#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut while on my American Red Cross Deployment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana assisting with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I was on this deployment from September 12th 2020 to November 28th 2020 for American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut took part in the Nationwide Red Cross Emergency Communications Drill, Joint Exercise with ARES, November 14, 2020 at the Chapter Office Communications - Amateur Radio Room call sign KE5QJQ. While on my American Red Cross Deployment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana assisting with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I was on this deployment from September 12th 2020 to November 28th 2020 for American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut took part in the Nationwide Red Cross Emergency Communications Drill, Joint Exercise with ARES, November 14, 2020 at the Chapter Office Communications - Amateur Radio Room call sign KE5QJQ. While on my American Red Cross Deployment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana assisting with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I was on this deployment from September 12th 2020 to November 28th 2020 for American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield, Connecticut at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was there picking up Louisiana Wireless Information Network (LWIN) radios at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office so that we could have back-up communications. In Preparation for Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta. I had arrived on September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020. American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield, Connecticut at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was there picking up Louisiana Wireless Information Network (LWIN) radios at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office so that we could have back-up communications. In Preparation for Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share this picture in which he is in American Red Cross DST Disaster Service Technology team with Grayson of the IEEE-USA MOVE Team currently here in Baton Rouge Louisiana IEEE has a partnership with the American Red Cross. Photo was taken while on my deployment to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in which arrived on September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020. American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT January 15th 2021. This was our first time holding the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT for a long time since COVID-19. It’s nice to have this back in town to help provided food for those that need it.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT January 15th 2021. This was our first time holding the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT for a long time since COVID-19. It’s nice to have this back in town to help provided food for those that need it.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering as we first started here in Ridgefield, CT Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry in Ridgefield, Connecticut was at Halpin Lane 2012
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering as we first started here in Ridgefield, CT Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry in Ridgefield, Connecticut was at Halpin Lane 2012
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS of Ridgefield, Connecticut has just graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy on 12 March 2020 at Post University in Waterbury, CT. Being apart of the first group to complete FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy in Connecticut as this was the first time FEMA offered the Basic Academy courses in Connecticut.The National Emergency Management Basic Academy is a gateway for individuals pursuing a career in emergency management. The National Emergency Management Basic Academy will provide a foundational education in emergency management.The Basic Academy consists of the following classroom courses. For more about FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy please see this link: https://training.fema.gov/empp/basic.aspx
Ridgefield, Connecticut resident graduates from FEMA's National Emergency Management Basic Academy on 12 March 2020
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS of Ridgefield, Connecticut FEMA National Emergency Management Basic Academy certificate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS of Ridgefield, Connecticut In photo receiving his FEMA's National Emergency Management Basic Academy certificate by the Deputy Superintendent of FEMA's Emergency Management Institute Michael J Sharon on 12 March 2020 at Post University in Waterbury, Connecticut .
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share my WA8UNS Connecticut ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service 2007 Identification. A member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share his ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007 This is my old FCC Call Sign KB1MJF from 2005 before I had switched to WA8UNS. A member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Participating In The 2007 Amateur Radio Emergency Service ARRL Simulated Emergency Test October 2007 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST at KX1EOC Station in Danbury, Connecticut. WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share Participating In The 2007 Amateur Radio Emergency Service ARRL Simulated Emergency Test October 2007 State Of Connecticut CONNECTICUT SECTION - SIMULATED EMERGENCY TEST at KX1EOC Station in Danbury, Connecticut. WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taken part in “Spring Training” - A Grand Slam for Emergency Communications Operators in Connecticut - The Connecticut Emergency Communications Spring Training March 28th 2009 Southbury, CT Connecticut "Spring Training" A Grand Slam in Connecticut QST; Jul 2009, Vol. 93 Issue 7, p70 Amateur Radio Service ARES Connecticut CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) A write up of the event was in the CT DEMHS Commissioner Notes Vol. 5 Issue 7 July 2009 “Spring Training” - A Grand Slam for Emergency Communications Operators in Connecticut WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share looking at the STOC (State Tactical On-Scene) boxes "Spring Training" A Grand Slam in Connecticut QST; Jul 2009, Vol. 93 Issue 7, p70 ( Mr. Wilson Photo Credit ) WA8UNS listening to a briefing on the State Tactical Scene Communication Box STOC Interoperability Solution Model 341 Communications Gear made by Marcus Communications for the State of Connecticut Office of Emergency Management Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at KX1EOC Danbury,CT the above photo was taken on the day Simply Simplex test was done in ARRL QST Magazine March 2008, Vol. 92 Issue 3, p90 WA8UNS Mentioned

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share remembering the KR1COM Station Amateur Radio Ham Radio Town of Ridgefield, CT Antenna Party 2007 Placing new antennas on the EOC Emergency Operations Center Ridgefield, Connecticut WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) helping to place new antennas on the roof.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share working the 2009 Amateur Radio Communications ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services / The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) helping out with The Ridgefield Sprint Triathlon . This was the 3rd year of the The Ridgefield Sprint Triathlon. WA8UNS Thomas Kimball a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share with the The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Ridgefield Emergency Management here working the checking people in for The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic November 21st 2009 at Ridgefield High School (See Ridgefield Press October 29th 2009)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share taken part with The Town Of Ridgefield Connecticut Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Ridgefield Emergency Management in The Town Of Ridgefield, Connecticut Point of Distribution (POD) H1N1 vaccination clinic H1N1 vaccination clinic at Scotts Ridge Middle School Date January 9th 2010.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in photo with a New York State Office of Emergency Management (OEM) truck while taken part in a FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency who do the Evaluation on us every two years. Please see ARRL QST November 2010 under Public Service Emergency Communications Titled " Amateurs Supply Critical Support to Nuclear Exercise page 81"
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share shortly after leaving with New York Guard with Honorable Discharge July 31 2003. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard. I went back to help New York State around 2008 in which had started to volunteer to help support the Amateur Radio - Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) K2PUT/PEARL group out of The Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services in Carmel, New York for Radiological Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs) for Indian Point Radiological Emergency Response. Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant operated by Entergy
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share A letter to me from the former Deputy Commissioner of the Putnam County Bureau Of Emergency Services thanking me in my participation in the 2009 State monitored Indian Point Radiological Emergency Response Prepared Exercise held on November 18th 2009

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share at the controls of Ridgefield EOC Emergency Operations Center KR1COM Amateur Radio Ham Radio Station Amateur Radio Emergency Service Tropical Storm Irene Hurricane Irene Town Of Ridgefield, CT Wednesday August 31st 2011
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share working the KR1COM Station Amateur Radio - Ham Radio Station at the Ridgefield Emergency Operations Center Ridgefield, Connecticut during Hurricane Sandy 2012 “Superstorm Sandy” WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball is a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES)
American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology Team DRO Table of Organization DST Chief > Communications Manager (CM) >Amateur Radio Liaison Associate
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region at the CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Field day June 2019 at Tarrywile Park & Mansion in Danbury, CT who is American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology DST at our T5 Southbury CT A American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association. It’s important to represent the American Red Cross at a Amateur Radio Ham Radio Club during a Field day as a club such as the CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association can get extra points by having one served agency such as American Red Cross as seen here: 7.3.12. Site Visitation by a representative of an agency: One (1) 100-point bonus may be claimed if your Field Day site is visited by a representative of an agency served by ARES in your local community (American Red Cross, Salvation Army, local Emergency Management, law enforcement, etc.)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share New York Road Runners' (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon November 1st 2015 as Ham Radio Operator, Amateur Radio.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Volunteer CT/RI Region with I have my Communications Unit Leader (COML), Communications Technician (COMT) and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM), Certification(s) I also have The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate, L950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander, L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Certifications without my PTB completed.

DHS/OEC/ICTAP Communications Unit (COMU) Positions Description Recognized in the Incident Command System (ICS) Notice Amateur Radio Operators in the above chart. Amateur Radio Operators and AUXCOMM members support the COM-L as a Technical Specialist (THSP)
The ICS organizational chart with IC- Incident Commander LSC-Logistics Section Chief COML- Communications Unit Leader.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut wanted to share he has completed The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Incident Commander Course January 27th-31st 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut wanted to share he has completed The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief June 2nd-6th 2014
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) wanted to share he has successfully completed The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) July 12th-14th 2016
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in picture with The Ulster County Sheriff's Office Mobile Incident Command Vehicle. Nice to have a couple guys from The Ulster County Sheriff's Office bring it to class and show us there truck with all the nice communications set up and portable repeater.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share in the above photo with one of The State of Connecticut Mobile Communications Vehicles (MCV) The Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, (DESPP/DEMHS) Mobile Communications Vehicles (MCVs)
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) wanted to share he has successfully completed the All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course in which held in Danbury, Connecticut March 26th-30th 2018.
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) wanted to share he has successfully completed my All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) wanted to share he has successfully completed TRG-AUXCOMM: Auxiliary Emergency Communications Course Certificate. Auxiliary Emergency Communicator (AUXCOMM) – This unofficial ICS position supports the operational and technical aspects of the Auxiliary Communications Unit, maintains and/or operates the AUXCOMM network; the knowledge to perform this function applies to every AUXCOMM position. I had attended the DESPP Sponsored Auxiliary Emergency Communications AEC Workshop At the CT Fire Academy on May 3rd and May 4th 2014

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) wanted to share he has successfully completed Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate