issue 7, p70 Amateur Radio Service ARES Connecticut CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) A write up of the event was in the CT DEMHS Commissioner Notes Vol. 5 Issue 7 July 2009 “Spring Training” - A Grand Slam for Emergency Communications Operators in Connecticut WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share looking at the STOC (State Tactical On-Scene) boxes "Spring Training" A Grand Slam in Connecticut QST; Jul 2009, Vol. 93 Issue 7, p70 ( Mr. Wilson Photo Credit ) WA8UNS listening to a briefing on the State Tactical Scene Communication Box STOC Interoperability Solution Model 341 Communications Gear made by Marcus Communications for the State of Connecticut Office of Emergency Management Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at KX1EOC Danbury,CT the above photo was taken on the day Simply Simplex test was done in ARRL QST Magazine March 2008, Vol. 92 Issue 3, p90 WA8UNS Mentioned
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share remembering the KR1COM Station Amateur Radio Ham Radio Town of Ridgefield, CT Antenna Party 2007 Placing new antennas on the EOC Emergency Operations Center Ridgefield, Connecticut WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) helping to place new antennas on the roof.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share working the 2009 Amateur Radio Communications ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services / The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) helping out with The Ridgefield Sprint Triathlon . This was the 3rd year of the The Ridgefield Sprint Triathlon. WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share with the The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Ridgefield Emergency Management here working the checking people in for The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic November 21st 2009 at Ridgefield High School (See Ridgefield Press October 29th 2009)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taken part with The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Ridgefield Emergency Management in The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic H1N1 vaccination clinic at Scotts Ridge Middle School Date January 9th 2010.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share with the The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Ridgefield Emergency Management here working the checking people in for The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic November 21st 2009 at Ridgefield High School (See Ridgefield Press October 29th 2009)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taken part with The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Ridgefield Emergency Management in The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic H1N1 vaccination clinic at Scotts Ridge Middle School Date January 9th 2010.