WA8UNS THOMAS KIMBALL OF RIDGEFIELD CONNECTICUT who has learning disabilities Volunteering via Ham Radio for the New York City Marathon 2024 Mile 23 November 3, 2024. I have been volunteering at the New York Road Runners (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon since 2009, doing Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Communications for the event working at mile 23 as past years working at mile 24 I am also a Guide with Achilles International Connecticut chapter Achilles International- CT Chapter. Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/ridgefield-red-cross-volunteer-thomas-kimball-18125558.php
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed with the American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene Florida 2024 October 2024 As a member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle MOVE-3 Community Outreach program truck WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/ridgefield-red-cross-volunteer-thomas-kimball-18125558.php
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed with the American Red Cross for for the Southern California wildfires 2024 September 2024 Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/ridgefield-red-cross-volunteer-thomas-kimball-18125558.php
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed with the American Red Cross for Tropical Storm Francine 2024 Louisiana September 2024 WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/ridgefield-red-cross-volunteer-thomas-kimball-18125558.php
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed with the American Red Cross for State of Connecticut Floods 2024 August 2024 I was assisting the DA Damage Assessment Teams and also doing some Disaster Services Technology (DST). The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/ridgefield-red-cross-volunteer-thomas-kimball-18125558.php
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities and who’s first school was a at the Easter Seal School in Miami Florida 1976-1977 was deployed American Red Cross Deployment for Hurricane Helene Florida 2024 October 2024 also was deployed American Red Cross Deployment for the Southern California wildfires 2024 September 2024 was also deployed American Red Cross Deployment for the Tropical Storm Francine 2024 Louisiana September 2024 also deployed American Red Cross Deployment for the State of Connecticut Floods 2024 August 2024 also was deployed American Red Cross Deployment for the Hurricane Debby Florida 2024 during August 2024 and also was deployed American Red Cross Deployment for the New Mexico Wildfires 2024 during June and July 2024 and also was deployed American Red Cross Deployment for the Oklahoma Tornadoes 2024 during April and May 2024 with American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) I would not be able to go help and deploy without the help behind the seen of my mother and a friend helping to take care of my cat without this help I would not be able to deploy. WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/ridgefield-red-cross-volunteer-thomas-kimball-18125558.php
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut American Red Cross deployment Hurricane Debby 2024
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed with the American Red Cross for Hurricane Debby 2024 Deployed pre-landfall of Hurricane Debby to Florida. Deployed with the American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) In photo at the American Red Cross Capital Area Chapter Office in Tallahassee Florida as was our DROHQ before moving DROHQ to The Southwest Florida Chapter American Red Cross in Sarasota Florida. My deployment was from August 2nd 2024 - August 13th 2024.
Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut American Red Cross deployment New Mexico Wildfires 2024
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed with the American Red Cross for the New Mexico Wildfires 2024. In which impacted areas such as Ruidoso New Mexico Deployed with the American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) In photo with fire information and fire map in where the wildfires where located. Besides the Wildfires we also had to deal with major flooding that also impacted the Ruidoso New Mexico area while I was on deployment there. My deployment was from June 25th 2024 - July 16th 2024. In which I also celebrated my 4th of July birthday while on deployment.
Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut American Red Cross deployment Oklahoma tornadoes 2024
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed with the American Red Cross for the Oklahoma tornadoes 2024. In which impacted areas such as Sulphur, Oklahoma. Deployed with the American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) In photo setting up a Starlink Satellite Dish at one of our shelters. Other tornados decided to impact the state Oklahoma while I was on deployment there. My deployment was from April 30th 2024 - May 24th 2024
Learning Disabled American Red Cross Volunteer of Ridgefield Connecticut WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed for the Maui Hawaii Wildfires Response in which taught American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) to get a American Red Cross Volunteer back up to speed with Disaster Services Technology (DST) and also teach Disaster Services Technology (DST) to new local from Hawaii American Red Cross Temporary Disaster Employees and fix computer related issues and printer issues and also wifi internet issues Wi-Fi troubleshooting where American Red Cross was set-up in the Lahaina, HI area and also teach How to Setup Starlink Satellite Dish This was my first time teaching Disaster Services Technology (DST) and was a little surprised by the assignment to teach everything I knew about American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) as I have had learning disabilities all my life and my first school was Easter Seal School in Miami, Florida in the 1970’s. My deployment was from September 30th 2023 to October 26th 2023
Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/ridgefield-red-cross-volunteer-thomas-kimball-18125558.php Photo is of American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities at the Easter Seal School in Miami Florida 1976-1977 class photo. I’m sharing in hopes it will help others and by learning and reading about about Navy Seal David Goggins shares about his own Learning Disabilities and also does Ultramarathons ultra marathons and also learning and listening to Navy Seal Naval Adm. William H. McRaven commencement speech. Also A quote from the speech “There are alot of sharks in the world” Don’t back down from the sharks”
Receiving my National Emergency Management Basic Academy certificate

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) since 2016 and has been on several American Red Cross Deployments responding to aid in disasters In photo receiving his FEMA National Emergency Management Basic Academy certificate by the Deputy Superintendent of FEMA's Emergency Management Institute Michael J Sharon on 12 March 2020 at Post University in Waterbury, Connecticut I have wanted to continued to learn and be train and cross-train in many different subjects as possible as my past experience as a STAFF SERGEANT E-6 Thomas Kimball At the time of The New York Guard activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard. At Camp Smith Training Site we were at Threatcon Charlie FPCON CHARLIE apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment we where unarmed while working there at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, New York Guard Awards and Decorations include: New York Guard Commander's Citation 15 August 2002 Reason: Support to Camp Smith security during "9-11" 9/11 New York Guard New York State Defense of Liberty Medal 15 September 2002 Reason: In support to WTC efforts
Emergency Management Disability Awareness Training

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) since 2016. wanted to share he has successfully completed the Emergency Management Disability Awareness Training on 2nd July 2013. Which is apart of the Niagara University First Responders Disability Awareness Training. As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and my first school was Easter Seal School in Miami, Florida in the 1970’s and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities.
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut in photo Easter Seal School Miami, Florida
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut in above photo in which I have never shared publicly me at the Easter Seal School Miami, Florida in 1976 - 1977 a School specializing in a school for kids with disabilities. Also in photos are my reading trophies 1976-1977 1977-1978 from the reading club there at the school for reading so many pages of books unfortunately these trophies and others iteams such as my Sheeler Winton Swim Club Miami Florida swim team gear that had in which had special meaning to me were stolen while moving from one spot to another here in Ridgefield, CT back in 2009 or 2010. Other photo is one of my day schedule at the Easter Seal School Miami, Florida. I’m sharing in hopes it will help others and by learning and reading about about Navy Seal David Goggins shares about his own Learning Disabilities and also does Ultramarathons ultra marathons and also learning and listening to Navy Seal Naval Adm. William H. McRaven commencement speech. Also A quote from the speech “There are alot of sharks in the world” Don’t back down from the sharks”
The Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course (G386) G-386 Mass Fatality Incident Response Course
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share he has completed The Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course (G386) G-386 Mass Fatality Incident Response Course May 14th 2015 WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball Ridgefield Connecticut is also a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) I have wanted to continued to learn and be train and cross-train in many different subjects as possible as my past experience as a STAFF SERGEANT E-6 Thomas Kimball At the time of The New York Guard activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard. At Camp Smith Training Site we were at Threatcon Charlie FPCON CHARLIE apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment we where unarmed while working there at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, New York Guard Awards and Decorations include: New York Guard Commander's Citation 15 August 2002 Reason: Support to Camp Smith security during "9-11" 9/11 New York Guard New York State Defense of Liberty Medal 15 September 2002 Reason: In support to WTC efforts
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut American Red Cross Deployment Hurricane Lee
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut on a American Red Cross Deployment Hurricane Lee New England Area with The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle MOVE-2 Community Outreach program truck September 14th through September 18th. Had traveled with the The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle MOVE-2 Community Outreach program truck from Danbury Connecticut and heading to Massachusetts and stopping in Mansfield Massachusetts waiting for Hurricane Lee to go by as was heading up New England with strong winds etc. Since Hurricane Lee began to weaken and or fall apart we where released to take the truck back to it’s home location of Raleigh North Carolina. But always prepared and our passion to be able to help when needed. Traveling about 6 states in 3 days. From Mansfield Massachusetts to Raleigh North Carolina. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle works with The American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) Team.
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut American Red Cross Deployment Hurricane Idalia
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed for American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) Deployment to Tallahassee Florida for Hurricane Idalia August 28th 2023 till September 10th 2023
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut I had started travel here to Guam for American Red Cross deployment for the Typhoon Mawar Recovery efforts on June 10th June and got to Guam on the 12th of June. And I just got back Saturday the 15th of July. As takes about two days of just travel time to get there and back. My primary role with our DST Disaster Services Technology function was setting up Starlink Satellite Dish(s) at different client intake locations where folks come for financial help for the damage done to their homes. We had two Starlink Satellite Dish(s) at our two shelter locations. One for our staff and one for the clients to use to be able to connect to the internet as important to connect to family members, Setting up First Net MiFi Hotspots as well. Cellular service was spotty in ares as we need to make sure our staff is able to connect to the internet to be able to do there job functions. We set up two projectors one in each shelter for the staff there to show movies for the kids staying there with their families and there are also coloring books at the shelters as well for the kids, A highlight each day having to go to our shelters to check on our equipment to make sure running correctly was the kids approaching you to show you there coloring book they just colored that day. The power grid had been unstable but got better as time progressed. The water was not drinkable so given emergency box water to drink. Military Personnel would contribute with helping out in the Island of Guam in its recovery efforts . American Red Cross was also feeding the military for awhile as their dinning facility had been damaged by the Typhoon.Many thanks to my mother for watching and taking care of my cat Cleo while on this deployment without her being able to watch and take care of Cleo I would not be able to be able to deploy. Also thanks to my friend Kathy that has help to watch my cat Cleo when my mother was unable to. WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball in June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others. This article can also be seen online.WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut with the SpaceX's Starlink Satellite Dish American Red Cross Deployments from Hurricane Ida to Baton Rouge Louisiana 2021 Mayfield Kentucky Tornado 2022 Hurricane Ian 2022 and recently Guam for Typhoon Mawar 2023 Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a ARRL American Radio Relay League Member and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach Vehicle Member The American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course The Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course FEMA National Emergency Management Basic Academy certificate 2022 June 11th 2023
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball Of Ridgefield Connecticut In Guam Typhoon Mawar Recovery American Red Cross
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut I had started travel here to Guam for American Red Cross deployment for the Typhoon Mawar Recovery efforts on June 10th June and got to Guam on the 12th of June. And I just got back Saturday the 15th of July. As takes about two days of just travel time to get there and back. My primary role with our DST Disaster Services Technology function was setting up Starlink Satellite Dish(s) at different client intake locations where folks come for financial help for the damage done to their homes. We had two Starlink Satellite Dish(s) at our two shelter locations. One for our staff and one for the clients to use to be able to connect to the internet as important to connect to family members, Setting up First Net MiFi Hotspots as well. Cellular service was spotty in ares as we need to make sure our staff is able to connect to the internet to be able to do there job functions. We set up two projectors one in each shelter for the staff there to show movies for the kids staying there with their families and there are also coloring books at the shelters as well for the kid's, A highlight each day having to go to our shelters to check on our equipment to make sure running correctly was the kids approaching you to show you there coloring book they just colored that day. The power grid had been unstable but got better as time progressed. The water was not drinkable so given emergency box water to drink. Military Personnel would contribute with helping out in the Island of Guam in its recovery efforts . American Red Cross was also feeding the military for awhile as their dinning facility had been damaged by the Typhoon.Many thanks to my mother for watching and taking care of my cat Cleo while on this deployment without her being able to watch and take care of Cleo I would not be able to be able to deploy. Also thanks to my friend Kathy that has help to watch my cat Cleo when my mother was unable to. WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball in June 11th 2023 The Ridgefield Press Article Ridgefield man with "learning disability" who volunteers in disaster zones wants to inspire others. This article can also be seen online.WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut with the SpaceX's Starlink Satellite Dish American Red Cross Deployments from Hurricane Ida to Baton Rouge Louisiana 2021 Mayfield Kentucky Tornado 2022 Hurricane Ian 2022 and recently Guam for Typhoon Mawar 2023 Amateur Radio Ham Radio Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a ARRL American Radio Relay League Member and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach Vehicle Member The American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course The Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course FEMA National Emergency Management Basic Academy certificate 2022 June 11th 2023
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut guiding a vision impaired blind athlete 5km
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut in photo with Gordon holding onto my arm as a vision impaired blind athlete. Team Gordon with two guides always guiding the athlete with Achilles International Connecticut chapter Achilles International CT Chapter at 2023 MJ Wealth Advisors Fairfield 5K on Saturday June 3rd 2023 Our time at the finish was just under a hour. I am also a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) since 2016. I have had learning disabilities all my life and my first school was Easter Seal School in Miami, Florida in the 1970’s.
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball Ridgefield Connecticut Resident Member of the IEEE MOVE Radio Club W4MOV
Thomas Kimball Ridgefield Connecticut Resident deployment American Red Cross for Hurricane Ian 2022
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut who has learning disabilities was deployed as a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) Deployment for Hurricane Ian From October 1st to October 17th 2022 and then November 19th to December 10th 2022. I was tasked to set up Starlink SpaceX's Satellite Dishes with another DST IT volunteer at various locations such as St. Cloud Florida and Harlem Heights Florida and Punta Gorda Florida that Elon Musk to Provide Florida With Starlink Satellites in Response to Hurricane Ian. As we got about 10 of them to use. I was also tasked to teach other volunteers who would be traveling to various locations with snacks and food on how to set them up using the Starlink application on their smartphone. Testing and setting up a Starlink SpaceX's Satellite Dish with Ubiquiti Networks Unifi Security Gateway, USG-PRO-4 with a Ubiquiti Unifi Switch 24 PoE 500W with a Ubiquiti Networks UniFi UAP-PRO Wireless Access Point. And also testing with a Cradlepoint AER1600/AER1650 Series Cellular Gateway for one of our shelter locations. It was nice to get these Starlink Satellite Dishes set up so the public that was effected by the hurricane could get onto the internet wifi and be able to connect to there family members and also have a source of communications. Our American Red Cross DROHQ based out of the Chico's FAS Headquarters Fort Myers Florida.
Ridgefield Connecticut Resident Achilles International Connecticut 2022 Perseverance Award
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball Ridgefield Connecticut Resident received the Achilles International Connecticut 2022 Perseverance award last night On January 18th 2023.
Ridgefield Connecticut Resident Volunteering Kentucky Floods 2022
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball Ridgefield Connecticut Resident volunteering with the American Red Cross Kentucky Floods July August 2022 Kentucky Flood 2022 In photo setting up a satellite dish for Communications at a warehouse as cellphone coverage limited spotty
Just graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy on 12 March 2020

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut who is a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) since 2016 and has been on several American Red Cross Deployments responding to aid in disasters has just graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy on 12 March 2020 at Post University in Waterbury, Connecticut. Being apart of the first group to complete FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy in Connecticut as this was the first time FEMA offered the Basic Academy courses in Connecticut.The National Emergency Management Basic Academy is a gateway for individuals pursuing a career in emergency management. The National Emergency Management Basic Academy will provide a foundational education in emergency management.The Basic Academy consists of the following classroom courses. More about: https://training.fema.gov/empp/basic.aspx L0101 Foundations of Emergency Management (40 hours) L0102 Science of Disasters (24 hours) L0103 Planning: Emergency Operations (16 hours) L0146 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) (16 hours) L0105 Public Information and Warning (16 hours) Total course hours: 112 hours I have wanted to continued to learn and be train and cross-train in many different subjects as possible as my past experience as a STAFF SERGEANT E-6 Thomas Kimball At the time of The New York Guard activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard. At Camp Smith Training Site we were at Threatcon Charlie FPCON CHARLIE apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment we where unarmed while working there at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, New York Guard Awards and Decorations include: New York Guard Commander's Citation 15 August 2002 Reason: Support to Camp Smith security during "9-11" 9/11 New York Guard New York State Defense of Liberty Medal 15 September 2002 Reason: In support to WTC efforts
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut in photo with Team Mike as a Guide with Achilles International Connecticut chapter Achilles International CT Chapter at 2022 Achilles Hope & Possibility Presented by TD Bank, a four-mile race in Central Park on Sunday, June 26. Our time at the finish was about 37:13 for the 4 miler.
Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut in photo as a guide at Cheshire Road Races April 10, 2022
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut in photo at my first event as a guide with my athlete in which guiding as a member with the Achilles International Connecticut chapter Achilles International- CT Chapter at The Ion Bank Cheshire Road Races Sun April 10, 2022 taking part in the Half Marathon. Professional Photo In 2021 with Achilles International Connecticut chapter Achilles International- CT Chapter in which will be a guide/volunteer aid to a person with disabilities volunteering to be a Guide to runners athletes that have physical challenges or vision impaired blind athletes to help them will all my years of experiences train and complete with a athlete from anywhere from 5km to a marathon in which would be a goal to them striving to achieve their first. As I have never shared publicly me at the Easter Seal School Miami, Florida in 1976 - 1977 a School specializing in a school for kids with disabilities. Also in photos are my reading trophies 1976-1977 1977-1978 from the reading club there at the school for reading so many pages of books.Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities.
WA8UNS Elecraft K2 Transceiver with a Elecraft KAT100 and SignaLink USB and Dell Computer SET UP
Photo: WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut is a ham radio set up in which my father who is a Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator gave me his old go-kit of a Elecraft K2 Transceiver with a Elecraft KAT100 Automatic Antenna Tuner and SignaLink USB and Dell Computer all so I can start doing some digital communications like the MIDTN (Michigan Digital Traffic Net) and finally some HF communications as I have been a General Class Amateur Radio Operator for along time now. Now currently trying to get Vera HF Winlink set up before the next Winlink Thursday Winlink Thursdays - EmComm-Training.org so I can start training via HF instead of going through telnet. Feel free to contact me if interested in helping me set this up. Thanks nsawa8uns@gmail.com
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball AMC Northwest Camp February 16th 2022 doing some Amateur Radio Winlink
Photo: WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut at the Appalachian Mountain Club Connecticut Chapter AMC Northwest Camp today February 16th 2022 in upstate CT near MA doing some Amateur Radio Winlink set up digital communications via amateur radio. This equipment that I was using is my father’s equipment Elecraft K3 Transceiver that used while there. I use just a basic old Lenovo ThinkPad T400 as I take part in the weekly Special EmComm Training for Winlink Thursday and I also participate in the monthly Winlink Wednesday CT ARES Digital Net via Telnet mode for this American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) Volunteer Please feel free to visit my Amateur Radio Page at https://www.qrz.com/db/WA8UNS
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Danbury News-Times The Long Journey Guides Kimball Past Frustrations
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut A Danbury News-Times front page article of me: The Long Journey Guides Kimball Past Frustrations Competing in Marathons Helped Danbury Resident Thomas Kimball Overcome Learning Disabilities Danbury News-Times front page June 13th 2001 The above article was written by Danbury News-Times on me and my sports and using sports as a positive way out of coping with having life long learning disabilities and hopes that this article might help others out there. As I remember this article from 2001 and becoming a volunteer in 2021 with Achilles International Connecticut chapter Achilles International- CT Chapter in which will be a guide/volunteer aid to a person with disabilities volunteering to be a Guide to runners athletes that have physical challenges or vision impaired blind athletes to help them will all my years of experiences train and complete with a athlete from anywhere from 5km to a marathon in which would be a goal to them striving to achieve their first. I have found recently of May 2022 a few motivational videos U.S Navy Seal Motivation U.S Navy Seal Motivation who I think Navy Seal David Rutherford is speaking and also and interesting to learn about Navy Seal David Goggins who speaks in the video and shares about his own Learning Disabilities and also does Ultramarathons ultra marathons "USE THESE 4 SECRETS To Tackle Goals Like A NAVY SEAL!” in which These 4 inspiring speeches from NAVY SEALs. In the commencement speech that Navy Seal Naval Adm. William H. McRaven in which had mentioned in it about the little guys — the munchkin crew They out-paddled, out-ran and out-swam all the other boat crews. My take on this where can be adopted is do not underestimate the power and or ability of a person with either visible or invisible disabilities we just might be swimming in the lane next to you and might be out-swimming you and or running in the same running race event with you and out-running you. A quote from the speech "if you want to change the world measure a person by the size of there heart not by the size of their flippers” From my sports since a young kid in Miami 1970's swimming at the Sheeler Winton Swim Club to Annual Wolfpit Half Marathon Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon since 1989 to Bike racing 1986 with ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt, France. With my United States Cycling Federation USCF 1986 Amateur Racing License as this was the United States Cycling Federation USCF 1986 International License Philip Voxland was the president of the USCF then. As can be seen my old address 1 Place de Breteuil 75007 Paris, France while attending the International School of Paris France in 1984 1985 1986. In 1985 the bike racing cycling movie called American Flyers had came out with actors Kevin Costner, David Grant, Alexandra Paul and Cycling Inspiration - American Flyers: Hell of the west part (The Old Coors Classic Bike Race) on youtube . The Paris International Marathon 4 Mai 1986 to my 5 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultramarathons 50km (31.1 miles) and two full Ironman distance triathlons finishes (2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike 26.2 mile run) in 1991 and 1994 2nd place in my age group of the Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K on July 31, 2021. And also one Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island in 1989. And also doing my first Sound Cyclists Bicycle Club Bloomin Metric Century VI May 15th 1983 Bloomin' Metric 100km 1983 1st 62.14 mile bike tourAbout age 14 years old when I did this. And also doing the Ridgefield, Connecticut Ridgefield Y-Athlon August 28th 1988 The Third Annual Ridgefield Family Y-Athlon Thomas Q Kimball first Triathlon 19 years old. And also one Derby Savings Bank 1991 Connecticut Triathlon Series Overall Place 58 out of 1545 In divison M 20-24 Placed 8 out 134 Derby Biathlon, Orange Biathlon, Milford Triathlon, Griskus Triathlon, Chucks Triathlon, Litchfield Biathlon. I had to stop doing bike racing and triathlons all together as I could not keep up with the expense of owning a race bike anymore. And also 4 Marine Corps Marathons 1992 1993 1994 2006. I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathons. That’s about 46 years of experience of racing and competing. Some of this sports history can be seen here or by clicking the above picture https://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2016/10/wolfpit-running-club-40th-annual-pamby.html More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities.Competes in The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, Connecticut Saturday, July 31, 2021. Taken 2nd place in the Age Group/Division Male 50-54 and placing 38th overall with a time of 22:11:08. This race is for a great cause and I will do what I can to help support people with disabilities as it's personal to be because of my own disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K continues to support Ability Beyond, an organization dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to live, work and thrive as members of their community. The non-profit currently runs two residential programs in Ridgefield; Sunrise Cottage and Ritch Drive. I have been volunteering at the New York Road Runners (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon since 2009, doing Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Communications for the event working at mile 23 as past years working at mile 24. My second home is the Ridgefield Parks & Recreation Recreation Center in Ridgefield, Connecticut you can find me swimming laps in the pool or the wellness gym area on the spinning bike or running on the streets of Ridgefield, Connecticut
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball in picture with Mr. Emoji here in Ridgefield, Connecticut after a run
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in picture of me next to the Mr. Emoji or Mr. Happy here in Ridgefield Connecticut as of March 15th 2022 after just finishing a 8 mile run in which prior to that a 1 hour 30 minute lap swim at 6am and 90 minutes of spinning bike my work out for that day. As Running season is coming soon and now as a volunteer guide/volunteer aid with Achilles International Connecticut chapter. https://www.achillesct.org to a person with disabilities to help them will all my years of experiences train and complete from anywhere from 5km to a marathon in which would be a goal to them striving to achieve there first. I myself are in works with getting Achilles International Connecticut chapter doing some running events here in Ridgefield and been talking with the Ridgefield Running Company in trying to make this happen. My first event as a guide with the Achilles International Connecticut chapter will be The Ion Bank Cheshire Road Races Sun April 10, 2022 taking part in the Half Marathon
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball at AMC Northwest Camp today February 16th 2020 Amateur Radio Winlink set up
Photo: WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut at the Appalachian Mountain Club Connecticut Chapter AMC Northwest Camp today February 16th 2022 in upstate CT near MA doing some Amateur Radio Winlink set up digital communications via amateur radio. This equipment that I was using is my father’s equipment Elecraft K3 Transceiver that used while there. I use just a basic old Lenovo ThinkPad T400 as I take part in the weekly Special EmComm Training for Winlink Thursday and I also participate in the monthly Winlink Wednesday CT ARES Digital Net via Telnet mode for this American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) Volunteer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Operations Center Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS)
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in picture at Mayfield Kentucky with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Operations Center Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) ECCV-8 when I was on deployment American Red Cross Volunteer Tornado Recovery Deployment Kentucky 12 December 2021 - 24 January 2022 A short video of the can be found here about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Operations Center Deployable Tactical Operations System (DTOS) https://youtu.be/rjp2KRLKbCg
IS-2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions May 2019
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has completed the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Independent Study Course IS-2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions May 2019. In the training shows this publication National Incident Management System Third Edition October 2017 National Incident Management System Third Edition October 2017
IS-289 Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) Overview IS-00289 Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) Overview
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has completed the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Independent Study Course IS-289 Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) Overview April 2022 IS-00289 Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) Overview April 2022
TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course on March 11th 2016
G 191 G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed Incident Command System / Emergency Operations Center Interface G191 ICS- EOC Interface G 191 G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface On June 11th 2019
Ridgefielder aids Red Cross in Tornado recovery efforts In which appeared in the Ridgefield Press December 23rd 2021 and also appeared in the Danbury News-Times December 19th 2021 WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut American Red Cross Deployment to Kentucky Tornado Recovery Deployment December 13th 2021 to January 24th 2022. Working with the American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) Team and also with the IEEE-MOVE IEEE-USA's Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), MOVE Team MOVE Community Outreach program in which has partnership with the American Red Cross while on this deployment. Configuring cell phones and laptops to work together with the hotspots from the cellphones for our volunteers going out in the field and also configuring Cradlepoint with Ubiquiti UniFi AP access point and going out info the field and setting them up for this equipment is used to be able to help out in the field going out with the caseworker volunteers so they can help others out. Also sometimes setting up satellite dish(s) setup to help provide that internet services so our volunteers can be able to help others. Also fixing and other types of computer and printer issues and making sure the IP "Internet Protocol," address number is working for the wireless network connections and anything communications related to make sure our volunteers are connected and able to communicate. To see what I had witness and saw personally please see my page http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2022/01/wa8uns-thomas-quick-kimball-ridgefield.html and also http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2022/01/wa8uns-thomas-kimball-ridgefield.html More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 And also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) March 2018 and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate July 2016 and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course May 2014. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I also have the Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate April 2014 as well as the The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License. NWS National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter trained. Also a former member of the New York Guard. His unit was activated in response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard with manpower and skills. Additionally, Kimball spent two years with the Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department Fire-Police. You can visit this link http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/08/region-5-amateur-radio-test-august-4th.html
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Tornado Awareness AWR-326
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut remembering taking The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center Tornado Awareness (AWR-326) on January 21st 2015 after coming home from my recent American Red Cross deployment to Kentucky Tornado Recovery Deployment December 13th 2021 to January 24th 2022. To see the course list from National Disaster Preparedness Training Center https://ndptc.hawaii.edu/training/catalog/21/#course-description There is even a Hurricane Awareness (AWR-343) course and Leveraging Tools for Conducting Damage Assessments (AWR-319). some of my certificates can be seen http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2020/04/disaster-financial-management-guide.html
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut Photo with our MOVE-2 Truck Kentucky
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut https://wa8uns.blogspot.com In Photo with our MOVE-2 Community Outreach program truck. Please click on photo to read about this deployment: Kentucky Area Tornado Recovery - IEEE-MOVE IEEE-USA's Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), MOVE Tornado Recovery. My American Red Cross Deployment Kentucky was from 12 December 2021 - 24 January 2022. IEEE-USA and the American Red Cross have signed a national partnership agreement regarding the MOVE Community Outreach program. MOVE provides short-term communications and power solutions after natural disasters and infrastructure failures. More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 And also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) March 2018 and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate July 2016 and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course May 2014. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I also have the Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate April 2014 as well as the The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License. Also a graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy on 12 March 2020 as well as a graduated of Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Infrastructure Protection certificate on 1st July 2017 and also Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course on March 11th 2016. LSU NCBRT PER-335, Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks on November 19th 2019. And also Incident Command System / Emergency Operations Center Interface G191 ICS- EOC Interface G 191 G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface On June 11th 2019. And also have completed the G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Certificate May 2015 And Also FEMA EMI Professional Development Series PDS in Emergency Management Certificate Of Achievement 18 April 2011. And Also FEMA Continuity of Operations Excellence Series—Level 1 (Professional Continuity Practitioner) certification 8th October 2014 And also The New York State Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) Course on June 13th 2019 And also G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019. Also a former member of the New York Guard. His unit was activated in response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard with manpower and skills. Additionally, Kimball spent two years with the Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department Fire-Police. You can visit this link http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/08/region-5-amateur-radio-test-august-4th.html
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut https://wa8uns.blogspot.com deployed for Hurricane Ida to Baton Rouge Louisiana to help out. American Red Cross DST/CS/SV Disaster Services Technology Customer Service Supervisor. In Photo with our MOVE-2 Community Outreach program truck. Please click on photo to read about the IEEE-MOVE Hurricane ida / Nicholas Louisiana Louisiana Disaster Recovery . My American Red Cross deployment Hurricane ida / Nicholas Louisiana in which had started September 1st 2021 to September 22nd 2021 then I went back on October 13th 2021 and finished my deployment November 5th 2021: IEEE MOVE Hurricane ida / Nicholas Louisiana Disaster Recovery - IEEE-MOVE IEEE-USA's Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), MOVE Hurricane ida / Nicholas Louisiana Disaster Recovery IEEE-USA and the American Red Cross have signed a national partnership agreement regarding the IEEE MOVE Community Outreach program. MOVE provides short-term communications and power solutions after natural disasters and infrastructure failures. More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 And also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) March 2018 and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate July 2016 and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course May 2014. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I also have the Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate April 2014 as well as the The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License. Also a graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy on 12 March 2020 as well as a graduated of Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Infrastructure Protection certificate on 1st July 2017 and also Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course on March 11th 2016. LSU NCBRT PER-335, Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks on November 19th 2019. And also Incident Command System / Emergency Operations Center Interface G191 ICS- EOC Interface G 191 G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface On June 11th 2019. And also have completed the G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Certificate May 2015 And Also FEMA EMI Professional Development Series PDS in Emergency Management Certificate Of Achievement 18 April 2011. And Also FEMA Continuity of Operations Excellence Series—Level 1 (Professional Continuity Practitioner) certification 8th October 2014 And also The New York State Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) Course on June 13th 2019 And also G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019. Also a former member of the New York Guard. His unit was activated in response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard with manpower and skills. Additionally, Kimball spent two years with the Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department Fire-Police. You can visit this link http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/08/region-5-amateur-radio-test-august-4th.html
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut In Photo setting up a starlink satellite dish
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut https://wa8uns.blogspot.com deployed for Hurricane Ida to Baton Rouge Louisiana to help out. American Red Cross DST/CS/SV Disaster Services Technology Customer Service Supervisor. In Photo setting up a starlink satellite dish with another satellite dish in Houma, Louisiana providing internet services to our American Red Cross volunteers. My deployment Hurricane Ida to Baton Rouge Louisiana to help out as a American Red Cross DST/CS/SV Disaster Services Technology Customer Service Supervisor. This American Red Cross deployment Hurricane ida / Nicholas Louisiana in which had started for me September 1st 2021 to September 22nd 2021 then I went back on October 13th 2021 and finished my deployment November 5th 2021. More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 And also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) March 2018 and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate July 2016 and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course May 2014. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I also have the Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate April 2014 as well as the The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License. Also a graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Basic Academy on 12 March 2020 as well as a graduated of Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Infrastructure Protection certificate on 1st July 2017 and also Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course on March 11th 2016. LSU NCBRT PER-335, Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks on November 19th 2019. And also Incident Command System / Emergency Operations Center Interface G191 ICS- EOC Interface G 191 G-191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface On June 11th 2019. And also have completed the G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Certificate May 2015 And Also FEMA EMI Professional Development Series PDS in Emergency Management Certificate Of Achievement 18 April 2011. And Also FEMA Continuity of Operations Excellence Series—Level 1 (Professional Continuity Practitioner) certification 8th October 2014 And also The New York State Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) Course on June 13th 2019 And also G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019. Also a former member of the New York Guard. His unit was activated in response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard with manpower and skills. Additionally, Kimball spent two years with the Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department Fire-Police. You can visit this link http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/08/region-5-amateur-radio-test-august-4th.html
Thomas Kimball Ridgefield Connecticut Photo American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology Set Up
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut https://wa8uns.blogspot.com Photo with American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) Mobile Communications Set Up with a Dell Laptop Computer with mouse and with wifi Cradlepoint and Ubiquiti UniFi set up with a NetGear FirstNet Ready Nighthawk Hotspot Router with Antenna as back-up with a Power Strip plug into a Ford F-10 XLT Emergency Power Truck this equipment is used to be able to help out in the field going out with the caseworker volunteers so they can help others out by providing internet and power for there laptop computers for the caseworkers. I was driving this truck out in the field for some of my American Red Cross Deployment Hurricane Ida September and October 2021 had started September 1st 2021 to September 22nd 2021 then I went back on October 13th 2021 and finished my deployment November 5th 2021 Photos at Marrero Louisiana deployment: Hurricane ida / Nicholas Louisiana Disaster Recovery More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 And also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) March 2018 and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate July 2016 and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course May 2014. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I also have the Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate April 2014 as well as the The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License. NWS National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter trained. Also a former member of the New York Guard. His unit was activated in response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard with manpower and skills. Additionally, Kimball spent two years with the Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department Fire-Police. You can visit this link http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/08/region-5-amateur-radio-test-august-4th.html
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut recently joins Achilles International Connecticut
WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut https://wa8uns.blogspot.com recently joins Achilles International Connecticut chapter around November 24th 2021 in which will be a guide/volunteer aid to a person with disabilities to help them will all my years of experiences train and complete from anywhere from 5km to a marathon in which would be a goal to them striving to achieve there first. Also possibly with swimming to help preparing for a triathlon. To find out more about Achilles International Connecticut chapter. https://www.achillesct.org Here it a video with Alex and young man and his two guides in whom I got to chat and meet when I was volunteering on the course with this years New York City Marathon 2021 a few weeks ago this month. I have been volunteering at the New York Road Runners (NYRR) TCS New York City Marathon since 2009, doing Amateur Radio Ham Radio Emergency Communications for the event working at mile 23 as past years working at mile 24. https://fb.watch/9ua6NAIAwA/ As the caption reads: HUGE shout out to Alex Grano for finishing his first in-person NYC marathon yesterday. Last year he ran it virtually with guide Kristin Partenza. This year, Alex, Kristin and co-guide Jeff Palma crossed the finish line together…check out their big moment! Truly inspiring to see this. From my sports since a young kid in Miami 1970's swimming at the Sheeler Winton Swim Club to Annual Wolfpit Half Marathon Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon since 1989 to Bike racing 1986 with ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt, France. With my United States Cycling Federation USCF 1986 Amateur Racing License as this was the United States Cycling Federation USCF 1986 International License Philip Voxland was the president of the USCF then. The Paris International Marathon 4 Mai 1986 to my 5 Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultramarathons 50km (31.1 miles) and two full Ironman distance triathlons finishes in 1991 and 1994 (2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike 26.2 mile run) 2nd place in my age group of the Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K on July 31, 2021. And also one Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island in 1989. And also doing my first Sound Cyclists Bicycle Club Bloomin Metric Century VI May 15th 1983 Bloomin' Metric 100km 1983 1st 62.14 mile bike tour. About age 14 years old when I did this. And also doing the Ridgefield, Connecticut Ridgefield Y-Athlon August 28th 1988 The Third Annual Ridgefield Family Y-Athlon. Thomas Q Kimball first Triathlon 19 years old. And also one Derby Savings Bank 1991 Connecticut Triathlon Series Overall Place 58 out of 1545 In divison M 20-24 Placed 8 out 134 Derby Biathlon, Orange Biathlon, Milford Triathlon, Griskus Triathlon, Chucks Triathlon, Litchfield Biathlon. I had to stop doing bike racing and triathlons all together as I could not keep up with the expense of owning a race bike anymore. And also 4 Marine Corps Marathons 1992 1993 1994 2006. I had torn my achilles in 2013 in training for the 2013 Marine Corps Marathons. That’s about 46 years of experience of racing and competing. Some of this sports history can be seen here or by clicking the above picture https://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2016/10/wolfpit-running-club-40th-annual-pamby.html More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. A Danbury News-Times front page article of me: The Long Journey Guides Kimball Past Frustrations Competing in Marathons Helped Danbury Resident Thomas Kimball Overcome Learning Disabilities Danbury News-Times front page June 13th 2001 The above article was written by Danbury News-Times on me and my sports and using sports as a positive way out of coping with having life long learning disabilities and hopes to help others out there is so much a person with learning disabilities.
Ridgefielder aids Red Cross in Tornado recovery efforts Ridgefield Press December 23rd 2021

Ridgefielder aids Red Cross in Tornado recovery efforts In which appeared in the Ridgefield Press December 23rd 2021 and also appeared in the Danbury News-Times December 19th 2021 WA8UNS Thomas Quick Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut American Red Cross Deployment to Kentucky Tornado Recovery Deployment December 13th 2021 to January 24th 2022. Working with the American Red Cross Disaster Services Technology (DST) Team and also with the IEEE-MOVE IEEE-USA's Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), MOVE Team MOVE Community Outreach program in which has partnership with the American Red Cross while on this deployment. Configuring cell phones and laptops to work together with the hotspots from the cellphones for our volunteers going out in the field and also configuring Cradlepoint with Ubiquiti UniFi AP access point and going out info the field and setting them up for this equipment is used to be able to help out in the field going out with the caseworker volunteers so they can help others out. Also sometimes setting up satellite dish(s) setup to help provide that internet services so our volunteers can be able to help others. Also fixing and other types of computer and printer issues and making sure the IP "Internet Protocol," address number is working for the wireless network connections and anything communications related to make sure our volunteers are connected and able to communicate. To see what I had witness and saw personally please see my page http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2022/01/wa8uns-thomas-quick-kimball-ridgefield.html and also http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2022/01/wa8uns-thomas-kimball-ridgefield.html More about Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 And also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) March 2018 and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate July 2016 and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course May 2014. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I also have the Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate April 2014 as well as the The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License. NWS National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter trained. Also a former member of the New York Guard. His unit was activated in response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard with manpower and skills. Additionally, Kimball spent two years with the Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department Fire-Police. You can visit this link http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/08/region-5-amateur-radio-test-august-4th.html
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut competes The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, CT

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Competes in The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, Connecticut Saturday, July 31, 2021. Taken 2nd place in the Age Group/Division Male 50-54 and placing 38th overall with a time of 22:11:08. This race is for a great cause and I will do what I can to help support people with disabilities as it's personal to be because of my own disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K continues to support Ability Beyond, an organization dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to live, work and thrive as members of their community. The non-profit currently runs two residential programs in Ridgefield; Sunrise Cottage and Ritch Drive.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut is a person with disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) since a young boy As myself have learning disabilities and have had since a young boy and has been a challenge as does not appear to have any disabilities. These are called invisible disabilities. Competes in The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K Ridgefield, Connecticut Saturday, July 31, 2021. Taken 2nd place in the Age Group/Division Male 50-54 and placing 38th overall with a time of 22:11:08. This race is for a great cause and I will do what I can to help support people with disabilities as it's personal to be because of my own disabilities (learning disabilities invisible disabilities) The Southwest Cafe Margarita 5K continues to support Ability Beyond, an organization dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to live, work and thrive as members of their community. The non-profit currently runs two residential programs in Ridgefield; Sunrise Cottage and Ritch Drive.
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut 2021 NYC Marathon Amateur Radio Race Communications

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut Volunteering at the 2021 NYC Marathon New York City Marathon Amateur Radio Ham Radio Race Communications Mile 23
DHSES Office of Interoperable and Emergency Communications (OIEC) Communications Unit 5 Mayfield

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut was on deployment with the American Red Cross From December 13th 2021 to January 24th Kentucky Tornado Recovery Photo: NYS DHSES New York State Division of Homeland Security And Emergency Services Office of Interoperable and Emergency Communications (OIEC) Communications Unit 5 Mayfield Kentucky
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut Deployment in Kentucky American Red Cross

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut Deployment in Kentucky photo out American Red Cross DROHQ at the Kentucky Dam Villiage Conference Center in Gilbertville Kentucky on deployment from December 13th 2021 and currently as of January 7th 2022
Heading back to Baton Rouge Louisiana on 13th 2021 Hurricane Ida

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield, Connecticut Heading back to Baton Rouge Louisiana on Wednesday 13th 2021 Hurricane Ida I was just there September 1st through September 22nd 2021 and was there just last year September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020 American Red Cross 4655 Sherwood Common Blvd Baton Rouge Louisiana 70816
Fall 50 Mile Challenge for American Red Cross! https://www.facebook.com/donate/559786561897730/

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taking on the Fall 50 Mile Challenge for American Red Cross! Please support me as I take on 50 miles and raise funds to help people impacted by disasters like fires, storms, and countless other crises. Every donation, big or small, counts. Cheer me on in making a difference! https://www.facebook.com/donate/559786561897730/
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut had deployed for Hurricane Ida

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut had deployed for Hurricane Ida to Baton Rouge Louisiana to help out. American Red Cross DST/CS/SV Disaster Services Technology Customer Service Supervisor. I was just there last year on deployment helping out for almost 3 months as of September 1st 2021 and returned home on the September 22nd 2021 with the American Red Cross DRO Assignment 255-2022 HUR Ida LA 8/21 HUR
Volunteering with Annie at Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry Ridgefield, Connecticut

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I'm also a volunteer with Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry that takes place in Ridgefield, Connecticut every month as well . Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo with Annie volunteering Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT October 10, 2014
Remembering 9/11 Ceremony included a 9/11 honor flag so we can remembering those we had lost on 9/11

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share A nice photo taken by Rudy Marconi, Our First Selectman Town Of Ridgefield right after our 9/11 Ceremony held at Ridgefield Recreation Center. I had come up with idea to included a 9/11 honor flag some years ago so we can remembering those we had lost on 9/11 So it's been this a honor to be the flag bearer for this.
Staff Sergeant E-6 Thomas Q Kimball
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut with The New York Guard At Camp Smith Training Site HHC, Army Division Enlisted in the New York Guard 29 April 2000 ETS April 2003 Promoted E-6 Staff Sergeant on 15 March 2003 Honorable Discharge July 31 2003 Rank Grade SSG/E6 NYG Since The activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard. WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut has been American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) since 2016 and has been on several American Red Cross Deployments responding to aid in disasters.
WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut STAFF SERGEANT E-6 Thomas Kimball At the time of The New York Guard activation Task Force Liberty, the New York Guard Component of the 42nd Joint Task Force Rainbow Hope activated for Operation World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard. At Camp Smith Training Site we were at Threatcon Charlie FPCON CHARLIE apart of The New York Guard MP Detachment we where unarmed while working there at Camp Smith Training Site Cortlandt Manor near Peekskill, NY, New York Guard Awards and Decorations include: New York Guard Commander's Citation 15 August 2002 Reason: Support to Camp Smith security during "9-11" 9/11 New York Guard New York State Defense of Liberty Medal 15 September 2002 Reason: In support to WTC efforts WA8UNS Thomas Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut has been American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) since 2016 and has been on several American Red Cross Deployments responding to aid in disasters.
Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks Performance Level (PER-335)
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also wanted to share his National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) at Louisiana State University (LSU),Certificate for Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks Performance Level (PER-335) A former member of the New York Guard. His unit was activated in response to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard with manpower and skills. Additionally, Kimball spent two years with the Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department Fire-Police. Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 And also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) March 2018 and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate July 2016 and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course May 2014. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I also have the Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate April 2014 as well as the The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License. NWS National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter trained. You can visit this link http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/08/region-5-amateur-radio-test-august-4th.html
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut testing American Red Cross Chapter Office Amateur Radio
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut on 7.184.98 LSB HF Testing out the local American Red Cross Chapter Office by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working in Wilmington, North Carolina Hurricane Florence DR 711-19 I was deployed September 25th 2018 to October 1st 2018 While working American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball TEEX Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course in 2016
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut at the Emergency Operations Training Center (EOTC) in College Station, Texas. Attending the TEEX Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course in 2016. To see more: http://wa8uns.blogspot.com/2018/02/biological-incident-annex-to-response.html
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball working the Medical Branch Director in The Operations Section
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut taking a break from working the Medical Branch Director under The Operations Section with the MGT-314 Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command course in 2015. I would say the hardest position I had worked. I had Medical resource request coming in via radio on the HT and also folks handing me ICS 213. In which had to be then typed into the computer ( Electronic ICS 213 forms ) and then sent out. I would get triage information as well.
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball USCG Incident Management Assistance Team (CG-IMAT) Patch
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut https://wa8uns.blogspot.com with a U.S. Coast Guard Incident Management Assistance Team (CG-IMAT) Patch in which was given to me as we had some of the U.S. Coast Guard Incident Management Assistance Team (CG-IMAT) attending the TEEX Enhanced All-Hazards Incident Management/Unified Command Course in 2016. Part of the student material including the The Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook (IMH)
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball with a Operations Officer(NSF) U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Strike Team in 2017
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut In Photo with USCG Lt Michael Oubre a Operations Officer at The National Strike Force (NSF) U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Strike Team in 2017
Nationwide Red Cross Emergency Communications Drill, Joint Exercise with ARES, November 14, 2020
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut took part in the Nationwide Red Cross Emergency Communications Drill, Joint Exercise with ARES, November 14, 2020 at the Chapter Office Communications - Amateur Radio Room call sign KE5QJQ. While on my American Red Cross Deployment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana assisting with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I was on this deployment from September 12th 2020 to November 28th 2020 for American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology.
ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share I have completed the American Radio Relay League ARRL EC-016: Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs on January 18th 2021 I have been a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) since 2016 and has been on several American Red Cross Deployments responding to aid in disasters.
Thomas Q Kimball from Ridgefield, Connecticut Louisiana - GOHSEP Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield, Connecticut at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was there picking up Louisiana Wireless Information Network (LWIN) radios at the State of Louisiana EOC Emergency Operations Center Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness office so that we could have back-up communications at our non-congregate shelters. In Preparation for Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta. #WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield, Connecticut is currently deployed to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in which arrived on September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020. American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology. #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) and also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Courses. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License.
Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS on deployment to Baton Rouge, Louisiana

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball WA8UNS, an American Red Cross Volunteer from Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo at the American Red Cross The Southeast Louisiana Chapter Office In New Orleans, Louisiana. My deployment to Baton Rouge, Louisiana in which arrived on September 12th 2020 to assist with Hurricane Laura and also Hurricane Delta and Hurricane Zeta relief efforts. I came home from this deployment on November 28th 2020. American Red Cross DR 537-2021 HUR Laura/Marco LA 8/20 HUR DR 599-21 HUR Delta LA/TX 10/20 HUR DR 612-21 HUR Zeta LA 10/20 HUR My role is with Disaster Services Technology – IT Information Technology. #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut I am a member of Region 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service Region 5 South (CT ARES) and also a member of Candlewood Amateur Radio Association (CARA) and also a American Red Cross CT/RI Region T5 Volunteer Disaster Services Technology (DST) Region 5. A member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-USA Community Outreach - MOVE team. I have completed the All- Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) and L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course Certificate and also Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Courses. But I have No PTB’s completed at this time. I have a General Class Amateur Radio License.
Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo volunteering Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT January 15th 2021. This was our first time holding the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT for a long time since COVID-19. It’s nice to have this back in town to help provided food for those that need it.
2007 Connecticut CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Card
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region. A American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications American Red Cross DST/CM/SV Disaster Services Technology Communications Supervisor. I’m also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share wanted to share his 2007 Connecticut CT REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) Card
The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region. A American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications American Red Cross DST/CM/SV Disaster Services Technology Communications Supervisor. I’m also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share wanted to share his ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course ARECC Level 1 March 27th 2007 This is my old FCC Call Sign KB1MJF Before I had switched to WA8UNS.
Radiological Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs) for Indian Point Radiological Emergency Response

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share in photo with a New York State Office of Emergency Management (OEM) truck while taken part in a FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency who do the Evaluation on us every two years. Please see ARRL QST November 2010 under Public Service Emergency Communications Titled Amateurs Supply Critical Support to Nuclear Exercise page 81. Shortly after leaving with New York Guard with Honorable Discharge July 31 2003. The New York Guard is a state volunteer force which augments and supports the New York National Guard. I went back to help New York State around 2008 in which had started to volunteer to help support the Amateur Radio - Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) K2PUT/PEARL group out of The Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services in Carmel, New York for Radiological Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs) for Indian Point Radiological Emergency Response. Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant operated by Entergy
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) wanted to share a Former member of Fire-Police at Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department RVFD Fire-Police March 2012 – July 2014 (2 years 5 months). Also at the time a member of The Putnam-Northern Westchester Fire Police Association I did a medical resignation due to my achilles partial tear in July 2014 as per regulations.
As a probationary in 2011 as had to learn The Firefighter's Handbook

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with Disaster Services Technology (DST) wanted to share my start of my journey then to be with the member of Fire-Police at Ridgefield Volunteer Fire Department RVFD Fire-Police March 2012 – July 2014 (2 years 5 months). In photo in 2011 as a probationary as I had six months needed to learn and pass the test in the The Firefighter's Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response
L0101 Foundations of Emergency Management Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed L0101 Foundations of Emergency Management Course on January 10th 2020. The L0101 Foundations of Emergency Management Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e101.aspx is one of five courses that is apart of The National Emergency Management Basic Academy https://training.fema.gov/empp/basic.aspx I only have 1 more class to take to complete The National Emergency Management Basic Academy. As I have now completed the L0103 Planning: Emergency Operations Course. https://training.fema.gov/empp/e103.aspx and also the L0102, Science of Disaster Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e102.aspx and also The L0146 The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e146.aspx and also L0101 Foundations of Emergency Management Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e101.aspx
L0146 The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed L-146 The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Course on May 9th 2018. The L0146 The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e146.aspx is one of five courses that is apart of The National Emergency Management Basic Academy https://training.fema.gov/empp/basic.aspx. I only 2 more classes to take to complete the The National Emergency Management Basic Academy. As I have now completed the L0103 Planning: Emergency Operations Course. https://training.fema.gov/empp/e103.aspx and also the L0102, Science of Disaster Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e102.aspx
L0103 Planning: Emergency Operations Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed L0103 Planning: Emergency Operations Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e103.aspx is one of five courses that is apart of The National Emergency Management Basic Academy https://training.fema.gov/empp/basic.aspx. I only 2 more classes to take to complete the The National Emergency Management Basic Academy. As I have now completed The L0146 The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e146.aspx and also the L0102, Science of Disaster Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e102.aspx
L0102 Science of Disaster Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed L0102, Science of Disaster Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e102.aspx is one of five courses that is apart of The National Emergency Management Basic Academy https://training.fema.gov/empp/basic.aspx. I only 2 more classes to take to complete the The National Emergency Management Basic Academy. As I have now completed The L0146 The Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e146.aspx and also the L0103 Planning: Emergency Operations Course https://training.fema.gov/empp/e103.aspx
L0105 Public Information and Warning

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L0105 Public Information and Warning Course on March 12th 2020 is one of five courses that is apart of The National Emergency Management Basic Academy https://training.fema.gov/empp/basic.aspx
(ICS-300) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the (ICS-300) I-300 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incidents Course Certificate on 10/19/2012
(ICS-400) I-400 ADVANCED ICS: ICS for Command and General Staff and Complex Incidents Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the (ICS-400) I-400 ADVANCED ICS: ICS for Command and General Staff and Complex Incidents Certificate Course Certificate on 6/2/13
Professional Continuity Practitioner Continuity Excellence Series Level I

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed the FEMA Continuity of Operations Excellence Series—Level 1 (Professional Continuity Practitioner) certification 8th October 2014
FEMA PDS The Professional Development Series
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully finished and completed The FEMA Professional Development Series The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Emergency Management Certificate Of Achievement certification 11th April 2011
G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share his G-386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response Certificate May 2015
G-139 Exercise Design Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed G-139 Exercise Design Course on March 28th 2019
PPMB PER-320 Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events training

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully completed the PPMB PER-320 Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on August 27th 2019.
MCPOD MGT-319 Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response training

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully completed MCPOD MGT-319 Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on August 29th 2019 and Integrated Capstone Event (MCPOD) on August 30th 2019.
SNS PER-310 Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness training

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he has successfully completed SNS PER-310 Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Preparedness training at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL on December 4th 2015.
TEEX Infrastructure Protection certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the requirements for Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service TEEX Infrastructure Protection certificate on 1st July 2017. To earn this certificate you must attended 4 classroom courses. Participants must successfully complete all four DHS-certified courses (AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, MGT414) and submit a request for award of the certificate.This certificate program combines a broad understanding of homeland security infrastructure protection doctrine with an in-depth examination of key concepts and practices in integrated risk management, private-public partnerships, capabilities-based and community-focused planning, and whole community resilience strategies. https://teex.org/pages/program.aspx?catid=459
L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region. A American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications American Red Cross DST/CM/SV Disaster Services Technology Communications Supervisor. I’m also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-969 All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader The NIMS ICS All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader Course (E/L-0969) L969: All-Hazards Position Specific Communications Unit Leader Course on July 14th 2016 Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region. A American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications American Red Cross DST/CM/SV Disaster Services Technology Communications Supervisor. I’m also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share he has successfully completed my All-Hazards Communications Technician (COMT) Course Certificate
Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM) Course Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region. A American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications American Red Cross DST/CM/SV Disaster Services Technology Communications Supervisor. I’m also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share he has successfully completed TRG-AUXCOMM: Auxiliary Emergency Communications Course Certificate. Auxiliary Emergency Communicator (AUXCOMM) – This unofficial ICS position supports the operational and technical aspects of the Auxiliary Communications Unit, maintains and/or operates the AUXCOMM network; the knowledge to perform this function applies to every AUXCOMM position. I had attended the DESPP Sponsored Auxiliary Emergency Communications AEC Workshop At the CT Fire Academy on May 3rd and May 4th 2014
Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region. A American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications American Red Cross DST/CM/SV Disaster Services Technology Communications Supervisor. I’m also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share he has successfully completed Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball taught by members of the FDNY IMT members and by members other IMT Teams
WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield Connecticut wanted to share It was an honor to be taught by members of the FDNY IMT FDNY Incident Management Team and by members other IMT Incident Management Teams through Wiland Associates, LLC out of Selah, WA in which provide the course instructors for All-Hazard Incident Management Team courses, Back in 2014
L950: All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-950 All-Hazards Incident Commander Course (IC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Incident Commander Course L950: All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander Course On January 31st 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L965: All-Hazards Position Specific Resources Unit Leader Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-965 All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader (RESL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Resources Unit Leader L965: All-Hazards Position Specific Resources Unit Leader Course on February 13th 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L958: All-Hazards Position Specific Operations Section Chief Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-958 All-Hazards Operations Section Chief (OSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Operations Section Chief Course L958: All-Hazards Position Specific Operations Section Chief Course on March 6th 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L964: All-Hazards Position Specific Situation Unit Leader Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-964 All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader (SITL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader Course L964: All-Hazards Position Specific Situation Unit Leader on April 11th 2014 Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L962: All-Hazards Position Specific Planning Section Chief Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-962 All-Hazards Planning Section Chief (PSC) NIMS All-Hazards Planning Section Chief L962: All-Hazards Position Specific Planning Section Chief Course on May 15th 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-967 All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief (LSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Course on June 6th 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L975: All-Hazards Position Specific Finance/Admin. Unit Leader Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-973 All-Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief (FSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief Course L975: All-Hazards Position Specific Finance/Admin. Unit Leader Course on June 19th 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L971: All-Hazards Position Specific Facilities Unit Leader Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-971 All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (FACL) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader Course L971: All-Hazards Position Specific Facilities Unit Leader Course on August 8th 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
L954: All-Hazards Position Specific Safety Officer Course

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region wanted to share he has successfully completed the L-954 All-Hazards Safety Officer (SOFR) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Safety Officer Course L954: All-Hazards Position Specific Safety Officer Course on August 14th 2014. Apart of the NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program courses - NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training Program For Incident Management Teams and Positions Within the Incident Command System
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut will be running in 2019 New York City Marathon

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I will be running in the 2019 New York City Marathon this November 3rd 2019. This will be my first time running in the New York City Marathon but I have been volunteering for the New York City Marathon since 2009 with it race communications via Amateur Radio or also know as Ham Radio at mile 23 and or mile 24. I have been running in Marathons since I was 16 years old in 1986. My 2019 New York City Marathon Bib Number is 38382 In photo crossing the finish line of the 2019 Pamby Ridgefield Half Marathon.
Currently looking for a 1989 Wolfpit Running Club Ridgefield Half Marathon shirt

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share that I am currently looking for a 1989 Wolfpit Running Club Ridgefield Half Marathon shirt as mine I only have the front of the shirt as over the years had modified the original shirt. This was the first year that I ran in the Ridgefield Half Marathon.
Working the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, CT

WA8UNS Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut working the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut on Friday May 10th 2019 As where here volunteering every 2nd Friday of each month. At St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut meets St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church 6 Ivy Hill Road Second Friday of the month
Hurricane Dorian DR124-2020 HUR Dorian GA 8/19 HUR

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who is also a American Red Cross Volunteer wanted to share in photo at The American Red Cross Georgia Regional Headquarters (Metropolitan Atlanta) on Monroe Drive on September 8th 2019 day I heading home for deployment on September 2nd 2019 to September 8th 2019 for Atlanta, Georgia American Red Cross Deployment Hurricane Dorian 124-2020 HUR Dorian GA 8/19 HUR As American Red Cross DST/CM/SV Disaster Services Technology Communications Supervisor.
DR052-19 RGV TX 6/19 FLT DR052-19 McAllen TX 6/19 FLT

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross Volunteer with the CT/RI Region in photo Working the American Red Cross DST Table here at the Multi Agency Resource Center at the IDEA Elsa, Texas DR 052-19 RGV TX 6/19 FLT DR 052-19 McAllen TX 6/19 FLT Job Assignment: American Red Cross DST-CO-SV. DST Disaster Services Technology Computer Operations Supervisor. His American Red Cross Deployment to South Texas American Red Cross DR 052-19 RVG TX FLT for the flooding in which had happen in the McAllen, Texas. La Feria, Texas. Sebastian, Texas Elsa, Texas and Harlingen, Texas South Texas Area. Deployed July 5th through July 17th 2019
American Red Cross Deployment to Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross Deployment to Chico, California DR 769-19 Camp Fire I was deployed November 28th 2018 through December 12th 2018 with the American Red Cross working the DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters in the former Facebook Ops Center - Chico on 1000 Fortress; Chico, California with DST Disaster Services Technology Team. Apart of the response to the Paradise, California Fire. American Red Cross DR 769-19 Camp Fire. I have been working with our DST team here at the American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters while working TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting. My job included being apart of what I call a DST Disaster Services Technology Road Team to install equipment ( hotspots, printers and computers setting up the WiFi and pointing the equipment with IP addresses) and provide end-user assistance. So traveling to remote sites such as our American Red Cross shelters such as the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico, California. And equipment recovery and accountability at out Shelter at the Butte County Fairgrounds in Gridley, CA and it Oroville Church of the Nazarene in Oroville, CA. And supplying our American Red Cross FAC Family Assistance Center in a former Walgreens with a computer and printer I would not have been able to deploy if a local animal hospital didn't offer to provided me with boarding for my dog for the two weeks. And also the support from the local animal shelter in which I volunteer at for my aging dog in which is like comfort therapy dog to me. Sometimes it takes volunteers to watch volunteers pets so they can be able to deploy and help out others. I have my Communications Unit Leader (COML), Communications Technician (COMT) and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM), Certification(s) I also have The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate, L950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander, L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Certiifications without my PTB completed. I would like to redeploy back to California with the American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Team for the Camp Fire Recovery but I do not have anyone able to watch my old dog and take care of my cat for another two weeks.
American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross Deployment to Albany, Georgia Hurricane Michael DR 750-19 to work the American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters with DST Disaster Services Technology Team for two weeks. October 22nd though November 4th 2018. While working American Red Cross DROHQ Disaster Relief Operation Headquarters I did TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting. Also one of my jobs since I have my All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML) Certification without my PTB completed was to lead a team tasked with doing communications equipment evaluation of the American Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicles before they left Operation at two different American Red Cross Kitchens. Such at Second Harvest of South Georgia in Thomasville, GA and also at the Morningside Baptist Church in Bainbridge, GA I would not have been able to deploy if a local animal hospital didn't offer to provided me with boarding for my dog for the two weeks. And also the support from the local animal shelter in which I volunteer at for my aging dog in which is like comfort therapy dog to me. Sometimes it takes volunteers to watch volunteers pets so they can be able to deploy and help out others. I have my Communications Unit Leader (COML), Communications Technician (COMT) and Auxiliary Emergency Communications (AUXCOMM), Certification(s) I also have The State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) Train the Trainer Certificate, L950: NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Incident Commander, L967: All-Hazards Position Specific Logistics Section Chief Certiifications without my PTB completed.
American Red Cross Deployment to Wilmington, North Carolina DR 711-19 Hurricane Florence NC

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share in photo with his DST Disaster Services Technology Team. American Red Cross Deployment to Wilmington, North Carolina DR 711-19 Hurricane Florence NC September 25 2018 to October 1 2018 I have been working with our with DST Disaster Services Technology Team at the American Red Cross District 6 Headquarters Wilmington, NC while working TIMS CS Customer Service my job included providing computer, printer and cell phone troubleshooting and pointing the equipment with IP addresses. Also helping out the local American Red Cross Chapter Officer by testing out there Amateur Radio Ham Radio gear after the storm to make sure there systems where working. Also traveling with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE-USA Community Outreach (MOVE) Mobile Outreach VEhicle to delivery of DST equipment printer and computer and if needed provide WiFi internet to one of our Amercian Red Cross Shelter.
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut with Lt. Ricco Diaz, of the FDNY DART

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut with Lt. Ricco Diaz, of the FDNY Disaster Assistance Response Team on September 23rd 2018. I had meet up with the FDNY Disaster Assistance Response Team at our American Red Cross Shelter at John T. Hoggard High School in Wilmington, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence
#WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Connecticut #deployment #AmericanRedCross #hurricaneirma2017

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut wanted to share he Just got back on September 20th 2017 in which I had started on September 5th 2017. This being my first National Deployment with the American Red Cross since this was my first National Deployment American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 American Red Cross Red Cross Strong Hurricane Irma 2017 Hurricane Irma Shelter Locations: Ave Maria University (AMU) where road out the eye of Hurricane Irma 1st Shelter Location - Immokalee High School on September 11th 2017 had meet the Governor Rick Scott State of Florida. Also other shelter locations Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School - North Fort Myers Recreation Center It was great to be working with the officers from the Lee County Sheriff's Office Florida as well as Lee County Emergency Medical Services EMS and also the Collier County Sheriff’s Office. I was fortunate to meet up with one of my Joel Barlow High School Redding Connecticut Class of 1989 Alumni while in Florida during this deployment on my day off on Marco Island, Florida. Thomas Quick Kimball Territory 5 American Red Cross Connecticut/RI Ridgefield, CT Fairfield County Fairfield County, CT Connecticut My first time I was working in MC-SH-SA Mass Care Shelter Service Associate #WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #deployment #AmericanRedCross #hurricaneirma2017 #hurricaneirma
American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut who also is a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. I'm also a member of Connecticut REGION 5 Connecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CT ARES) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency (RACES) and also a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and also a CARA Candlewood Amateur Radio Association Member wanted to share he Just got back on October 20th 2017 in which I had started on October 3rd 2017. American Red Cross DR 414-18 Hurricane Irma FL 2017 American Red Cross This being my second National Deployment with the American Red Cross but my first as a American Red Cross DST Disaster Services Technology Communications Service Associate. DST-CM-SA. In picture here setting up our DST Disaster Services Technology 2 ViaSat SurfBeam 2 Pro Portable with two ViaSat Pro Portable Terminals on a nice hot Florida roof at our new American Red Cross DROHQ Headquarters located next to the American Red Cross Lee County Chapter Fort Myers Florida this was done before the two office suites where days before occupied by the DROHQ Staff. DROHQ was moved from it’s first location in Orlando Florida. I was fortunate to meet up with one of my Joel Barlow High School Redding Connecticut Class of 1989 Alumni while in Florida during this deployment on my day off in Naples Florida as well as another Joel Barlow High School Redding Connecticut Class of 1988 Alumni in Fort Myers Beach Florida . Thomas Quick Kimball Territory 5 American Red Cross Connecticut/RI Ridgefield, CT Fairfield County Fairfield County, CT Connecticut #WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #deployment #AmericanRedCross #hurricaneirma2017 #hurricaneirma
Chuck's East Coast Triathlon Lake Kenosia Danbury,Connecticut 1993 Age 24
Member Sheeler Winton Swim Club in Miami, Florida 1971-1979

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo was a member of The Sheeler Winton Swim Club in Miami, Florida 1971-1979 As it was truly a great place to swim.
Racing for l'ACBB cyclisme ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt in 1986.

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo racing for l'ACBB cyclisme ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt in 1986. Bike Racing for the French Amateur Bike Racing Team l'ACBB cyclisme ACBB Cyclisme Athlétic Club de Boulogne Billancourt
Finished the Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 1986 age 16

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ThomasQuickKimball #ThomasKimball #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut in photo just finished his first marathon at age 16 years old at the Marathon International De Paris Marathon De Paris Paris Marathon 1986
I wanted to share my first full Ironman Triathlon 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike 26.2 mile run
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut my first successful completion of my first full Ironman triathlon consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride and a marathon 26.2-mile run, Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire, 1991 was my first time to finsih this event., I was 22 years old when I did this event 1991. 13 hours 48 minutes. My first attempt was in the 1990 Endurance Ironman Triathlon Lake Sunapee New Hampshire I no longer can afford a race bike
THOMAS Q KIMBALL WA8UNS Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultra Marathon 50km 31.1

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultra Marathon 50km 31.1 miles in 2008. This would be my fifth Jack Bristol Lake Waramaug Ultra Marathon 50km 31.1 miles in which had finished and completed also in 1997 1998 2001 2003 and the 2008
My 2nd and last time to complete the Ironman distance triathlon September 17th 1994
#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut my second successful completion of my full Ironman triathlon consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride and a marathon 26.2-mile run, Martha's Vineyard Endurance Triathlon At 25 years old in 1994 After 1994 I would never compete in anymore Triathlons.
Coors Light Biathlon Series Boston, MA Massachusetts 1990
Bud Light USTS U.S. Triathlon Series National Championship on Hilton Head Island 1989.
The Cannondale Corporation Cycling Club, 1990-1991-1992-1993

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut posing with other members of the old Cycling Club we had out of The Cannondale Bicycle Corporation really known as Cannondale Corporation, 9 Brookside Place, Georgetown, CT with the old Cannondale Yellow bike frame 1990-1991-1992-1993
THOMAS Q KIMBALL WA8UNS at The Sandy Hook Run for the Families in Hartford, CT 2013

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut At The Sandy Hook Run for the Families a HMF Events (Hartford Marathon Foundation) Hartford Connecticut Saturday - March 23, 2013. Bib 7915 Overall 269th of 8,862 Male 196th of 3,128 M40-44 21st of 290 Male First Responder 15th of 92 Finished 00:23:28 This would be my second to last running event prior to my partial achilles tear,and not having achilles surgery until July 17th 2014.
Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon April 7th 2013. Stratton Faxon Greater Danbury Road Race

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #CT #Connecticut Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield, Connecticut with “Newtown Police Union Team” April 7th 2013. This team is made up of police, fire and medical personnel from around the state. Proud to have been a member of this team.Running in the Stratton Faxon Danbury Half Marathon. This would be my last running event event prior to my partial achilles tear,and not having achilles surgery until July 17th 2014. I was on a 9 mile training run when my achillies had torn for my 5th Marine Corps Marathon 2013 needed in order to be a member of the MCM Runners Club 5+ Marine Corps Marathon finished
Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut meets U.S. Congressman Jim Himes

#WA8UNS @WA8UNS #ridgefieldct #Ridgefield @ridgefield in #FairfieldCounty #FairfieldCountyCT #CT #Connecticut #Volunteer #Volunteering Thomas Q Kimball of Ridgefield,Connecticut meets U.S. Congressman Jim Himes #jimhimes #august @jahimes #congress at It was nice to see Congressman Jim Himes helping to distribute food to the folks in line that day for the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry in Ridgefield, Connecticut. He is seen here https://youtu.be/9YAY5Hpnpn8 on the Youtube Video mentioning that there are folks in Fairfield County Connecticut and Ridgefield Connecticut that do need food and there is hungry even in these affluent communities in Fairfield County Connecticut. We first started here in Ridgefield, CT Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry in Ridgefield, Connecticut was at Halpin Lane 2012 and now the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry At St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, Connecticut meets St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church 6 Ivy Hill Road Second Friday of the month